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La présence des Grecs en Asie Centrale et en Inde est la conséquence directe des expéditions d’Alexandre le Grand, lesquelles donneront naissance vers 250 avant J.-C. au royaume gréco-bactrien et vers 180 avant J.-C. au royaume indo-grec,... more
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      NumismaticsHellenistic BactriaCoin Die-StudyIndo-Greek Coinage
Best public domain classic works on indo-greek coins, numismatics of Gupta and other ancient Indian kingdoms, coins of early Islamic dynasties of India, numismatics of Mughal Empire, European conquers and Indian princely states of modern... more
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      NumismaticsPortuguese IndiaIndian HistoryMaratha History
A complete classification and catalog of the silver coins struck by the Kuninda dynasty, developed by the author.
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      NumismaticsIndian ancient historyAncient Indian coinsCoin Hoards
This bibliography is intended to complement Rachel Mairs’ The Archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East: A Survey (available on this site and at It is hoped that the current work will be of similar use in gathering material... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaAncient Greek Numismatics
The aim of this paper is to examine the emergence of the Viṣṇu and Vaiṣṇava imagery in north India, with special focus on the Gandhāra region. It will be shown, that earliest numismatic evidence on the Viṣṇu and Vaiṣṇava imagery goes back... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryIndiaShivaKrishna
Historical sources concerning the Hellenistic kingdom in Bactria are scarce, and studies of them should be supported by the well-advanced numismatic analyses. This article discusses the chronology and genealogy of the Bactrian rulers. New... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic BactriaHellenismBactria
NUMISMATIKA KRONIKA, 2008-2009, p. 25-36.
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      Indo-ScythiansIndo-Greek Coinage
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      Hellenistic HistoryCentral Asia (History)Hellenistic HistoriographyStrabo
L’objectif de ce document est de mieux connaître le Roi Gréco-Bactrien Démétrios II.
Le but de ce document est de décrire les quelques monnaies trouvées de Démétrios II et d’en tirer des commentaires.
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      Hellenistic BactriaBactriaHellenic StudiesBactria, Hellenism, Indo-Greeks
Revue Numismatique, 2008, p. 245-268.
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      Greek overstrikesIndo-Greek Coinage
Bi-lingual coins are one of the best primary sources to study the ethnic fusion that has happened in a particular region. Amongst the ancient civilisations, the Indian culture is the most fortunate one that has seen many cultural influxes... more
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      Ancient Greek NumismaticsAncient NumismaticsAncient Indian NumismaticsIndo-Greek Coinage
De nummo argenteo regis Antimachi II Nicephori.
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek NumismaticsIndo-Greek Coinage
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Bactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic Bactria
Quelques éléments pour situer le règne du Roi Indo-Grec Zoile Ier
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksIndo-Greek CoinageIndo Greek Culture and History
Since the time when Buddha lived, there was presence of a fairly high level of currency system to facilitate economic transactions in Indian lands. The karshapanas or the so called "punch marked coins" (PMC) which have been collected or... more
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-Greek Coinage
Quelques informations sur le Roi Indo-Grec POLYXENE
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek Kingdom
Description de  quelques monnaies trouvées du Roi Indo-Grec Théophile et commentaires
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek Kingdom
Histoire des Rois Indo-Grecs STRATON II et STRATON III
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      Indo-GreeksIndo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek CoinageIndo Greek Culture and History
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      Fake CoinsMauryan EmpireGandharaIndo-Greek Coinage
Quelques éléments sur le règne du Roi Indo grec EPANDRE
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      Indo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek Coinage
Discussion sur la seule monnaie trouvée du Roi Indo-Grec Héliodote
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek Kingdom
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsCentral AsiaIndia
Quelques éléments sur le règne du Roi Indo-grec NICIAS
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      Indo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek Coinage
Présentation de quelques éléments concernant le Roi Indo-Grec Peukolaos - Peucolaus
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksHellenistic history (focus: Bactria, Indo-Greeks)Indo-Greek Kingdom
Menander I distinguishes himself from his fellow Indo-Greek rulers in many essential ways. His coinage is numerically the most important among the Indo-Greek kings, and he is one of the few Greek rulers to be mentioned both in Greek and... more
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      MenanderMilindapanhaIndo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek Coinage
A brief introduction to Seleukid Bactria is due. When Seleukos I ceded many of Alexander’s easternmost provinces to the Indian king Chandragupta around 305 BC, he kept Bactria, and made this fertile region the centre of a satrapy. The... more
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      Hellenistic BactriaHellenismHistory of the Hellenistic World (Focus: Seleucid Empire)Hellenistic Babylonia
Quelques éléments sur le règne du Roi indo grec DIONYSOS
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      Indo-GreeksIndo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek CoinageIndo Greek Culture and History
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksAncient Indian NumismaticsIndo-ParthiansGandhara Art
Numismatics is one of the leading fields in Hellenistic Central Asia studies, since it has enabled historians to identify 45 different Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kings, while written sources only speak of 10. The coins struck by the... more
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      NumismaticsCoin Die-StudyIndo-Greek CoinageGraeco-Bactrian Coins
De tetrachmis drachmisque ponderis Indici quorum aversa latera regem aut soterem Hermaeum aut anicetum Philoxenum in equo sedentem habent praesertimque de positu equorum. Anglice.
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek NumismaticsIndo-Greek Coinage
Quelques éléments sur le règne du Roi indo grec APOLLOPHANE
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-GreeksIndo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek Coinage
International Conference, Bologna 19th-20th september 2019,
Accademia delle Scienze, via Zamboni 31
Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà
Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze storiche e archeologiche, Memoria, civiltà e patrimonio.
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      BuddhismHellenistic HistoryBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic Bactria
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      NumismaticsHellenistic BactriaIndo-Greek CoinageGraeco-Bactrian Coins
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      Historical StudiesGreek overstrikesIndo-Greek CoinageRevue Numismatique
Rome, Museum of the Via Ostiense, 31st March 2005
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      History of ReligionAncient NumismaticsBactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-Greek Coinage
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      Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksIndo-Greek KingdomIndo-Greek CoinageIndo Greek Culture and History
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek HistoryHistory of the Hellenistic World (Focus: Seleucid Empire)Bactria, Hellenism, Indo-Greeks
Menander I holds a special place in the heart of Central Asia studies, for very many reasons. While his coinage is numerically the most important among the Indo-Greek kings, it represents no less than 57 monograms and 38 different series... more
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      NumismaticsCoin Die-StudyIndo-Greek Coinage
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      Hellenistic HistoryAlexander the GreatHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorBactria, Hellenism, Indo-Greeks
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      PhoeniciansHellenistic HistoryHellenistic BactriaHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor