Indigenous Media
Recent papers in Indigenous Media
We Don't Need a Map opens with a provocation. "G'day Australia. How you goin'?" Australian Aboriginal cinematographer, filmmaker, and artist Warwick Thornton asks, in voiceover. We hear children singing the national anthem and see an inky... more
An exploration of the rhizomatic character of Indigenous Futurism. I attend here to an examination of two forms of aesthetic technique in the visual medium: "imbrication," refashioned from the historian Coll Thrust, and "adornment,"... more
This article examines the evolution of Maori filmmaking since the 1980s and explores the Indigenous cinema in the context of developments in the New Zealand film industry. It does so by focusing on the predominantly state-funded... more
In the summer of 1966, seven Navajo community members from Pine Springs, AZ were the subjects of one of the most provocative experiments in cognitive and visual anthropology, the Navajo Film Project, resulting in Sol Worth and John... more
The currency acquired by popular culture in the long history of cultural studies can be charted by the increasing commercialization of culture through the democratization and indigenization of global media technologies. The emergence of... more
Published Version:
Peters, G. (2007). Lives of their own: Films by Merata Mita. In I. Conrich, & S. Murray (Eds.), New Zealand filmmakers (pp. 103-120). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Peters, G. (2007). Lives of their own: Films by Merata Mita. In I. Conrich, & S. Murray (Eds.), New Zealand filmmakers (pp. 103-120). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Analiza el problema de conectividad en la región de las Américas y presenta aportes para la creación de un marco jurídico adecuado para las redes comunitarias. Presenta un análisis de la región en torno a sus marcos regulatorios en... more
In the last few years, Native filmmakers have begun drawing explicitly on the science fiction genre. Engaging recent short films depicting noncolonial encounters of the third kind and alternative utopian–dystopian futures, I argue that... more
Building upon Philip Deloria’s notion of “Indians in unexpected places,” this paper explores the ideologies and practices involved as Navajo cultural producers make films in the Navajo language. For some contemporary Navajo filmmakers,... more
Over the past century, anthropologists have claimed primary authority regarding authentic filmic representations of indigenous peoples. The emergence of indigenous films since the 1980s—as well as changes within the discipline— have... more
Tesis doctoral que aborda las reflexiones surgidas de un proceso de investigación acción para el desarrollo de un programa de formación de comunicadores bajo los principios y valores de los pueblos indígenas.
The Sfakian Screen is a photographic exhibition that explores social landscapes of the White Mountains, as they are visualized by people living in the Sfakia region of Crete today. Sfakia is an area that has been historically photographed... more
What does the Cretan village signify in contemporary Greece during the so-called crisis? How do national constructions of the village clash with Sfakian residents' vision of what the village is about? How do locals' visual practices,... more
Adoptée par l’Assemblée générale de l'ONU en 2007, la Déclaration sur les droits des peuples autochtones reconnaît leur droit à l’autodétermination, c’est-à-dire à la libre recherche de leur développement, tel qu’ils l’entendent et le... more
Haciendo Milpa: Presenta los resultados de una investigación acción con formadores de comunicadores indígenas sobre las bases que sustentan la comunicación indígena y sus procesos de formación.
In relation to my article in Visual Anthropology Review, this set of activities is meant to be a teacher-led pedagogical tool for provoking undergraduates to engage their perceptions of Indigenous futures. It is hoped that this will help... more
Although literacy and print were essential tools of the New Zealand colonial project ultimately designed to ‘amalgamate’ Māori into the modern Pākehā-dominated world, ironically they also helped in the evolution of a collective Māori... more
PPGCOM-UFMG Belo Horizonte/MG (Tese de Doutorado)
An exploratory study to develop a pilot project for Indigenous Communication Centres that would extend on the extensive, but under-resourced Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Systems (RIBS).
Edited by Marco Armiero, Federica Giardini, Dario Gentili, Daniela Angelucci, Ilaria Bussoni The environmental crisis that has been declared for several decades strongly challenges the human and political sciences. Not only because they... more
Pese a ser uno de los realizadores más célebres del cine boliviano y latinoamericano, gran parte de la filmografía de Jorge Sanjinés sigue siendo poco conocida. Cineclubista, autor comprometido, revolucionario e intelectual orgánico,... more
Las radios comunitarias han sido utilizadas de manera estratégica por las clases populares como canal para la amplificación de sus demandas y como vehículo de información alternativa a los medios de comunicación dominantes vinculados al... more
Inspired by essay films meditating on time, travel and ceremony and informed by cinematic cartography, my short dance film, sing them home (2020), travels the specific bodies of water that form the route that Atlantic Salmon once... more
Collectively authored by seven members of the Northern Australian based Miyarrka Media, Phone & Spear is one of the most creative and unique anthropological texts to be published in recent memory. Proposing a Yuta, or "new," anthropology... more
This paper rescues the way narrative and communication were dealt with by the Tupinamba people, the original nation of Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Maranhão up until the 16th century. By stemming from the frameworks of Communication studies,... more
Esta pesquisa propõe uma análise do processo de apropriação de ferramentas audiovisuais entre os Manoki, povo indígena de tronco isolado que vive ao noroeste de Mato Grosso, e suas correlações com os discursos nativos sobre a história. A... more
ISSN 2525-3123 FFLCH/USP São Paulo/SP
A new wave of community arts projects has opened up exciting areas of cross-cultural creativity in recent years. These collaborations of local people, arts facilitators, anthropologists and supporting organisations represent a flourishing... more
This collection of essays engages the ways in which anthropological understandings of Indigenous media can be expanded and reimagined through a focus on futurity. Throughout, the contributors pose two distinct yet interconnected... more
Male music artistes have been observed to sexualise women in their songs, especially when commenting on societal problems. Employing van Dijk's Socio-Cognitive Approach of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this paper examined skin... more
El presente artículo describe la especificidad histórica, política y ontológica de una de las autonomías indígenas de jure más antiguas del planeta: la comarca de Gunayala (antes denominada San Blas) en Panamá. A partir de los datos... more
South Pacific media face a challenge of developing forms of journalism that contribute to the national ethos by mobilising change from passive communities to those seeking change. Instead of news values that have often led international... more
ISSN 2179-6483
Belo Horizonte/MG
(O cinema e o animal)
Belo Horizonte/MG
(O cinema e o animal)
The impact of crowdsourced data visualization in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW) movement over the last decade reveals how institutional systems of organizing and representing space present a key obstacle to the cause.... more
Download a free pdf at the link above Based on 15 months of ethnographic research in the city of Alto Hospicio in northern Chile, this book describes how the residents use social media, and the consequences of this use in their daily... more
ISSN 2525-3123 FFLCH/USP São Paulo/SP
The twenty-first century has signalled the explosion of documentary film practices in India. Based on anthropological fieldwork conducted between 2007 and 2009, this article analyses contemporary documentary film festivals in India... more