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Inspired by the published celebration in spring 2020 of Adler’s 150th birthday (in volume 76 of this journal), the guest editors wanted to see if, outside of scholarly articles, the depth and diversity of the Adlerian community might... more
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      Alfred AdlerAdlerian TheoryAdlerian PsychologyIndividual Psychology (IP)
The purpose of this article is to trace the historical roots of Individual Psychology in Switzerland and to identify the current primary approaches to Individual Psychology in the Swiss therapeutic community today. Firstly, we share a... more
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      History of SwitzerlandAlfred AdlerSwitzerlandIndividual Psychology (IP)
The author explores religion and spirituality by means of the presidential addresses of two prominent scholars - one in the are of the psychology of religion, the other in the filed of spirituality. This review provides a segue for... more
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      Spirituality & Counselling & PsychotherapyAlfred AdlerIndividual Psychology (IP)
The complexity of the workplace bullying phenomenon is reflected by various interpretations of its underlying factors following different theoretical approaches. However, the field of workplace bullying is lacking of a holistic view... more
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      Workplace BullyingTransformational LeadershipConflict ResolutionAdlerian Theory
Individual psychology was a precursor to the emergence of numerous social and interpersonal approaches to psychology and pedagogy. The child’s education is never left to fate, genetics, or environment. At the same time, Adler did believe... more
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      EducationDynamical SystemsTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
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      PsychologyPsychotherapyIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingCounselingAlfred Adler
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      AnthroposophyPhenomenologyEarly PhenomenologyIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      AquinasThomas AquinasVirtues and VicesPride
Edición Especial / Special Edition: In memoriam Prof. Yair Hazán
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      PsychologyIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      Adlerian TheoryIndividual Psychology (IP)
Newsletter Nº 16 - Centro de Estudios Adlerianos ( En 2010 el Centro de Estudios Adlerianos comenzó a publicar en forma bilingüe (español-inglés) un newsletter online gratuito que... more
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaIndividual Psychology (IP)
Newsletter Nº 14 Centro de Estudios Adlerianos - IAIP Uruguay
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      PsychologyAlfred AdlerPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
Personality is basically the behaviors that is demonstrated around other people, it contains individual characteristics and distinctive behaviors (Morgan, 2013). There is a pattern in individual's genuine reactions and attitudes and... more
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      PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudPsychodynamic PsychotherapyAlfred Adler
In the following review, before providing a sympathetic critique, I offer an overview of the book and identify a few of the contributions on offer. I
conclude with encouragement for a thorough‐reading of a fine book.
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      EthicsAlfred AdlerIndividual Psychology (IP)Adlerian Counselling
Rad predstavlja analizu odgoja djeteta kroz prizmu individualne psihologije, s posebnim osvrtom na kompleks manje vrijednosti koji utječe na razvoj ličnosti. Rad ističe važnost individualnih odgojnih mjera, značaj odgojitelja u izgradnji... more
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      Individual Psychology (IP)Upbringing
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      Alfred AdlerAdlerian TheoryPsychoterapyIndividual Psychology (IP)
Two years ago, we published a brief history of Individual Psychology in Switzerland (Mansager & Borboa, 2014). We intended to introduce English-­‐speakers to Adler’s influence on our tiny country. We noted Adler’s direct impact, but... more
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      History of SwitzerlandAlfred AdlerSwitzerlandIndividual Psychology (IP)
The current Evolved Packet Core (EPC) 4th generation (4G) mobile network architecture features complicated control plane protocols and requires expensive equipment. Data delivery in the mobile packet core is performed based on a... more
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      Greek LiteratureThe Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsIPO Initial Public Offering
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
En 2010 el Centro de Estudios Adlerianos comenzó a publicar en forma bilingüe (español-inglés) un newsletter online gratuito que comparte, a través de conspicuos respresentnates del movimiento adleriano (miembros del IAIP), los últimos... more
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      PsicologíaAdlerian TheoryPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      PsychologyAlfred AdlerPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
Previous research findings on work harassment and personality do not answer the question on how the lifestyle construct (as presented by A. Adler) is related to the individual’s experience of workplace harassment. In fact to date there... more
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      PersonalityWorkplace BullyingIndividual DifferencesMobbing, Bullying, Workplace Harassment
Personality textbooks come in two forms, each with their own style of organizing content. They will either be organized in terms of historical affiliation (e.g., Freud and those theories that are historically affiliated with Freud, etc.)... more
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      Personality PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyMulticulturalismFeminist Theory
Two years ago, Mansager and Borboa (2014) published a brief history of Individual Psychology in Switzerland. It was a timely article that offered English-­‐speakers an overview of Adler’s influence – in person and via training in his... more
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      History of SwitzerlandAlfred AdlerSwitzerlandIndividual Psychology (IP)
Alfred Adler cited Shakespeare as having contributed significantly to the insights of Individual Psychology, which the Viennese psychiatrist founded in the early twentieth century. Shakespearean scholar Harold Bloom considered personality... more
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      ShakespeareAlfred AdlerIndividual Psychology (IP)
En 2010 el Centro de Estudios Adlerianos comenzó a publicar en forma bilingüe (español-inglés) un newsletter online gratuito que comparte, a través de conspicuos respresentnates del movimiento adleriano (miembros del IAIP), los últimos... more
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
En 2010 el Centro de Estudios Adlerianos comenzó a publicar en forma bilingüe (español-inglés) un newsletter online gratuito que comparte, a través de conspicuos respresentnates del movimiento adleriano (miembros del IAIP), los últimos... more
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaIndividual Psychology (IP)Técnicas De Psicoterapias
Newsletter Nº 15

Centro de Estudios Adlerianos
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      Alfred AdlerPsicologíaPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
Современный этап развития нашего общества характеризуется значительным притоком несовершеннолетних детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей и сирот в интернаты. Поступление ребёнка и дальнейшее его пребывание в школе - интернате имеет... more
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      IndividualityIndividuationIndividualismIndividual Differences
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      PsychologyAlfred AdlerPsicoterapiaIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      PsychologyPsycoanalisysIndividual Psychology (IP)
The study was focused to determine the effect of gender on emotional intelligence and professional development in male and female secondary school teachers. The objectives of the study were, i) comparing male and female secondary school... more
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    • Individual Psychology (IP)
In this article, the authors revisit the professional relationship, mutual influence, and enduring legacy of two major inspirations on the humanistic psychotherapy movement, Alfred Adler and Abraham Maslow. Starting with their meeting and... more
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      Abraham MaslowAlfred AdlerMaslow's theory of needsSelf-Actualization
Editorial notes of special issue of The Journal of Individual Psychology.
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySpiritualitySpirituality & PsychologyAlfred Adler
Public schools in Britain are proud of their traditions - in architecture, in education as well as in daily rituals. This short blog-post suggests that they can often prove inhibiting to an individual's development, as they try to... more
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      EducationClassTraditionPublic vs Private Schools
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingCounselingAlfred Adler
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
The paper discusses ethical implications in the theories of various psychotherapeutic schools (psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, individual psychology, Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, Rogerian therapy and behavior therapy) and the... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyPsychoanalysisApplied EthicsPsychotherapy and Counseling
Překlad eseje rakouského spisovatele a psychologa židovského původu Manese Sperbera, žáka Alfreda Adlera (individuální psychologie). Terorismus spočívá na porušení denně obnovované důvěry mezi lidmi. Pojem sebevražedného atentátníka... more
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      Jewish StudiesTerrorismGalician StudiesPolitical Violence and Terrorism
In the present scenario there is deficiency to full fill the requirement of course and fine aggregates .In India, Punjab government apply a Tax on aggregates and ban on batching plants. Our idea is to make artificial metal aggregates to... more
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      EngineeringSociology of ReligionSocial PsychologyPsychology of Religious Conversion
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingCounselingAlfred Adler
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      EducationAlfred AdlerIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      Gender StudiesGenderGender EqualityGender and Development