Indian economy
Most cited papers in Indian economy
This paper argues that the divergent performance of the rural economies of China and India after 1950 was a product of the different capabilities of the Chinese and Indian governments to mobilize the labor force and financial resources of... more
Much of the existing scholarly debate on sharing economy to date has focused on the use of technology in developed countries. However, the recent upsurge of mobile technology adoption in developing countries has provided suitable breeding... more
Keywords: Trade Learning-by-exporting hypothesis Self-selection hypothesis Total factor productivity Causality Heterogeneous firm model Recent literature tried to explain the Indian growth miracle in different ways, ranging from trade... more
to the published version: Mezzadri, Alessandra (2014) 'Backshoring, local sweatshop regimes and CSR in India.' Competition and Change, 18 (4): 327-344.
The Akali Dal is the best organised political party in Punjab and has ruled over Punjab for a longer period than any other political party since the creation of the Punjabi-speaking state in 1966. It articulates aspirations of Punjabi... more
in the Ottoman context, informational asymmetries, fears of Ottoman insolvency and an aversion by some to accepting interest. Nevertheless, Indian Muslim capital enjoyed a freer degree of circulation than in the post-Ottoman environment,... more
India's dependence on a climate sensitive sector like agriculture makes it highly vulnerable to its impacts. However, agriculture is highly heterogeneous across the country owing to regional disparities in exposure, sensitivity, and... more
India is in the midst of a transformative urban awakening. The country's 380 million urban population as of 2011 is projected to swell to over 600 million by 2030 and almost 900 million by 2050. These processes of urbanization and urban... more
The Indian economy suffered a balance of payment crisis in 1991, which provided the context for the rolling out of neoliberal policies, also referred to as the New Economic Policy in India. This paper examines the national and global... more
Does decentralisation promote clientelism? If yes, through which mechanisms? We answer these questions through an analysis of India's (and the world's) largest workfare programme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act... more
How do you sell a solar powered lamp to India's un-electrified, rural poor? This contribution to Anthropology for Sale explores the work of direct selling in rural India, reflecting on the forms of prejudice, difference and exclusion that... more
Regimes around the world are experimenting with combinations of economic liberalization and revived state-activist strategies, producing 'new developmentalist' hybrids. This article suggests that a distinctive variant of new... more
The steel industry is one of many major world industries extnsively restructured in this era of globalization. The Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry explains how and why the steel industry has shifted from advanced capitalist... more
International agencies, nongovernmental organizations, governmental agencies, and development policy-makers have sought to incorporate ‘gender mainstreaming’ into postconflict policies and programs in an effort to ameliorate the unequal... more
Neoliberal transformation is not simply a top-down process. Neoliberal hegemony at the global level has an ally in the Indian elite in producing class-biased economic growth at the national scale. This paper examines the social... more
New policy and legislative initiatives in India over the last decade, from the Special Economic Zones Act 2005 to subnational state-level counterparts, have encouraged processes of corporate urbanisation, by facilitating the development... more
This paper uses aggregate-level data, as well as case- studies, to trace out the evolution of some key structural features of the Indian economy, relating both to the agricultural and the informal industrial sector. These aggregate trends... more
In the years since liberalization, state power has been rescaled in India's polity and this is both a cause and consequence of greater inter-state competition for footloose capital. In this context, some state governments are designing... more
This article analyses poverty, in the light of the prevailing methodological and definitional debates, in Gujarat, one of the fastest growing states in India. We examine the divergence between the official and nutrition-based poverty... more
ABSTRACT To evaluate the prevalence and impacts of the illegitimate wage practice where employers pay formal employees both a declared wage and an additional undeclared 'envelope wage', a survey involving 10,171 interviews across 10... more
This book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insights, the book theorizes the sweatshop as a complex 'regime' of exploitation and oppression, jointly crafted... more
A key challenge facing most emerging market economies today is how to simultaneously maintain monetary independence, exchange rate stability and financial integration subject to the constraints imposed by the trilemma, in an era of... more
Conflicts over land-grabs for industry, infrastructure and urbanization are on the rise in emerging economies. A slew of policy measures undergird such land deals in India but have encountered successful resistance from peasants and... more
Using data collected from interviews with human resource managers, corporate executives, and compensation consultants in India, this paper examines the adoption of US-style employee stock option (ESO) plans among Indian information... more
ABSTRACT: India has been fixated on the annual growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This number averaged about 3.5% per annum from independence to the early 1980s, leaped to twice that in recent decades before falling off in... more
The informal sector has become an increasingly popular subject of study. This sector has been a prominent feature of the development landscape of many countries around the globe. It is increasingly becoming the major source of employment... more
When and how did the third world transform into an emerging market in the global economy? Kaur addresses this ongoing reinscription of the old third world as market, unpacking new modes of imagination and knowledge at the heart of this... more
Despite impressive performance in terms of GDP growth after the introduction of neoliberal reforms, India continues to be the home of the largest number of hungry people in the world. The present paper is an attempt to understand two... more
The implementation of economic reforms under new economic policies in India was associated with a paradigmatic shift in monetary and fiscal policy. While monetary policies were solely aimed at “price stability” in the neoliberal regime,... more
The Covid-19 pandemic is the worst human health crisis since the 1918 flu epidemic and the worst economic crisis since the 1929-33 Great Depression. The economic crisis caused by Covid-19 is, however, likely to be even more catastrophic... more
In this paper we examine whether foreign banks presence has helped reduce concentration in the Indian banking market and thus increased competition among banks. Concentration has been measured using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of... more
During the post-liberalization period the Indian tea industry has been facing a severe crisis. This study looks at the question of inter-generational occupational mobility among tea garden labour in Assam, against the backdrop of, on the... more
With access to data communication networks and the prevalence of informal work, workers in the global South are rapidly inching closer to confronting the impact of automated or digitally enabled non-standard employment. What are the... more
In this paper, we investigate whether the seemingly discretionary and flexible approach of India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), can in practice be described by a Taylor-type rule. We estimate an exchange-rate-augmented... more