Indigenous Archaeololgy
Recent papers in Indigenous Archaeololgy
The specter of Kennewick Man has loomed large over North American archaeology. In his wake, a wide array of issues relating to tribal sovereignty, reburial, and repatriation have dominated the relationship between archaeologists and... more
The Qwu?gwes wet site is located at the very head of Puget Sound in Washington State, USA (fig 1). Puget Sound has been referred to as an inland sea, but is better termed as a large glacially cut fjord that is approximately 145km long,... more
Four stars in the night sky have been formally recognised by their Australian Aboriginal names. The names include three from the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory and one from the Boorong people of western Victoria. The Wardaman... more
What does being an archaeologist mean to Indigenous persons? How and why do some become archaeologists? What has led them down a path to what some in their communities have labeled a colonialist venture? What were are the challenges they... more
For the last six years I engaged in a series of activities with the Wajãpi, a Tupian people living in the extreme North of Brazil, in the Amazon forest. As soon as we started field work, many archaeological sites were registered. It... more
"Croes describes his type of archaeology as 'generationally-linked.' His collaboratin with Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder and Master Basketmaker, brings tools of Western science together with Indigenous knowledge and research approaches to... more
Introduction to Kiva Fall 2021 special issue focused on Diné (Navajo) archaeology. Discusses key themes within the area of study, as well as a short discussion of the five research articles (Weiner & Kelley 2021; Campbell 2021; Lee 2021;... more
A study was initiated for the course work of Landscape Urbanism curated by Professor Kelly Shannon for which each participant were asked to analyze one indigenous and one designed case from their home country based on a detailed reading... more
Indigenous archaeology is an expression of archaeological theory and practice in which the discipline intersects with Indigenous values, knowledge, practices, ethics, and sensibilities, and through collaborative and community-originated... more
By the end of the 18th century, the Haudenosaunee had been working and living with multiple European groups for over 250 years. Though they were adept at political negotiation, they were losing their ability to negotiate as an equal power... more
decolonizing" yields 425,000 results! Even a search on an "academic" search engine, such as JSTOR, yielded 2,672 articles, reviews, and comments, showing that decolonization is indeed a fast growing area of study. One particular... more
The purpose of this chapter is to argue for the end of Indigenous archaeology. The title is intentionally provocative, but it does reflect an important and fundamental set of issues. Here I take what can be termed a bipolar approach.... more
In the main report, there are numerous references to these document banks. For example, on page 8 of the first volume there a quotation which is cited as from a document. The reference to the document is given as Wai-38,#H4B:13.
In southern Ontario, heritage preservation and protection are mandated under provincial provisions but there has been little involvement of Indigenous nations whose ancestral (i.e., archaeological) sites are the focus of the heritage... more
The implementation of Indigenous, collaborative, and community-oriented approaches in archaeological research and practice is promoted by many archaeologists as the path to the decolonization of archaeology. Collaborative archaeology,... more
This thesis contributes to contemporary debates on repatriation and reburial within the discipline of archaeology, as well as providing a valuable resource for the Ngarrindjeri community. Privileging community voice and opinion and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This course provides an introduction to the archaeology of North America. We will explore alternative histories and decolonizing practices that promote a more diverse and inclusive archaeology. We will also examine how the practice of... more
Hicks, D. 2007. The Garden of the World: a historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean. Oxford: Archaeopress (British Archaeological Reports)
This paper examines ongoing challenges facing Indigenous peoples and their heritage, the consequences of inadequate heritage protection, and new initiatives that counter this. Indigenous scholars, tribal leaders, and others have done much... more
"The archaeology of colonialism can destabilize orthodox historical narratives because of its critical engagement with multiple lines of evidence, revealing ways that different perspectives can complement or contradict what was assumed... more
Il lavoro di Davide Tanasi affronta un momento finora poco studiato delle relazioni tra Sicilia e Malta nella preistoria, quello dell'età del Bronzo Medio siciliano (metà XV – metà XIII secolo a.C.). Attraverso un riesame della... more
In British Columbia, Canada, the practice of archaeology has been strongly influenced by issues of First Nations rights and the ways government and industry have chosen to address them. In turn, this situation has affected academic (i.e.,... more
In this paper presented at the Pre-Columbian Society of Washington DC, November 2013, the author proposes answers to questions which have puzzled scholars since the 19th century concerning the enigmatic recumbent Mesoamerican figure known... more
-La lírica del huayno andino-
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
Espacio de configuración de la identidad social de la población andina en la década de los 80’s en Lima
Indigenous archaeology comprises a broad set of ideas, methods, and strategies applied to the discovery and interpretation of the human past that are informed by the values, concerns, and goals of Indigenous peoples. It has been defined,... more
I take a pragmatic approach to discussing indigenous heritage, which constitutes the focus of most of the archaeology we do. If descendant groups are denied direct and meaningful means of engaging in decision making concerning their... more
Archaeological practice is undergoing a dramatic shift in the North American Arctic. As elsewhere, factors both internal and external to the discipline are working to expand and transform the structure, demographics, and objectives of... more
Oscar Rodríguez and Deni Seymour
Chapter 6 in Fierce and Indomitable: The Protohistoric Non-Pueblo World. University of Utah Press.
Chapter 6 in Fierce and Indomitable: The Protohistoric Non-Pueblo World. University of Utah Press.
During the summer of 2017 there was a cultural heritage project in the Fulufjället national park, in Dalarna Sweden. This was part of a bigger interreg-project called Gränsöverskridande besöksförvaltning för Fulufjällets nationalparker.... more
Nos primeiros contatos que eu tive com os Wajãpi, um povo tupi que vive na região entre os rios Jari e Oiapoque (Amapá e Guiana Francesa), durante oficinas de formação de pesquisadores indígenas, eu percebi que na Terra Indígena Wajãpi –... more