Focusing on the hilly area of Kamrup located in the southern part of the Brahmaputra valley, this article traces the history of certain local powers who inhabited the common frontier of the Mughal empire and the Ahom kingdom, and examines... more
"[...] “Every wall is a statement” nasce e participa na fase inicial de execução do programa ALUMIA, em que vários criadores foram convidados a refletir sobre o património urbano do Centro Histórico do Porto e, consequentemente, sobre a... more
Ensaio visual de Nuno Serrão
Roger Lee de Jesus (FLUC/CHSC) ** As armas de fogo individuais são um assunto pouco tratado pela historiografia militar dos portugueses na Ásia. Pode parecer paradoxal, dada a importância quase sempre atribuída às armas de fogo na... more
Obra publicada ao abrigo do projeto "De Re Militari: Da escrita da guerra à imagem do campo de batalha no espaço português (1521-1621)" (PTDC/ART-HIS/32459/2017), financiado pela FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, e com o apoio... more
This paper studies the single event of Jagu Godbole's attempt to kill Colonel Bruce Seton during the first world war . It uses the censored letters of Jagu Godbole and other soldiers to reconstruct the event. Though the event is trivial... more
A new era dawned in the history of India with the birth of Ab'ul Hasan Yamīn ud-Dīn Khusrau better known as Amīr Khusrau Dehlavī , who was a famous Sufi musician, Poet, Historian and scholar of late 13 th and early 14 th century. He is... more
Artifical Intelligence Powered Social Waves: Creating Viral Content with Smart Technology. Editora Coimbra Universidade Edição de Livros, Edição Especial 2024. This book summarizes how AI has and will continue to change the social media... more
Virtual Virality: Virtual Reality's Breakthrough Role in Social Media Strategy. Vydavateľstvo Bratislavský Hrad Kníh Vydavateľstvo, Špeciálne Vydanie 2024. This book summarizes how AI has and will continue to change the social media... more
Most writing on strategy deals with theory, or what presents itself sometimes as military science. Indeed much of it in effect is a meditation on Clausewitz and a search for alternatives, including, sometimes, the author of the piece in... more
The following dissertation presents the first series of results of a personal investigation on the subject of crafts and men of the Portuguese modern age artillery. As a result of this personal endeavour, a database, consisting of... more
This research paper entitled "The Scots in Java, 1811-1816: An Episode from the History of the 78th Regiment of Foot (Ross-shire Buffs): The Storming of the Yogyakarta Court, 20 June 1812" was written by my late colleague, Edmund Edwards... more
Museu de Historia de Viseu, Portugal
Due to the complex, unique, multiple demands they exert on the human body through the skills, competences and abilities, they develop as well as by contributing to the development of motor skills, fighting sports represent an effective... more
eISBN: 978-989-8492-77-7
Since nuclear weapons are around, so is the potential for a nuclear war. in effect, security remains imperilled, despite, and to some extent because of nuclear weapons. why is this so? How much do military doctrines have to do with... more
Sri Lanka is a democratic country with universal franchise and a representative government. The election system was introduced to this nation during British colonial rule. Apart from education and elitism, the main factors considered in... more
Introduction to South Asia:-South Asia is mapped at the Southern part of Asian continent. It has rich diversity, heritage, densely populated and exhibits wide variety of cultures, languages and living standards of people. It provides safe... more
Diogo do Couto ficou consagrado como cronista e guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo do Estado da Índia pelo que é importante abordar os antecedentes e o contexto de tal nomeação, bem como alguns elementos sobre o desempenho desse cargo. É... more
D. Joao de Castro, embora tenha sido uma das figuras de maior prestígio na História da presenya dos portugueses na Índia, nao é tao bem conhecido como geralmente se supoe. Apesar de haver já algumas obras que abordam a sua vida,... more
After the rapid development of colonial activities in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, a large amount of population resources became very popular with the use of underground resources of the colonial countries. This very low... more
The supposed Military Revolution of the early modern period is the most important instance of a key concept in military history, that of military revolutions. This collection takes a critical look at the example and thereby asks broader... more
Taking the assumption that politics and war are related domains in Machiavelli, in this paper we intend to examine the specificity of the art of war in comparison with the art of the State. If the homologies between the two fields are... more
The moral failings of the developmental state All politicians in India promise development, yet the state apparatus and political factions in control cause inequality
Cover Contents Exit Hybrid Federalization in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal 69 aware that models of federalism elsewhere were inappropriate for India during the period when it was drafting its constitution and the years that followed. This... more
After the rapid development of colonial activities in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, a large amount of population resources became very popular with the use of underground resources of the colonial countries. This very low... more
The Sikh Warrior through the ages, c1700-1900 (Helion and Company). By Gurinder Singh Mann A newly published book highlights the rich military tradition of the Sikhs. Readers are taken through a journey of over two hundred years through... more
Estudo de aspetos relativos às relações que foram mantidas por Manuel com Francisco de Almeida, que nomeara seu primeiro vice-rei da Índia revelando as várias facetas por que passaram, desde as mais positivas até atitudes críticas sobre o... more
Since 1983, the 'Tamil problem' in Sri Lanka has captured the headlines of the intemational press and the attention of the world public. The origins of the Tamil movement can, however, be traced back to the communal organizations... more
How do countries transition from single service to joint operations? This article engages with the discussion on military innovation to argue that civil-military relations are the most important driver for jointness. In doing so it... more
India's foreign policy behaviour often challenges conventional theories of international relations (IR). Why for instance, did India wait 24 years after its first nuclear test to conduct another test? In the wake of its nuclear tests, why... more
This paper describes the evolution of language politics and the part played by political leaders with reference to the Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu. It explores the interesting evolution from separatism to coalition in sustaining the... more
This paper describes the evolution of language politics and the part played by political leaders with reference to the Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu. It explores the interesting evolution from separatism to coalition in sustaining the... more
Speaking of European social historians, however, it is to some of these that the anthropological concept of culture began to make sense and in whose works its implications have been the most profound; more profound, I think, than in... more
The writer is Dawn's correspondent in Delhi.
Publicado na 'Revista de História das Ideias', no. 11, Coimbra, 1989, pp. 113-127.
In the first presidential contest since ethnic strife erupted into a raging blood-feud, Sri Lanka's two major candidates are both pandering to the logic of the mob and the constituency of the gun. Both oppose the fifteenth-month-old pact... more
Por diversas vezes se tem escrito que a época da estatística pré-moderna se inicia, em Portugal, com a realização do censo de 1801. Só a partir desta data a contagem das gentes é feita numa base nominativa, deixando o fogo de ser a... more