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Water is a natural element that has been universally and religiously recognized as a purifying natural symbol. In India this element acquires special significance from a literary perspective, from poetry to narrative. In a current world... more
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This article examines an unpublished commentary on Vāmana’s Kāvyālaṅkārasūtra (early 9th century), known as ṭippaṇa or simply vivṛti, composed by a certain Sahadeva and preserved in a single paper transcript from Trivandrum, currently... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePoeticsKashmirHistory of Alankarashastra
INVESTIGATION ON THE “YOGA OF THE WORD”: READINGS FROM THE BRAH- MAKĀṆḌA (I) In the Brahmakāṇḍa, the “yoga of speech” (śabdapūrvayoga) remains an enigma that I propose to examine, in particular by bringing to light its links with... more
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One often encounters, in Indian philosophic, religious and literary texts, similes and metaphors centred on the figure of the actor/dancer, associated with the God or the self. This is especially frequent in non-dual Śaivism of medieval... more
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesTantraIndian Aesthetics
साहित्य के बिना किसी राष्ट्र की सभ्यता, संस्कृति, धर्म, जीवन-मूल्य व नैतिकता आदि सभी निर्जीव हैं । किसी साहित्यकार का कर्म ही है कि वह ऐसे साहित्य का सृजन करें जोकि राष्ट्रीय एकता, मानवीयता, समानता, सह-अस्तित्व, पारस्परिक सद्भाव, बंधुत्व,... more
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Author: Prabhunandan Murthy, California USA The aesthetic discernment and evaluation of nature, art and literature are all well established intellectual pursuits and have a history of, at least, a few centuries. The aesthetic studies of... more
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    • Indian Aesthetics
Art, an exquisite experience, transports us to otherworldly realms. This "Ānanda" – a profound joy – transcends mere entertainment. It's a deep-seated yearning, driving our continual engagement. Why does art captivate us? For some, it's... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryPerforming ArtsIndian Aesthetics
in  "Meaning and Beauty: Shastric Foundation of Indian Aesthetics."  Edited by Kamalesh Datta Tripathi & Pranati Ghosal. Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2019.
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      SanskritIndian ArtIndian AestheticsAestetics

Published by the IGNCA and Aryan Books International, Delhi.
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      Indian PhilosophySanskrit language and literatureSanskritTantra
The paper focuses on Saiva reasonings about liberation and, more precisely, on “liberation in this life” (jivanmukti). It will give me an opportunity to show how the transformation of the notion, within the tradition of nondual Saivism of... more
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A famous stanza, Tantraloka I 332, composed by Abhinavagupta, is taken up again, quoted by himself in his Locana (ad Dhvanyaloka I 13), as an example of the variety of figure of style named aprastutaprasamsa. In the Tantraloka, the... more
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      AestheticsArtPoliticsContemporary Aesthetics
As in all other countries, so also in India, with the onslaught of globalisation and unethical consumerism, many of the valuable cultural heritage of the country are disappearing. Koodiyattam, a classical art of Kerala, is included among... more
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Based on the premise that an aesthetic experience is inevitably a human one, this paper considers a non-anthropocentric ecological aesthetic experience through the lens of Indian aesthetics. It does so by problematizing the beautiful in... more
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      AestheticsEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental AestheticsIndian Aesthetics
Beauty is the manifestation of God. It develops an impulse of love, and to love beauty is to love God, the Creator of the universe. Beauty is comprehended through senses, and sensuous values develop spiritual consciousness. The awareness... more
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      AestheticsEnglish LiteratureArtEnglish
la Ldr lkfgR; es a dkO;&'kkL= vkS j vya dkj MkW-Nxu yky 'kekZ ,lks 0 iz ks 0& la Ldr foHkkx] vkj0 ch0 ,l0 dkW ys t] vkxjk iz hfr ¼'kks /k Nk=k½] ¼jft0ua-309@2020@5196½+
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    • Education
Os conteúdos trabalhados serão uma introdução aos principais épicos hindus (Ramayana e Mahabharata), conceitos gerais do hinduísmo (dharma, o papel da mulher, a tríade formada por Shiva, Vishnu e Brahma, os principais deuses adorados na... more
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Eco-spiritualism is not a new idea; in fact, it has a long history in the Vedic tradition. 'Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam' in the mantra of Mahā-Upaniṣad of the Sāmaveda tradition presents us with a thought-provoking message, namely, that every... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityEnvironmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
In Indian linguistic analysis, a word is characterized as skhaladgati (lit. ‘stumbling gait’) when its function of conveying meaning is considered. A Sanskrit literary device called skhaladgati is a shift in the meaning of a word or... more
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      SanskritTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsKashmirAnandavarddhan & Abhinavgupta)
Meleeyoer keâer Dees j mecheeokeâ os Jes võ Øeleehe eE men ØeyevOe mecheeokeâ og iex Me keg âceej eE men meneÙekeâ mecheeokeâ meb lees <e keg âceej ef leJeejer jeceOeejer ef meb n `ef ovekeâj' ef JeMes <eeb keâ i $ew ceeef mekeâ Yeeie-85,... more
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    • Indian Aesthetics
This book redefines modern Indian literature from a cosmopolitan comparative perspective inclusive of literature in English from India and the diaspora, in native languages, and works by non‑Indians. It shows how, since the mid‑19th... more
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      World LiteraturesWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureComparative Literature
Rasa is an aesthetic feeling aroused in the reader or spectator when he witnesses an effective presentation of art. Sage Bharata in ancient India pioneered and Abhinav Gupta elaborated the theory of Rasa. According to the Rasa Sutra, rasa... more
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      Theatre StudiesIndian English LiteratureIndian AestheticsGirish Karndad
ऋषियों ने जब सृष्टि-उत्पत्ति का विवरण देना चाहा, तो उन्होंने षड््-दर्शन को इसका माध्यम बनाया। षड््-दर्शन में सृष्टि-उत्पत्ति के छह कारणों का विवरण विस्तार से दिया गया है। षड््-दर्शन में सामूहिकता, एकत्व, सहयोग, समन्वय, सर्वांगता एवं... more
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Dungar College ÖZET Çeviri; bir kültürün, bir bölgenin edebiyat›n› di¤er bir kültüre-bölgeye tafl›r ve karfl›l›kl› kültürel iliflkiyle birlikte güven duygusu oluflmas›na katk›da bulunur. Fakat Hindistan örne¤inde bölgesel kültürün ürünü... more
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After the art forms of the second half of the 20th century it is not possible to define art based on the aesthetic in the traditional sense. Thus, the whole discipline has fallen into a trap, a cul-de-sac, from which there is no escape.... more
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The Tejaswini 'Sugam Shiksha' education content had 4 key steps to enable the out of school 'adolescent girls and young women' prepare for formal examinations at elementary and secondary level. The 4 steps included: 1. Preparation for... more
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      English languageAdolescent Education (Education)
प्रेमचन्द युग के अंतिम काल में साहित्य के क्षितिज पर जैनेन्द्र के रूप में एक ऐसी प्रतिभा उदित हुई, जब प्रेमचन्द का साहित्यिक कीर्ति स्तम्भ आसमान में ऊँचा उठ चुका था। ऐसे समय में जैनेन्द्र नवनिर्माण का रूप लेकर अवतरित हुए।
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      Indian CultureWestern Culture
Artículos Estética difusa o de la globalización de lo estético Andrea Mecacci 7-23 Escritura rizomática y esquizofrenia en la Trilogía de Samuel Beckett Solange Heffesse 25-64 Archivo "Arquitectura y danza" de Vicente Fatone Guillermo... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtGilles DeleuzeFelix Guattari
A tutte le latitudini e in ogni cultura, attori provetti sbalordiscono e coinvolgono il loro pubblico con la condivisione delle emozioni, che di volta in volta si fanno pianto, brivido, rossore: stato che dalla coscienza si diffonde sul... more
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      EmotionTheatre StudiesIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
In this essay, the Varaha icon at the Hoysaleshvara temple in Karnataka will be used as a case study to analyse the Hoysala style sculpture through iconology and iconography to interpret movement in addressing the mythical image. I aim to... more
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      MythologyAestheticsIconographyArt History
Review of ‘Reading the Rāmcaritmānas: A Companion to
the Awadhi Ramayana of Tulsidas by Rupert Snell with Neha Tiwari, Delhi: Primus Books, 2023’
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      Hindi LiteratureIndian AestheticsRamayanaTulsidas
This article is a humble attempt to deal with the Rasa theory (Niṣpattiḥ) of Bharat. From the time of its composition, Nāṭyaśāstra is held in high esteem. Its importance is timeless and proving the universality of Bharat's theory of... more
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      AestheticsAesthetics and Theory of ArtsIndian AestheticsReligion and Art, Sanskrit Studies, Sanskrit Aesthetics, Indian Philosophy, Indian Music, Dance and Arts
Rasa is an aesthetic feeling aroused in the reader or spectator when he witnesses an effective presentation of art. Sage Bharata in ancient India pioneered and Abhinav Gupta elaborated the theory of Rasa. According to the Rasa Sutra, rasa... more
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      Theatre StudiesIndian English LiteratureIndian AestheticsGirish Karndad
Man's search for meaning in life is a recurrent theme in time-old literatures. With the advent of globalization, erstwhile concrete identities become fluid. This further problematized man's conception of meaningful life. Sublimity helps... more
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      SublimeIndian Aesthetics
How do we open our sense of being? What is to be our intrinsic nature - iyalbu from which action flows freely bound by the laws of a chosen, crafted consciousness? What is this residual loneliness of being that makes us who we are as part... more
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Literature gets created mainly due to the creator's desire of evoking his/ her own aesthetic emotions (rasas) and wish to share with and impart similar experience upon readers. This paper has applied and analyzed randomly the selected... more
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Iniciamos apresentando, em nosso primeiro capitulo, o texto inaugural da filosofia da arte indiana, o Nāṭyaśāstra de Bharatamuni, com nossa atencao voltada aos capitulos I, VI, VII e XXXVI, os quais constituem, ao nosso ver, o nucleo da... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesArtIndian Aesthetics
Bozena SHALLCROSS University of Chicago The Shiver of Delight and History of Literature Abroad The author chose as the starting point Ulrich Gumbrecht’s meditations on presence and significance meaning, contained in his book The... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyChoseSubject Matter
The exploration in my thesis elucidates the evolution of Pichwai art, originating from the sacred town of Nathdwara in Rajasthan. Pichwais, deeply intertwined with the veneration of Lord Krishna in the Pushti Marg tradition, metamorphosed... more
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      Contemporary ArtIndian AestheticsIndian folk art and folkloreRasa and bhakti
Resumo O objetivo deste comentário é visualizar aproximações de uma leitura sobre a prática da devoção na filosofia vaishnava e os conceitos de ordinário e cotidiano (everyday), tendo como base Textures of the Ordinary. Para tanto,... more
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Hkkjr jk"Vª dh la dYiuk fgUnh Hkk"kk ds fcuk v/kw jh gS çFke jf'e& Þdks bZ jk"Vª viuh ekrHkk"kk dks Nks Mdj jk"Vª ugha dgyk ldrkA jk"Vª Hkk"kk dh j{kk lhekvks a dh j{kk ls Hkh vf/kd vko';d gS A ,d Hkk"kk gh gS ftlds cy ij çR;s d tkfr us... more
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      Hindi LiteratureHindi
These ancient texts are undeniably a treasure trove of narratives encompassing every aspect of human life, ranging from moral stories to ethics, logic, philosophy, science, astronomy, Ayurveda, governance, vulnerabilities and social... more
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      HinduismIndian studiesIndian AestheticsHindu Mythology
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Reviewed by Krishna Gopal Srivastava* One of the greatest theoreticians of poetry, Mammta, in his immortal poetics called Kavya Prakash classifies all poetry into three categories: 'Dhvani kavya', 'Gunibhutavyangyakavya' and... more
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      Indian studiesIndian Writing in EnglishIndian Aestheticsindian Poetry in English
Najpogostejsi okus je okus po piscancu, tega imajo vsi ptici razen noja. Isti ali vsaj okus, ki bi sodil v to skupino, pa imajo tudi nekateri sesalci, na primer zajec, macka, mis. V drugo skupino okusov so razvrstili tudi meso plazilcev... more
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प्रस्तावित शोध-पत्र तार्किक भाववाद के उद्भव, विकास एवं स्वरूप की विवेचना है। तार्किक भाववाद किस प्रकार समकालीन पाश्चात्य दर्शन में एक आंदोलन के रूप में उदित होता है एवं यह कैसे दार्शनिक विचारों में परिवर्तन लाता है, इसकी व्याख्या करना इस... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyLogical PositivismIdeal Language Philosophy
Przedmiotem artykułu jest idea zjednoczenia mistycznego w odniesieniu do koncepcji duszy (jīva) we wczesnym wisznuizmie bengalskim (gauḍīya), reprezentowanym przez szesnastowiecznego teologa-Dźiwę Goswamina. W swoim najważniejszym... more
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The aim of the article is to discuss community gardens as works of public art. Even if artistic status of gardens has been widely recognized, it is usually taken into account when historic gardens and parks or works of contemporary... more
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtPaintingPolitics
Dans la tradition indienne, la memoire n&#39;est pas liee a un evenement, aussi fondateur soit-il d&#39;une culture, et moins encore a ce qu&#39;on appelle aujourd&#39;hui le devoir de memoire, ses lieux et son « heritage ». Elle n&#39;en... more
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