English used in novels by Indian authors reinforces the status of Indian English as a substandard variety. This is demonstrated through the analysis of who uses standard and who uses Indian English in Indian English-fiction.
Of late, there has been a spate of fictional works based upon Indian myths. Fictionalization or re-telling of myths has become a lucrative venture because of the ever-growing demand for new stories from the visual media. Moreover, a huge... more
Kashmir has become the perpetual battleground over the issue of possession between India and Pakistan. In the tug o war, both the sides have claimed the legal ownership on the land. People of Kashmir have become the citizens of 'no man's... more
The eighth volume of Ars Artium offers research papers entitled "Gender Exploitation in Igboland: Exploring Stories from Lejja Omaba Chant and Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie” by Uchechukwu Evelyn MADU; "Hyphenated Identities in M. G.... more
In India, the prominent female prototype is the chaste, benevolent, virtuous, patient, self-denying, enduring, self-sacrificing and self-effacing woman. Indian women of the twentieth century have changed and the modern woman questions the... more
Exploration and mapping of Africa began around 1850 and continued intothe nineteenth century.S. K Pottekkatt, the Indian travel writer from Kerala State in India, set out to Africa. This study focusses on S. K Pottekkat as a travel writer... more
The paper analyses Syed Amanuddin’s “Don’t Call Me Indo-Anglian” from the perspective of a cultural materialist. In an effort to understand Amanuddin’s contempt for the term, the matrix of identity, language and cultural ideology has been... more
This research paper focuses on analyzing the psychoanalytic theory and psychoanalysis method. Sigmund Freud is the father of modern psychology, which analyzes the human mind and claims that the unconscious mind, controls the conscious... more
In Indian education system, learning English language is a second language (L2) which is unavoidable and undividable apart from their mother tongue (L1). An intellectual, physical and emotional contribution is necessary to learn a second... more
Language and literature are a part of culture and the latter also gets influenced by the former. Culture perishes when language and literature are neglected. At the same time a specific language and literature also decline when culture... more
Jaydeep Sarangi is a bilingual writer, academic, editor, interviewer, translator and author of a number of significant publications on postcolonial issues, Indian writing in English, Australian literature, marginal literatures and... more
In India, the discriminatory attitude towards men and women has existed for generations and affects the lives of both genders. Although the constitution of India has granted men and women equal rights but gender disparity still remains.... more
The Partition of India-Pakistan was one of the most traumatic events experienced by people in the recent times. The massacre that followed the event was barbaric. The violence provoked by a handful of selfish and insensible people made... more
The selected Indian playwrights have questioned the modernity and its implications especially in context of the sanskritization, westernization and transformation of Indians due to the impeccable industrialized, material, secular,... more
Though English does not find a place in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution yet the use of English has been allowed for various purposes under Articles 210, 343(2), 345, and 348(3)(iii). As the burden of history is too heavy to... more
Indian English Fiction has been impressive and has attracted attention widely. With the passage of time, it has witnessed a rapid change, from being deeply affected by the Raj to being Vernacular. It is, therefore, very important to know... more
In postmodern world Indian writers are exploring postmodern condition in
Cross cultural conflicts now have spread like organizational epidemic causing serious concern to the global organizations. The negative behavioral interplay of the rainbow workforce affects the overall efficiency. Cultural conflicts arise... more
ABSTRACT The migration within the territorial limits of India have made critics to observe that to be a diasporic Indian its not mandatory that one has to take journey abroad .Through inter-state migration it is possible to create the... more