Recent papers in Individuation
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
General sketch of an education system that is student-centric and oriented towards the recent developments of the information age (A.I., robotics), specifically leisure citizenship and crowd-sourcing under a kind of technocracy.
Mothers whose infants varied in early biological characteristics (born at term, n ϭ 120; born at very low birth weight [VLBW], n ϭ 144) were randomized to a target group (n ϭ 133) or developmental feedback comparison group (n ϭ 131) to... more
We find in the imaginary of contemporary science fiction anime some clear examples of a non-classical reinterpretation of the relationship between humans and technology. Both Gilbert Simondon’s general philosophy of individuation, with... more
Results are presented on predictors of the timing of leaving the parental home, comparing samples ofyowg adultsfrom theformer East and West Germany.
The psychoanalytic literature on shame is critically reviewed. A vagueness and incompleteness in formulations is noted which appears to be related to an adherence to the structural and topographical models. Shame is shown to have a... more
An essay on Allan McCollum's first exhibition of his "Shapes Project."
Human sociality moved to a new era via the rise of modernity. Early attempts to understand this phenomenon – such as the dichotomies between mechanical and organic solidarity or Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft – set their indelible mark on... more
The problematic I want to initially explore is what would be a Foucauldian description of politics? We can look to his later works, particularly the College de France lectures, to find his work on subjectivation and ethics of the care of... more
The variable, degree of family boundary ambiguity, is increasingly being used in family research to describe and predict the effects of family membership loss and change over time. Boundary ambiguity is defined as the family not knowing... more
« The Diversity of individuatio and principium individuationis: an aspect of Thomas Aquinas’s thought on individuals », Philosophy (Tetsugaku) 67 (2016): 153-168. *The original paper is written in Japanese.
Zombie films, from their very inception, have been the receptacle of the shadow of the western culture. The first zombie film, White Zombie, shows a zombie woman who plays into the original idea of the voudou zombie. In the vodoun... more
The present study was designed to examine developmental patterns of identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood through meta-analysis. Some 124 studies appearing in PsycINFO, ERIC, Sociological Abstracts, and... more
Desde una lectura de género respecto a la relación entre los individuos y la ciudad, este capítulo tiene por objetivo dar cuenta de las principales experiencias cotidianas y significados comunes asociados con el espacio urbano y las... more
In this paper, I use comparisons of Freud, Loewald, and Plato to explore what it means to individuate and to desire in a world of frustration, pain, and loss. The metaphors of the "wheel" versus the "ladder" present basic images for... more
This paper is a conceptual framework for comprehending how the shift in people’s access and choices in news, entertainment, and other information, changes people’s media consumption habits; thwarts many Mass Media business models and... more
The objective of this study was to test our alternative interpretation of the separation-individuation hypothesis. This interpretation states that separation from the parents is not a precondition for individuation, but rather separation... more
To examine the cross-cultural validity of the "Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescents," in the first stage the test was administered to 9 th to 12 th grade Arab adolescents in Israel (N=580). In the second stage the... more
In this study, we examined the constmct of the imaginary audience (Elkind & Bowen, 1979), presumably a precipitant of adolescent egocentrism, as it relates to public individuation and self-consciousness. We hypothesized that the imaginary... more
Estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje.
A brief summary on Fromm's ideas on individuation, freedom, submission, and the anxiety that result from each, and his proposed solution to modern man's isolation.
profound indebtedness to Leslie Francis (from the empirical side), Sarah Shaw and Nick Swann (from the Buddhist Studies side), who have offered their time, encouragement and expertise at each stage; to the abbots of Dhammakaya branch... more
In 1923, Sandor Ferenczi wrote a paper entitled 'The dream of the clever baby', in which he identified a phenomenon he discovered through his clinical work: the notion that young children who had been traumatized often had accelerated... more
From my current vantage, my “journey of becoming” remains shrouded in mystery, defined as much by the unknown before me as the lived experiences behind. Yet, throughout my life, the experiences of undeniable synchronicity—and the... more
A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean... more
The three-year-old's mode of expressing separation distress, observed during nursery school adaptation, was explored in relation to parental child-care styles. The father-child relationship and the nature of parental differences... more
We focus our review on three universal tasks of human development: relationship formation, knowledge acquisition, and the balance between autonomy and relatedness at adolescence. We present evidence that each task can be addressed through... more
This paper presents a conceptual framework that is designed to help clinicians and researchers organize their observations of the complex network of interconnected sequences of behavior and thinking that constitute family interactions.... more
En este capítulo se parte de la existencia de varios tipos de individualismos, y en especial la crítica que hace Durkheim a Spencer y su idea de que la existencia de individuos fundamentalmente egoístas eran básicos para la conformación... more
Pour lire le traité de Duns Scot, le principe d'individuation, cet ouvrage étudie d'abord comment le problème a surgi, puis il commente, paragraphe par paragraphe, sa subtile argumentation, enfin il revient sur les présupposés... more
(Please cite the final version published in the BJHP. ) In chapter IX of the Principles, Anne Conway claims that her metaphysics is diametrically opposed to those of Descartes and Spinoza. Scholars have analyzed her rejection of... more
Blos has eonceptua|ized adoiesccr~ce as the stage when a second process of separation individuation takes place. It is assumed that maturational processes like pbysleal and sexual development combined ~vith high'er levels of thinking play... more
The researcher aims to examine her own creative identity as a photographer by producing a series of photographic self-portraits that seeks to develop her visions of the future. Through reflecting on her vocation as an artist and immersing... more
The conceptions of jealousy used by philosophical writers are various, and, this paper suggests, largely inadequate. In particular, the difference between jealousy and envy has not yet been plausibly specified. This paper surveys some... more
The article raises the hypothesis that the activity of imagination cannot be fully described by a functional description. To this end, two positions are analyzed: the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis, who emphasizes social imaginary... more
The authors conducted 2 studies of 9th-grade Israeli adolescents (169 in Study 1, 156 in Study 2) to compare the parenting practices of conditional positive regard, conditional negative regard, and autonomy support using data from... more
יעקב-ישראל: מיתוס אינדיווידואציה מקראי
ניתוח פסיכולוגי של סיפור חייו של יעקב אבינו, חלומותיו וחזיונותיו
Jakob-Israel: A biblical Individuation Myth
A psychological investigation of biblical Yakob's life story, dreams and visions.
ניתוח פסיכולוגי של סיפור חייו של יעקב אבינו, חלומותיו וחזיונותיו
Jakob-Israel: A biblical Individuation Myth
A psychological investigation of biblical Yakob's life story, dreams and visions.
The aim of this text is to compare Simmel's and Marx's notions of two subjective faculties, desire and intellect, and the role each plays in modern capitalist societies. While Simmel understands the faculties as individual, Marx's... more
Downloaded from 242 the individualism and collectivism constructs often ask for the simplest (shortest) way to measure these constructs. Unfortunately, the constructs are too broad for easy measurement. The broader the construct the lower... more