Indonesian Nationalism
Recent papers in Indonesian Nationalism
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
Despite its seemingly overwhelming military superiority, the Netherlands never came close to defeating the increasingly effective nationalist insurgency on Java in the late 1940s. This article argues that the desperate state of the Dutch... more
De Sarekat Ambon en de politieke organisatie van de Ambonese bevolkingsgroep in relatie tot de nationalistische beweging in het voormalige Nederlands-Indië tijdens de periode van omstreeks 1900 tot 1942. The Sarekat Ambon and the... more
This article tried to analyze political tkinking of the kratons' elites in the twentieth century. The political thinking of Sunan Paku Buwana (PB) X was to restored his power that disappeared by penetration of Dutch colonial. The Sunan's... more
Di atas panggung internasional, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa seluruh aktor internasional kini sedang berkompetisi dan bertarung. Indonesia sebagai negara yang hadir dengan kebijakan luar negerinya dengan prinsip bebas aktif, diharapkan... more
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The present article deals with the political debates about secularism, Islam and Pancasila in Indonesian history. It argues that Pancasila—or Pancasila secularism—constitutes, as Abdurrahman Wahid (2001) has rightly put it, a “mild... more
"This is just a very small .....and not-in-depth attempt to write an essay out of my curiosity about K-pop's presence in Indonesia. to whether people really like it as much as it is portrayed and hyped. So, I was doing an... more
Right from the start of his banishment to the Netherlands in fall 1913, Soewardi Suryaningrat had been trying to make the Dutch colonial government revoke this decision. For this he approached the social democrats that were actually in... more
Richard Wright's The Color Curtain: A Report on the Bandung Conference has long been a fundamental book in Bandung historiography. As a crucial companion volume to The Color Curtain, Roberts and Foulcher's Indonesian Notebook: A... more
At the end of 2016, Islamist organisations proved able to mobilise hundreds of thousands of people for political purposes in Indonesia. In order to explain their success, the role of social media should not be underestimated, as Islamic... more
This chapter discusses the development of MUI, both nationally and locally in the past decades. It argues about the significant shift in the MUI both theologically and politically, seen from the perception of MUI and MUI ulama about the... more
This article discusses the international engagements of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia: the famous Indonesian students organisation in the Netherlands, of which Mohammad Hatta was a member. Among others, the League against Imperialism is... more
Right from the start of his banishment to the Netherlands in fall 1913, Soewardi Suryaningrat had been trying to make the Dutch colonial government revoke this decision. For this he approached the social democrats that were actually in... more
This is a paper written by a group of students as an assignment for Asian Cinema course at UNIMAS. We apologize for any false or incorrect information and encourage those who are knowledgeable to correct us for the purpose of education.... more
Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta Writing in the early 1970s, B.J. Boland said: “As a ‘Pancasila State with a Ministry of Religion’, Indonesia chose a middle way between ‘the way of Turkey’ and the founding of an... more
Salah satu faktor yang mendorong dinamika politik bangsa adalah perluasan pendidikan terhadap anak-anak bangsa. Mereka yang telah mengenyam pendidikan selanjutnya berkontemplasi terhadap eksistensi kolonialis dan imperialis Belanda di... more
This article examines the nature of interreligious relations between Protestants of the Bali Church and Hindus as enacted through dramatic forms of Balinese music and dance. Particular attention is paid to the influence of mass tourism as... more
Post-colonialist narratives have tended to reject the idea of nationalism as a totalising discourse and to allow for it to encompass a number of different - even competing - ideologies. In late 1990s Indonesia, however, in the midst of... more
This study aims to examine ulama in the urban communities of Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, and their perceptions of the concept of nation-states and their derivative issues. The derivative issues are: 1) anti-violence; 2)... more
The Darul Islam rebellion against the central Indonesian government in the immediate post-independence period was largely dependent on charismatic leaders who came to prominence during the struggle against the Dutch. The charismatic... more
Benarkah nasionalisme meluntur bersama arus deras globalisasi yang mengaburkan batas-batas satuan kebudayaan dalam sebuah Negara-bangsa? Benarkah sentimen nasionalisme tidak lagi relevan dengan konteks modernisasi yang meniscayakan... more
The 1950s were an extraordinary time of cultural development in Indonesia, in which writers, filmmakers, and painters explored possible "Indonesian" identities in their work, drawing on foreign as well as indigenous sources of inspiration... more
This is the Indonesian version of my presentation to the staff of the Museum Sejarah Jakarta (Jakarta History Museum) to enable them to act as guides for the newly opened 'Diponegoro Room/Kamar Diponegoro') inaugurated on 1 April 2019.... more
The present article deals with the political debates about secularism, Islam and Pancasila in Indonesian history. It argues that Pancasila—or Pancasila secularism—constitutes, as Abdurrahman Wahid (2001) has rightly put it, a “mild... more
Sukarno’s prime concern was to give Indonesia to the Indonesians by becoming independent from the Dutch Empire. Sukarno was educated in the Dutch education system, and internalized the ideology of the separation of state and religion.... more
Abstraks Diketahui bahwasannya identitas nasional adalah kesatuan yang terikat oleh wilayah dan selalu memiliki wilayah (tanah tumpah darah mereka sendiri), system hukum atau perundang-undangan, kesamaan sejarah, hak dan kewajiban serta... more
Despite its seemingly overwhelming military superiority, the Netherlands never came close to defeating the increasingly effective nationalist insurgency on Java in the late 1940s. This article argues that the desperate state of the Dutch... more
This chapter analyses the position of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia, an Indonesian students’ association in the Netherlands in the interwar era which has been widely recognized as a trailblazing organization within the Indonesian political... more
Introduction by Tuong Vu, University of Oregon ..................................................................... 2 Review by Joseph M. Parent, University of Miami ................................................................... 5... more
The Darul Islam rebellion against the central Indonesian government in the immediate post-independence period was largely dependent on charismatic leaders who came to prominence during the struggle against the Dutch. The charismatic... more
Indonesische studenten richtten in 1908 een vereniging op die antikoloniale activiteiten vanuit Nederland zou stimuleren. Zij legden contacten met gelijkgezinden in politieke centra als Parijs en Berlijn, en versterkten ook verzet vanuit... more
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kartini, ternyata banyak pahlawan wanita lain yang sangat berjasa dalam kemerdekaan dan membangun peradaban di Indonesia
This chapter seeks to discover the value of Literature in reinforcing identity. It discusses the relationship between the absence of Literature courses in school and students’ tendency to adopt a writer’s identity that is essentially... more
I possess a wide range of experience critiquing and editing academic literature including abstracts, articles, book chapters, proposals and thesis drafts. I have edited ESL work from international scholars and international PhD students... more