Indian Energy Security

57 papers
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Indian Energy Security refers to the ability of India to ensure a reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy supply to meet its economic growth and development needs, while minimizing vulnerability to external energy shocks and promoting energy independence through diversification of energy sources and investments in renewable energy technologies.
Contemplation of Indo-Iranian Relations
Nuclear File
The roots of India-Myanmar (Myanmar is known as Burma and Syam) has been very deep going back to thousands year-long ethnic, cultural and commercial links. In the post IInd world war period, a number of factors like political, economic,... more
National security is main goal of a nation. It means freedom from care. As we know national security is ability of a nation to protect its internal values from external threats. But broadly speaking, the prevention of core values critical... more
The writers of this article examine concerns around the 9/11 attacks and their effects on Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia. Afghanistan and all the countries in Central Asia have seen the direct effects of the 9/11 attack,... more
ENG. The author describes the cooperation of China, Russia and India in the field of energy (oil and gas). It describes the main energy companies in these countries and their international cooperation. The subject of the work is the... more
India and the Changing Geopolitics of Oil The global energy scenario has transformed in the past 20 years. Oil demand, earlier driven by the West, is now shifting to the East, more specifically to Asia. New oil supplies from North America... more
The oil and gas companies often claim as highly complex and structured through the supply chain system that requires dynamic practices. Oil and gas companies may encounter capabilities problems related to the dynamic supply chain... more
The King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) is a non-profit global institution dedicated to independent research into energy economics, policy, technology and the environment across all types of energy. KAPSARC's... more
This paper presents the challenges in oil and gas development in Indonesia, especially in technical aspects. In upstream, this country faces the fact that the production as well as the proven reserves of oil is continuing to decline. The... more
The world’s demand for energy grew by 95 percent in the last 30 years. It is projected to grow by 33 percent during the next 15 years and by 45 percent in the next 20 years.1 Most of that growth will be accounted for by huge increases in... more
The G20, a leading multilateral forum for global cooperation and decisionmaking, is taking the lead to foster dialogue and deliberation on green energy transition through energy collaboration and action agenda. The G20 countries are... more
Exploration for oil in Indonesia started in 1850 when systematic mapping of oils seeps was carried out by the Dutch East Indies Government. This, with geological investigation, resulted in discoveries of the first Indonesia's oilfields... more
India is globally renowned as a burgeoning solar energy superpower. Solar park development is occurring in the Indian context of an ascendant Hindu nationalism (Hindutva) that is violent and oppressive to minority populations,... more
Indian companies continue to purchase mammoth amounts of Russian crude. At the same time, the exports of oil products from India to the EU have grown at an exponential rate till March 2023. After this period, however, they have decreased... more
US's sharp criticism of Syria echoed loudly in Damascus as US forces entered Baghdad with unexpected ease in April 2003. It is no surprise then that Damascus somewhat nervously fears the possibility of US action against Syria,... more
In recent years, the concept of the 'Anthropocene' and its theoretical and practical implications have permeated International Relations Theory, and especially studies focused on international security. Still scarce, most of the... more
Indonesia’s oil and gas industry is the huge contributor to government export revenues and foreign exchange and contributes a substantial amount to state revenue. However, the total of oil production declined around 4,41% per year since... more
Endowed with over 40,000 MW of economic hydropower potential relative to its nascent domestic demand, Nepal can export electricity to its power-deficit neighbours in the BBIN (Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal) region as a strategic... more
Natuna sea is Indonesia’s energy storage. East Natuna field, located on Indonesia's continental shelf in the Natuna sea, is believed to be the largest gas field in Asia-Pacific. Deposits a tremendous amount of hydrocarbon reserve... more
In 2022, Russia became one of the major suppliers of petroleum crude to India. Our new Brief, admittedly less brief this time, makes use of New Delhi government's freshly-released data to summarise whatever we know about Indian imports of... more
Cross-border power trading through grid interconnection has gained significant attention in South Asia to support energy deficit states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. Nonetheless, cross border grid... more
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
The Russia-Ukraine war has significantly impacted the nature of international politics. As we know, the outcome of the interaction of different countries' foreign policies shapes the nature of international politics at a given time. After... more
Seeking recognition for India as a power of consequence on the global stage has been a persistent feature of Indian foreign policy over the years. Ever since the time of India gaining independence from British colonial rule, India's... more
The number of LNG vessels on European waters has doubled in the past two months (September & October). According to shipping analytics firm Vortexa, the ships are idling or moving slowly across northwest Europe and the Iberian Peninsula... more
In 2007, during research on ways to abate greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, 1 we encountered the puzzle of energy efficiency: How is it that so many energysaving opportunities worth more than $130 billion annually to the U.S.... more
This Legal Scholarship Symposia Articles is brought to you for free and open access by TU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tulsa Law Review by an authorized editor of TU Law Digital Commons. For more information,... more
Cross-border power trading through grid interconnection has gained significant attention in South Asia to support energy deficit states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. Nonetheless, cross border grid... more
Unlike other aspects of non-traditional security, energy security has been very closely linked with military security. Very often, it is the powerful state-consumers seeking to preserve an uninterrupted supply of energy at an affordable... more
Since 1994 Indonesia has not built any new refineries due to the economic crisis in1998, which was followed by political reform. Last year Indonesia had imported more than400 thousand bpd (barrel per day) of petroleum products. On the... more
This paper made an attempt to analyze India's bilateral trend of trade with member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. The time period for the analysis is from 1996 to 2021. The study starts with the Asian... more
Malaysia has initiated a range of pre-project activities in preparation for its planned nuclear power programme. Clearly one of the first steps is the selection of sites that are deemed suitable for the construction and operation of a... more
Cross-border power trading through grid interconnection has gained significant attention in South Asia to support energy deficit states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. Nonetheless, cross border grid... more
As regard to the relative consumption of various sources of energy as percent of the world total, India among the emerging Asian economies, occupies third place immediately after China and Japan. This raises the question whether... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
This paper presents the challenges in oil and gas development in Indonesia, especially in technical aspects. In upstream, this country faces the fact that the production as well as the proven reserves of oil is continuing to decline. The... more
Since 1994 Indonesia has not built any new refineries due to the economic crisis in1998, which was followed by political reform. Last year Indonesia had imported more than400 thousand bpd (barrel per day) of petroleum products. On the... more
There is a wide gap between India’s energy production and energy through conventional sources of energy. After the two oil shocks in 1970s, which caused energy crisis, the drive for renewable energy started in 1980s with setting up of... more
The issue of national security has ever been an issue of top priority for the nations in human history and all the efforts to secure its national interests have been made as the core of national policy. India after its independence in... more
The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization devoted to independent research and policy solutions. Its mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical... more
Despite sharing a common culture and heritage, South Asia is one of the least integrated regions of the world. There are numerous persistent problems creating continuous hurdles for regional integration in South Asia. In this paper an... more
Energy is a common thread that connects multiple areas of sustainable development of countries and sub-regions in Asia. In the drive to trigger and consolidate inclusive development, the North Eastern Region (NER) of India offers great... more
India has experienced a peak power deficit of more than 12% in the last decade. In order to reduce the deficit, policymakers initiated a new energy planning policy through the introduction of Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP). However,... more
Uninterrupted electricity supply is the precondition of economic development of a country. Bangladesh has huge electrical power deficiency and to minimize this lagging, Government is importing 250 MW electrical power from India. India is... more
(Raj) It is important to bear in mind that since India-China, and US-China relations are becoming extremely tense over bilateral, regional and international issues, India and the United States have enormous opportunities to come much... more