Indian Aesthetics
Recent papers in Indian Aesthetics
Chatterjiju gre zasluga za uveljavitev izraza »kašmirski šivaizem«, saj ga tradicije, ki naj bi jih izraz zajemal, niso uporabljale.
The study aims to address the existing research gap through a thematic comparison between the aesthetics of Kant and Abhinavagupta. This paper explores Kant's notion of aesthetic judgment based on disinterestedness with Abhinavagupta's... more
Raniero Gnoli, 'L’estetica indiana. La scuola di Abhinavagupta'. Traduzione di Alberto Anrò. Carocci Editore, Roma. ISBN 9788829019953 Ed. originale R. Gnoli, 'The Aesthetic Experience according to Abhinavagupta', The Chowkhamba... more
Totem occupies a central position in varied cultures. With the change in social situations there has been a shift in the metaphoric representation of the Totem in the social and cultural space. The cause of the changing beliefs in the... more
A review of the Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art by J. L. Garfield
The copy of revised syllabus for M. A. Honours - options
Beauty is the manifestation of God. It develops an impulse of love, and to love beauty is to love God, the Creator of the universe. Beauty is comprehended through senses, and sensuous values develop spiritual consciousness. The awareness... more
Analysis of Rasa Theory.
Anand Amaladass, "Dhvanyāloka Concordance", Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series No. 177. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1994.
Contribution to Book Symposium. Commentary on: Richard Shusterman,
Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 436 pages.
Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 436 pages.
Tantrism is a system of meditation and physical rituals.
This thesis proposes that the stepwell or Vav of Gujarat was a regional innovation driven by environmental and geological conditions, but also by the aesthetic sophistication supported by its patrons. The distinguishing factos of the Vav... more
An analysis of the essay 'The Dance of Shiva' by Coomaraswamy.
Ashoka's legacy is carreid through the sandstone pillars that were erected during his rule in various parts of northern India. These pillars were inscrbed upon with edicts revealing Ashoka's intended policy framework of Dhamma for his... more
This paper explores the experiential domain of rasa and its relation to self-consciousness.
Anand Amaladass, "Dhvani Theory and Interpretation of Scripture (Dhvani reading of the Mahābhārata by Ānandavardhana)" in "Adyar Library Bulletin" 54 (1990): 68-98
This is a brief review of the Rasa theory of Indian aesthetics and the works I have done on the same. A major source of the Indian system of classification of emotional states comes from the ‘Natyasastra’, the ancient Indian treatise on... more
okYehdh; jkek;.k es a lhrk ds ifjR;kx dh ?kVuk ;g ?kVuk okYehdh; jkek;.k ds mÙkjdk.M es a vkrh gS A bl ?kVuk ds dya d ls jke dks Nq M+ kus dk ,d ljy ijUrq vuq fpr rjhdk ;g dguk gks xk fd mÙkjdk.M rks iz f{kIr gS ] ckn es a tks M+ k... more
• Debunk validity, coherence, universal promise of rasa-aesthetics by pitting Hindu theorists against each other (Nāyaka & Ānanda against Abhinava) • Section of 70-page article on " Abhinava's Rasa-aesthetics & Bharata's sacrificial... more
CV of Professor Vanashree
The paper aims at critical reconsideration of a motif popular in Indian literary, ritual, and pictorial traditions – a tree goddess (yakṣī, vṛkṣakā) or a woman embracing a tree (śālabhañjīkā, dohada), which points to a close and intimate... more
What is Dance? What is Theatre? What is the boundary between enacting a character and narrating a story? When does movement become tinted with meaning? And when does beauty shine alone as if with no object? These universal aesthetic... more
The paper aspires to examine the role played by the aesthetic theory of Rasa on one hand, and the meditative theory of Yoga on the other, in the artistic expression of the adi-rasa, Sringara. From Vatsayana’s Kamasutra to the theory of... more
This chapter explores the ways Abhinavagupta, an eleventh-century Kashmirian polymath, establishes the experience of serenity (śānta) as one of the appraised emotions called rasa. Beyond the issue of whether serenity can be the savoring... more
BHARTIYA MANYAPRAD is a call to bring closer all Indians at one mental meadow irrespective of them being Indian residents, NRIs or PIOs. Certain issues touch all of them with same concern. BHARTIYA MANYAPRAD is a new International Journal... more
When Uday Shankar and his company launched their inaugural world tour in Paris in 1931, European and American audiences received the ensemble enthusiastically. How could this group of foreigners have been so successful on Western stages?... more
This essay is an attempt to build a critique of the controversial paintings of M. F. Husain from the perspective of the aesthetic concept of aucitya. Since aucitya is considered necessary for derivation of rasa, the critique also involves... more
Goethe Says that Sakuntala is a fine poetry which contains the history of development of the main Character Sakuntala which is explained in two phases:
Transcending psychological inhibitions caused by colonial encounter in the comprehension of the past is a daunting task in aesthetic discourses, given the fact that colonial paradigms are difficult to erase and contemporary public spaces... more
Статья посвящена концепции «раса» (эстетического переживания), одному из ключевых понятий индийской эстетики. Автор кратко прослеживает особенности трактовки этого понятия на разных этапах его существования и применительно к разным видам... more
This paper aims to examine the dimensions of aesthetic affect of anger in the rasa framework in Indian aesthetics. In the postmodern times, as aesthetic emotions are formulated (packaged and predetermined) and with the digital... more
Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online. Rivista Telematica del Dipartimento di Linguistica dell’Università di Pisa. Proceedings of the XII National Meeting of National Association for Sanskrit Studies, Milan.... more
While it is common to hear that we are living in an era of global education, academic philosophy and aesthetics continue to reflect a heavy bias toward Western philosophies, thinkers, and arts. This curriculum project has two central... more
The purpose of this article is to argue, prove and demonstrate that Indian Music and Dance have a crucial role to play in the overall development of the Republic of Mauritius. Following intensive and extensive literature search, and... more