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This study deals with the tensions and contradictions between resource governance, welfare policies, and the constitutionally recognized rights of nature and the indigenous peoples in Bolivia and Ecuador. We have identified a certain... more
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      ClassIndigenous MovementsBoliviaEcuador
Among the deficiencies demonstrated by the world financial crisis of 2008–9, one was the limited capacity of G-8 to provide for global economic governance. The developed economies quickly realised that they should seek joint solutions and... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsLatin American StudiesLaw
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigeneityIndigenous MovementsQuébec Studies
Capítulo do livro "Reflexividad y alteridad I. Estudios de caso en Mexico y Brasil"
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      Indigenous StudiesEthnographyPolitical AnthropologyIndigenous Movements
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      Protest MusicIndigenous MovementsNuclear proliferationProtest and resistance
Why is it that Chief Joseph Brant, one of the key indigenous North American leaders, is fondly remembered in Canada, but largely forgotten or dismissed in the United States? How did his strong Anglican heritage shape his leadership? How... more
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      ChristianityAmerican StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
The fight of indigenous movement organizations in Ecuador since the 1980s has been not only for equal economical, political or cultural rights, but also for a reconstruction of the Ecuadorean society and State. This reconstruction is... more
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      Social MovementsIndigenous StudiesIndigenous MovementsEcuador
Resumen: el objetivo de este artículo es relacionar las propuestas de José Carlos Mariátegui y la del Buen Vivir en la búsqueda de la confluencia de caminos de superación del capitalismo en América Latina tanto en lo político como en lo... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous MovementsIndigenous PeoplesSocialism
This paper analyses the different indigenous movements that have been active in Southeast Asia over the past 30 years. For that purpose, the concept of " resonance " is used, due to its versatility as a perspective for the study of social... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndigenous Movements
In view of the global climate emergency and the need for states and municipalities to satisfy criteria for their renewable energy portfolios, many policymakers and environmental organizations are willing to overlook the negative... more
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      Environmental StudiesIndigenous MovementsRenewable Energy and Climate Change
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      Indigenous MovementsEtnologia IndígenaMovimento IndígenaMovimientos Indígenas
This chapter critically examines dialogues between indigenous feminists and academic feminists about the role and significance of indigenous epistemologies in constructing social scientific knowledge, particularly feminist epistemologies.... more
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      Feminist TheoryIndigenous MovementsIndigenous PeoplesMujeres indígenas- Movilizaciones indígenas- Movimiento indígena- Feminismos- Etnografía-Estudios postcoloniales
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous MovementsEcocriticismFood Studies
reference#references_tab_contents You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesResistance (Social)Indigenous MovementsPublic Relations & Social Media
Emerging out of radical theories about the uneven nature of power and underwriting practices that assist marginalized peoples in constructing their own development strategies, ''participation'' has recently come under fire for being... more
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      Human GeographyLatin American StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
Using a case study of Alberta, Canada, this paper demonstrates how a geographic critique of fossil capitalism helps elucidate the tensions shaping tar sands development. Conflicts over pipelines and Indigenous territorial claims are... more
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      Canadian StudiesClimate ChangeIndigenous MovementsCanadian Politics
On April 22-Earth Day-of this year, The Red Nation released The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth, a work that centers global Indigenous populations in crafting actionoriented and materially-rooted recommendations for the... more
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      Indigenous MovementsEnvironmental JusticeSocialismIndigenous ecological knowledges and practices
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      CommunismPhilippinesIndigenous Movements
Through a consideration of the "Peace and Dignity Journeys," a hemispheric indigenous movement that coordinates a spiritual run from the southern tip of Tierra de Fuego, Argentina in South America and the northern reaches of Chickaloon,... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesChicana/o Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsPolitical AnthropologyIndigenous Movements
This paper analyzes how shifting identities enforce tactics for peacebuilding in the borderland. The Ethiopia and Eritrea 1998-2000 border war harboured social implications for the Irob, a community straddled in the borderland. The... more
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      Indigenous MovementsGender and DevelopmentCritical Studies of PeacebuildingPeacebuilding and Development
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      Gender StudiesIndigenous MovementsPostcolonial FeminismIndigenous Feminisms
Resumen: A partir de la Constitución ecuatoriana del 2008 aparece el nuevo concepto del Buen Vivir o Sumak Kawsay en las discusiones sobre el desarrollo. El Buen Vivir propone una vida en armonía con la naturaleza y es visto como una... more
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      History of conceptsIndigenous MovementsEcuadorConceptual History
Public anthropology dealing with Standing Rock, the Indigenous response to COVID, the Native turnout in the 2020 election, and increased visibility for Native North Americans overall.
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous Movements
¿Cómo y hasta qué grado pudieron los insurgentes del siglo XXI en Bolivia construir un movimiento común entre pueblos y sectores diferentes, desbordar el espacio político, social y geográfico que la sociedad dominante les había asignado y... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsMulticulturalismRace and Ethnicity
incorporación de los estratos sociales indígenas a un sistema estatal y universal de educación 3 , al mismo tiempo que se quiere responder de una forma más respetuosa a las históricas demandas de las comunidades indígenas por las... more
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      Latin American StudiesMulticulturalismIndigenous educationIntercultural Education
A collective evaluation by leading Mexican intellectuals of the state of Mexico's social movements, society and politics on the eve of the 2006 presidential elections. Intro by Jan Rus and Miguel Tinker Salas; essays by Alejandro Álvarez... more
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      Political PartiesHuman RightsSustainable agriculturePopulism
Esta guía didáctica que es parte de los materiales educativos del Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen en San Salvador. Esta guía profundiza el tema de 1932 a través de actividades participativas dirigidas hacia estudiantes de la primaria y... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesDidacticsPeasant Studies
This thesis aims to redefine the music in Hawaiʻi by using a scholarly framework based on the traditional ideas of Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) promoted by recent Hawaiian studies scholarships. The concept this paper mainly deploys is... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesIndigenous StudiesPacific Island Studies
Recently, there has been an emergence of literature on the mechanisms through which parents transmit information, values, and perspectives about ethnicity and race to their children, commonly referred to as racial or ethnic socialization.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyLatin American Studies
This article reviews the legacy of the global Indymedia Center (IMC), a news and information network of 175 autonomous media centres that operated in every world region autonomously of the dominant corporate and public service... more
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      Social MovementsMedia StudiesGlobal Social ChangeCivic Journalism
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of popular resistance to dam building in the Narmada Valley, India. Like Indian dam projects more generally, the Narmada projects are characterized by a distributional bias in favor of... more
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      Social MovementsAsian StudiesPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous MovementsNative American Literature (Literature)Ecocriticism
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
Este estudio discute las perspectivas ideológicas del indianismo, sus influencias en los movimientos indígenas y los conflictos permanentes que afectaron el éxito y la legitimidad de la reforma educativa más importante de los últimos... more
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      Bolivian studiesIndigenous MovementsEducational reformConflictos Sociales
Cette thèse est le fruit d'une recherche de longue durée, qui n'aurait pu être menée à bien sans le soutien de nombreuses personnes, en France et au Brésil. À l'heure de revenir sur le chemin parcouru et de me remémorer les gens qui l'ont... more
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      ShamanismAnthropology of ChristianityAmazoniaIndigenous Movements
-La lírica del huayno andino-
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIntercultural CommunicationMusical Theatre
La tesis de Mateo Martínez Abarca sobre populismo y socialismo del siglo XXI es el resultado de un momento muy concreto de la historia intelectual ecuatoriana. Martinez pertenece a la generación de académicos que estudió durante los años... more
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      PopulismIndigenous MovementsCiencia PoliticaMovimientos sociales
Apenas un año después de la entrada en vigor de la Constitución que “refundó” la República de Bolivia en un Estado Plurinacional (febrero 2009), once municipios rurales de mayoría indígena se embarcaban en inéditos procesos de... more
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      Political AnthropologyBolivian studiesIndigenous MovementsIndigenous Peoples Rights
condición de persona con Rosa, que había orado junto a ese mismo árbol de boldo para salvar al mundo de la destrucción. Ese árbol encarnaba la historia del parentesco de Rosa con chamanes del pasado, con Francisca y con chamanes futuros.... more
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      Gender StudiesPolitical AnthropologyIndigenous PoliticsShamanism
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      Indigenous StudiesOral TraditionsIndigenous MovementsNative American Literature (Literature)
This book explores the gendered dimensions of recent land governance transformations across the globe in the wake of unprecedented pressures on land and natural resources. These complex contemporary forces are recon guring livelihoods and... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesIndigenous StudiesGender
Résumé : En Polynésie française, la « stratégie autochtone » qui se rapporte au mouvement mondial autochtone et aux normes de l'ONU concernant les droits autochtones est relativement nouvelle dans le combat pour recouvrer la souveraineté.... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesPolitical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
The Ministry of Movement Affairs and nadaproductions are happy to announce the presentation of the first publication of the project Endangered Human Movements with the Title Four remarks on the history of dance which will accompany the... more
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyPost-HumanIndigenous Movements
There is increasing recognition of the significance of how traditional knowledges (TKs) can inform our understanding of the impacts of climate change and strategies for adaptation and mitigation. And yet there are potential risks to... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangeParticipatory Research
Resumen El movimiento indígena del Ecuador está compuesto por diferentes organizaciones indígenas que compiten entre sí por miembros y recursos. Estos actores encarnan diferentes intereses y tendencias que a veces son contradictorias,... more
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      Social MovementsIndigenous StudiesIndigenous MovementsEcuador
El estudio muestra el enfrentamiento de una zona indígena con un plan prioritario del Estado mexicano. Los intentos de modernización con su respectivo afán de lucro se enfrentan a la autodefensa de los pueblos afectados, de donde... more
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      Political SociologyRural SociologySociology of CultureCommunity Psychology
"This book is one of the best examples of interdisciplinary work. Discursive and Visual Semiotics, Critical textual analysis and historiographical research come together to approach the work of the distinguished Andean author of... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalismGlobalization
Resumen: El presente estudio contrapesa la gran mayoría de las contribuciones sobre los movimientos sociales en Bolivia, realizados por hombres, con una perspectiva más femenina, incluso más feminista, que iba a centrarse, además, en el... more
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      Social MovementsIndigenous PoliticsIndigenous MovementsBolivia