Speeches of Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose: A Comparative Study deciphers the speeches of Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose to trace out the thought patterns, revealed through the language, and thus to find out the... more
Review of R Raj Rao novel Lady Lolita's Lover
Attia Hosain's Sunlight on the Broken Column brings out the trauma of partition affected feudal family. It is subtle comment on the transformation of India where every comman person has right to rise. But on the other side, days of glory... more
R.K. Narayan’s `An Astrologer’s Day’ encompasses itself different hues and colours of Indian cultural tradition. The story focuses on one of the crucial aspects of Indian religion and rituals which are blindly followed by the gullible... more
The Partition of India-Pakistan was one of the most traumatic events experienced by people in the recent times. The massacre that followed the event was barbaric. The violence provoked by a handful of selfish and insensible people made... more
The Inheritance of Loss is a tale of losses. It laments the loss of land, of identity, of love, of voice, of individuality and as a whole is the representative of a country’s agony and its endurances when separatist movement is on the... more
This article offers a preliminary discussion of Indian food discourse, interpreted not as a mere example of material and immaterial culture, but rather as a site of stratified genres, images and ideas that take up cultural, linguistic and... more
This paper studies the emergence and the development of the graphic novel as a postmodern literary form. It tries to address issues such as whether the form of the graphic novel can be justified as a sub-genre of the novel, or whether it... more
This research paper focuses on analyzing the psychoanalytic theory and psychoanalysis method. Sigmund Freud is the father of modern psychology, which analyzes the human mind and claims that the unconscious mind, controls the conscious... more
Manju Kapur's Custody (2011) deals with the disturbed city life of two families due to marital disharmony, rigid court proceedings, unwarranted child custody, social evils and injustice. It reveals the desires and disturbances of two... more
The present research paper assesses (Herbert Blumers, 1969; 69) theory of social movement from the point of three dimensions in Arundhati’s novel - The God of Small Things. They are: 1. Social Discrimination through forced segregation or... more
BabuBankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya is a renowned name in the history of Indian struggle for Independence. He is the writer of the national song 'Vande Mataram' of India. This song created an effervescence among Indians in that era to be... more
The epics of India are revered and referred not only in India but also world over for their philosophy, message, insight into human life and solution to various problems. The Mahabharata is no less a point in this case, it has been... more
Tagore’s Where the Mind is Without Fear brings out a sincere and genuine concern of the sensitive poet who cherishes a sweet dream of `Mother India’ with free, united, rational and strong countrymen. He prays to the almighty to bless his... more
The patriarchal societies that existed in India have compromised Indian consciousness in order to have great impact on the half of the women population. Men thought that women are not worthy of education and they themselves considered... more
ABSTRACT: Postcolonialism, defined by Simon During as “the need, in nations or groups which have been victims of Imperialism, to achieve an identity uncontaminated by Universalist or Eurocentric concepts and images” (Hsieh), has left... more
English used in novels by Indian authors reinforces the status of Indian English as a substandard variety. This is demonstrated through the analysis of who uses standard and who uses Indian English in Indian English-fiction.
Exploration and mapping of Africa began around 1850 and continued intothe nineteenth century.S. K Pottekkatt, the Indian travel writer from Kerala State in India, set out to Africa. This study focusses on S. K Pottekkat as a travel writer... more
Presentations of Postcolonialism is a collection of well researched essays which sets out to explore the limits of postcolonialism as a literary discourse. Postcolonialism, moving beyond the plot of a so-called critical practice, has... more
In the current era of Post-Truth, the concept of truth is not easily found out. Nowadays the false or fabricated appearance and ideas when presented make them appear more logical, reasonable and far widely accepted with emotional and... more
Gender is the self-representation of a person as male or female based on societal norms. Judith Butler elucidates that we cannot define a stable subjectivity about 'performing' various gender roles, it is the very act of performing gender... more
Towards the Cultural Banner of Bangla Dalit Literary Movement: An Interview With Nakul Mallik Nakul Mallik was born in a low-wage family of the Namashudra caste living in a village, Gajendrapur. He is one of the pioneer Bangla Dalit... more
Many patients and Cancer survivors have written biographical accounts of their days of illness, trauma, suffering, treatment and experiences. Anita Moorjani's Dying to be Me My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing is an... more
Kamleshwar's Kitne Pakistan has given new direction in Hindi Literature. It translaiton Partitions brings out being readership to the master literati. Kamleshwar undertakes the dissection of human civilization and traces the germs of... more
Keki N. Daruwalla occupies a prominent place in modern Indo-Anglian poetry and his contribution is very much substantial like that of Nissim Ezekiel. One of the most significant voices in Indian poetry Keki sheds light through his work,... more
Indian English Fiction has been impressive and has attracted attention widely. With the passage of time, it has witnessed a rapid change, from being deeply affected by the Raj to being Vernacular. It is, therefore, very important to know... more
WOMEN IN MANJULA PADMANABHAN'S LIGHT'S OUT Indian Writing in English has a recent history of one and half century old. The term Indian Writing in English is used in a wider sense; inspite of its difference in cultures, customs, races and... more
The present paper peeps into the poetry of Kamala Das where she mainly deals with the feminist voice and the 'women questions' of love. She talks about the unsentimental, uninhibited expression of love, sex, emotional sterility in marital... more
__________________________________________________________________ Mahesh Dattani is one of the few brilliant stars of the Indian English theatrical constellation in the galaxy of Indian English literature. He occupies a very illustrious... more
The poetical oeuvre of John Donne encompasses plethora of themes among which the prominent are love and religion. Donne seems to be obsessed by the nature of death which is apparent in his poems. Death is a terrible reality and possesses... more
Mankind is continually engaged in a fruitful search for the right clues to unravel the mysteries of Nature. Through his varied activities man transforms Nature for making his life more comfortable and in the process he is also... more
The book Indian Women Novelists in English: Art and Vision is a volume of twenty five research articles on contemporary Indian women novelists and their works ranging from Anita Desai, Shashi Deshpande, Manju Kapur, Shobhaa De, Meena... more
Anita Desai is a prominent modern women writer in Indian writing in English and considered to be one of the eminent Indo-Anglian Novelists. A study of her works will reveal that she tries to explore the psychological state of her... more
Simply because of the sheer excellence in choosing the most appropriate words to express his thoughts and the adroitness and ease with which he approached English language, one would often wonder whether A. K. Ramanujan could outdo even... more
Objectification of women finds the most vocal, living and effective expression in drama. In the Indian context, many women dramatists delineate and criticize in their plays, the crimes committed against women in the name of tradition and... more
An exploration for the political, literary, social and familial themes in 'The God of Small Things' by Arundhati Roy
Dr. Mulk Raj Anand was usually regarded as the father of Indian English novel. His debut of novel writing was begun with his masterpiece work Untouchable. This article aims to talk about the caste system as one of the major issues and its... more
Abstract: - Great men are born to redeem the word and to improve the lot of fellow human beings and fulfill the aspirations of people who await them. They are capable of leaving the lasting impression on human mind, irrespective of their... more
Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide is a story about the Sundarbans, the sort that helps us understand the fascinating and sensitive ecology of what in the novel is called “the tide country,” as well as the crucial importance of this region’s... more
Arun Joshi's The Strange Case of Billy Biswas peeps into the life of Billy, who longs for peace and happiness and, therefore, leaves the degraded society of Delhi for the Satpura hills where he explores the different level of life. He... more
Migration has always been a key force in human history, but never more so than during last 150 years. Peoples from every corner of the globe have moved in unprecedented numbers and in many directions. Generated first by the ancient, the... more
The typical 'unhomeliness' of a migrant often leads to a privileging of tradition which not only fashions a route to one's roots but provides a sense of belongingness. However, for women, the refuge of tradition often comes as a dubious... more
This volume brings together research papers on the poetry of modern Indian poets, particularly those whose poetry is less explored. It is well known that post-Independence India has produced many brilliant writers whose writings have... more
Since there was hardly any book written on the concept of ‘New Woman’ compiling the works of Indian English writers, the author had long-felt desire to bring out a compact volume in this field. The present volume is like a dream come... more