Indian economy
Recent papers in Indian economy
The financial system is the backbone of the economy, where the highly developed financial system facilitates economic development, leading to increased national income and standard of living. This study aims at reading the Indian... more
We are organising a 2-day symposium on yoga and the body to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Here is the link to register: more
The first comprehensive and authoritative work covering the entire public sector in India, including the public sector banks and the insurance companies as well as the public sector enterprises in the states, the book begins with the... more
Amid the emergence of the 21st century, a new era of modern business has set in India. Liberalization and globalization of Indian economy have provided challenges and opportunities to our new business and which has necessitated... more
The present studies on the role of Haryana Gramin Bank in rural economy during the period 2004-05 to 2012-13. The objective of the study is to analyze the role of Haryana Gramin Bank in the rural economy. The study conducted is... more
The book describes a journey of India from British period to present stage from a macroeconomics perspective. The book deals with one of the most discussed topics today - India's economic struggles and the way forward. The book aptly... more
Entrepreneurship is a prime activity for the economic growth of any country. It goes hand in hand with manufacturing and service industry. In fact, it works as a pillar to the economic and social welfare of the country. It also helps in... more
Litvinov N. Strategic Management in the Asian-Pacific. — М., 2010. — 200 [10] p.
Several studies have been carried out relating nighttime lights with economic activity. But most studies relating nighttime lights with economic activity have focused on associating higher totals in economic activity with higher sum of... more
How do we create a Start-up Ecosystem in India? This lecture explores this important topic based three factors: Social traditions, Govt policy, and personal discipline.
Without ethics, morality and justice, capitalism will be soulless. It has to reinvent itself for the post-Covid world, where businesses and corporations have to substitute their bottom line - profit - with social welfare for their own... more
Inflation means a persistent change in the price level of goods and services in an economy. It is generally measured in the consumer price index (CPI) or retail price index (RPI). Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a country's... more
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its affiliated groups - usually known as the "Sangh Parivar" - are the most powerful organisations in India today. But ask what they stand for, and you will get two very different answers. Critics of... more
The paper examines the relationship between different levels of educational attainment and economic performance at the micro level of an individual and at the macro level, across the States of India, for the period 2001 to 2011. Using... more
This research paper tests the applicability of the monetary policy model – manifested in the three gap form equations of the optimal rate rule, the dynamic Investment-Saving (IS) curve, and the expectations-augmented Phillips curve – to... more
The Indian economy is the fastest growing economy in the globe. The economic revolution is significantly depending on the performance of agriculture and other allied sectors. The agriculture practices are the most important custom... more
Odisha’s industry sector began a phase of high growth in 2002–03. It contributed just 24% to the gross state domestic product in 1980–81, but 38% in 2007–08, before declining to 33% in 2012–13. This paper points out that organised... more
Based on the data from the All-India Debt and Investment Surveys, a re-emergence of non-institutional credit agencies in the incidence of household indebtedness is found since the 1990s, especially in the rural areas, reflecting the... more
This paper reviews India’s aggregate economic performance under the Modi/BJP/NDA administration through the prism of political economy. It argues that the inheritance of the UPA period was a combination of an unfolding “oligarchic... more
For every percentage point of GDP growth, there will be a spike in demand for consumer goods and services which, in turn, will boost investment, and the benefits of these will be felt across all sections of the income pyramid. The... more
Contributor to multi-authored report by the Indian Ministry of Finance's internal working group on establishing a national treasury management agency.
Every year since 1991, the Central Government of India has been successfully disinvesting its PSEs from various sectors. The recent announcement to strategically disinvest some of the better performing PSEs like Life Insurance Corporation... more
This is the second year’s Economic Freedom Index for the States of India. This year’s ratings follow the same methodology, broadly the same data sources, but updated to the latest available. The difference in ratings for each of the... more
The implementation of Goods & Service Tax is a historic move in India. It has replaced the earlier Indirect tax regime and subsumed all the central and state level taxes. GST is a unified destination based tax that intends to overcome all... more
To bring in transparency, predictability and credibility into our public financial management system, we urgently need appropriate fiscal rules and fiscal councils. These are the mechanisms that promote fiscal and macroeconomic stability.... more
This paper summarizes and critiques the important literature evaluating India's Economic Growth Pattern since the 1980s.
India is a nation with a rich past history of knowledge in Medicine, city and urban planning and co-operative agriculture and economy. Gandhi had a vision of re-establishing this valuable heritage and healthy practices and his thoughtful... more
Research Question: What are the factors affecting shrimp production in India and what is the global impact of this? Objective: The main objective of this paper is to examine the Indian Shrimp Industry and see how recent changes have... more
Pre-packaging allows a distressed company to negotiate a plan with its creditors and a purchaser before entering formal insolvency proceedings. By allowing the terms of a plan to be negotiated before formal proceedings, pre-packs provide... more
The pace of urbanisation in India and China has, of late, been rapid. This raises concerns over urban governance in both countries. While urban governance in India is supposed to take place according to the 74th Amendment to the... more
Review of Vijay Joshi's India's Long Road: The Search for Prosperity (2016)
Oil has today become a very important part of any economy. And it is generally said that even a slight increase or decrease in the oil prices affect the country's inflation to a large extent. To investigate this we examined two periods in... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
India has seen a sharp contraction in growth over the past year. The macroeconomic policies implicit in the country’s 2021–22 Union Budget, presented on 1 February, focus on stabilizing growth.
The book describes a journey of India from British period to present stage from a macroeconomics perspective. The book deals with one of the most discussed topics today - India's economic struggles and the way forward. The book aptly... more
Although, India and China have different in terms of political systems, the infrastructure and attitude towards growth but they are aggressively pursuing economic liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) for development. Both... more
Conventionally, the economic growth of a country is appraised in form of gross domestic product (GDP). In Bihar, the per capita net state domestic product (NSDP) is the lowest among the major states in Inida, and it is only one-third of... more
Bringing attention back to the manufacturing sector and to the statistics available to understand it, this analysis presents the differences in size and rates of growth of the sector when measured using the new National Accounts... more
India is in the midst of a transformative urban awakening. The country's 380 million urban population as of 2011 is projected to swell to over 600 million by 2030 and almost 900 million by 2050. These processes of urbanization and urban... more
Media economics in India has been triggered from three quarters: debates in the political economy of media culture; reflections on sectors of media businesses; and, over the last decade, by the flashpoints in media policy. This undulating... more
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the... more