Indian monsoon

395 papers
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The Indian monsoon refers to the seasonal wind patterns that bring heavy rainfall to the Indian subcontinent, primarily during the summer months. It is characterized by the southwest monsoon, which is driven by differential heating of land and sea, significantly influencing agriculture, water resources, and climate in the region.
भाषा हे कोणत्याही समाजातील संवादाचे अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे साधन आहे. संवादासाठी भाषेचा वापर करण्याबरोबरच शिक्षणासाठीही भाषेचा उपयोग केला जातो. खरेतर, भाषेशिवाय शिक्षण पूर्ण होऊ शकत नाही. तसेच, ग्रंथालयाशिवाय शिक्षणाच्या प्रक्रियेची आपण... more
An article written in Marathi on the life and work of the late Ganesh Hari Khare, a renowned scholar of medieval India and Maratha history.
The monsoon is a crucial season for farmers, as southwest monsoon irrigates a large portion of the agricultural land in India. In recent decades, the monsoon has shown variability in timing, amount, and distribution of rainfall. In order... more
Based on Dr Chhaya Goswami's book: “Globalization before  its time :The Gujarati Merchants from Kachchh”
It is a review of a Book by Dr. Chhaya Goswami: E-Journal or an E-Book in honour of Dr. Mohsina Mukadam to commemorate her 34 years of service in Ramnarain Ruia College, 202 Published in the E-Journal or an E-Book in honour of Dr. Mohsina... more
The history of the Somali upwelling during the last 18.5 ka has been reconstructed using biogenic silica fluxes estimated from a sediment core retrieved from the western Arabian Sea. The reconstructed record demonstrates periodic... more
Somali upwelling history has been reconstructed for the last 18.5 ka BP based on biogenic silica fluxes estimated from a sediment core retrieved from the western Arabian Sea. Surface winds along the east African coast during the southwest... more
It is recommended that Ms. Pragya Chalise has completed her dissertation work entitled "Biodiversity of butterflies in Badikhel VDC, Lalitpur" as a partial fulfillment of M.Sc. in Zoology under my supervision. I recommend that the... more
High‐resolution faunal and isotopic analyses of foraminifera were performed on core MD96‐2073 (10°94′N, 52°62′E, 3142 m depth), located close to Socotra Island in the upwelling area of the Somali Basin (NW Indian Ocean). This work focuses... more
New bulk sediment Sr and Nd isotope data, coupled with U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from sediment cored by the International Ocean Discovery Program in the Arabian Sea, allow the reconstruction of erosion in the Indus catchment... more
The monsoon plays an important role in determining the cropping pattern of any region. The onset and withdrawal data was obtained from the analysis of weekly rainfall data for all tehsils in Ahmednagar district. This analysis indicated... more
The physicochemical characters and diatoms of two coastal lakes i.e. the Khajuri Lake and the Babule Lake from the Palghar District Maharashtra were studied to ascertain the relationship between water quality and diatom diversity. The... more
Interdisciplinary approaches to the Indian Ocean are fairly new, and ecological topics in cultural studies more generally are also rare. This paper, then, is an attempt to begin discussion on these two fronts, hoping that further research... more
Analysis of the weather and ocean conditions during recent pirate attacks in the Indian Ocean region suggests that the transition of the summer monsoon limits maritime piracy. A comparison of all known pirate attacks in the region in... more
Climate model faces considerable difficulties in simulating the rainfall characteristics of southwest summer monsoon. In this study, the dynamical downscaling of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast's (ECMWF's) ERA-Interim... more
The aim of the present study is to find out the possible linkage between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a major ocean-atmosphere coupled phenomena believed to be responsible for the variability of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall... more
31 32 This study investigates a new possible process linking the quasi-stationary Rossby 33 wave propagation (SWP) over Eurasia along the Asian jet and the Pacific-Japan (PJ) 34 pattern through the Rossby wave breaking (RWB) near the jet... more
ABSTRACTMarine high-productivity zones along the continents are of great economic importance, and they account for most organic carbon burial. The carbon cycle in many coastal zones is infl u-enced by the sediments and dissolved nutrients... more
The Red River Delta (RRD), one of the two largest deltas in Vietnam, has been severely affected by natural hazards induced by global climate change. Understanding the Holocene paleoshoreline is crucial in developing adaptive planning in... more
The Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations and Heinrich events described in North Atlantic sediments and Greenland ice are expressed in the climate of the tropics, for example, as documented in Arabian Sea sediments. Given the strength of this... more
The South Asian Monson (SAM) is one of the most intense climatic elements yet its initiation and variations are not well established. Dating the deposits of SAM wind-driven currents in IODP cores from the Maldives yields an age of 12.... more
Changes in monsoon precipitation governed agricultural practices and production, health risks, competition and conflict level of preindustrial human societies in South Asia. To understand monsoon shifts and their implication to the South... more
Located at the crossroads between Africa and Eurasia, Arabia occupies a pivotal position for human migration and dispersal during the Late Pleistocene. Deducing the timing of humid and arid phases is critical to understanding when the... more
Climatic changes in Arabia are of critical importance to our understanding of both monsoon variability and the dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) out of Africa. The timing of dispersal is associated with the occurrence of... more
We present a multiproxy record of grain size and stable carbon isotope from the Lilaur lake, Ganga Basin, India to understand the history of lake formation linked to changes in Indian monsoon precipitation during ~13714 to 3073 calibrated... more
Total forty-four surficial samples were collected at six locations (J1 to J6) from the Jhurio and Jumara Formations exposed at the Jhurio (Jhura) Dome, Kachchh district of Gujarat. Thirteen major species were considered for the Principal... more
Changes in monsoon precipitation governed agricultural practices and production, health risks, competition and conflict level of preindustrial human societies in South Asia. To understand monsoon shifts and their implication to the South... more
The palaeoceanographic changes in the Bay of Bengal are driven by monsoonal variability. The present study was pursued on benthic foraminifera obtained from the NGHP Hole 3B (15°53.8919′ N, 81°53.9678′ E, water depth 1076m), Bay of Bengal... more
A robust response of South Asian summer monsoon precipitation to increasing greenhouse gas concentration during the twenty-first century is identified in 23 models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. The pattern of... more
Although there is increasing evidence for wet, monsoonal conditions in Southeast Asia during the late Eocene, it has not been clear when this environment became established. Cenozoic sedimentary sequences constrained by radiometrically... more
Campinas, SP v.14 n.4 p. 411-414 out./dez. 2018 2. Material and Methods The didactic collection of microfossils was developed during an extension project of the Terrae Did atic a Flávia a. Pedrosa, enelise K. Piovesan, robbyson M. Melo,... more
The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) precipitation pattern over Indian subcontinent is looked through various high resolution speleothem oxygen (δ 18 O) isotope records from Mid to Late Holocene. The six cave locations distributed from central... more
Campinas, SP v.14 n.4 p. 411-414 out./dez. 2018 2. Material and Methods The didactic collection of microfossils was developed during an extension project of the Terrae Did atic a Flávia a. Pedrosa, enelise K. Piovesan, robbyson M. Melo,... more
Asian tectonism and exhumation are critical components to develop modern icehouse climate. In this study, stratigraphic sections of eight wells in the Mannar and Cauvery basins were considered. The author demonstrated that this local... more
Characteristics of the Indian and Australian summer monsoon systems, their seasonality and interactions are examined in a variety of observational datasets and in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 and 5 (CMIP3 and CMIP5)... more
Ter res trial ver sus ma rine ar chives: biostratigraphical cor re la tion of the Mid dle Pleis to cene lac ustrine re cords from cen tral Eu rope and their equiv a lents in the deep-sea cores from the Por tu guese mar gin. Geo log i cal... more
New bulk sediment Sr and Nd isotope data, coupled with U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from sediment cored by the International Ocean Discovery Program in the Arabian Sea, allow the reconstruction of erosion in the Indus catchment... more
An array of sediment surface samples collected from the coastal lake Eilandvlei and its bar-built estuary, on the southern Cape coast, South Africa were analysed for their micro-and meio-organism diversity to understand the complexity in... more
Recent studies using coupled atmosphere–ocean models have shown that the tropical Atlantic has a significant impact on the Indian monsoon. In this article, the observational basis for this teleconnection is examined and the physical... more
Ø The Existence of the ATAL was recognized through CALIOP lidar observa7ons Ø Buildup of enhanced aerosol associated with Asian Summer Monsoon an7cyclone, extending from the E. Med Sea to W. China Ø Extends from top of convec7ve ou]low... more
Many facets of the early biosphere preserved in the Proterozoic and Early Cambrian successions, recorded during 2011-2015, are reviewed. Recent advancements made in the Precambrian palaeobiology and newer steps recognized in the... more
This study examines climatological potential vorticity streamer (PVS) activity associated with Rossby wave breaking (RWB), which can impact TC activity in the subtropical North Atlantic (NATL) basin via moisture and wind anomalies. PVSs... more
The Song Hong-Yinggehai (SH-Y) and Qiongdongnan (Qi) basins together form one of the largest Cenozoic sedimentary basins in SE Asia. Here we present new records based on the analysis of seismic data, which we compare to geochemical data... more
Climate models often exhibit spurious long-term changes independent of either internal variability or changes to external forcing. Such changes, referred to as model ''drift,'' may distort the estimate of forced change in transient... more
Three pairs of small, fourth-to sixth-order catchments (approximately 5-80 km 2), draining the margin of the Darjeeling Himalayas into the piedmont, were selected for a comparison of the land-use impact on the morphology and sedimentology... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more