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This paper looks at gastronomic identity in the age of global labor migrations. Focusing on the nineteenth-century inden- tured labor voyages from northern India to the sugar colonies in the Caribbean and Asia-Pacific regions, it... more
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      Cultural StudiesGastronomyPeasant StudiesLabor Migration
Hinduism in Guyana consists of various traditions and subgroups such as the Sanatan, Madras, and Arya Samaj traditions. Influenced by various historical conditions and the dominant Christian influence, members of the so-called Sanatan... more
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      HinduismCaribbean StudiesIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Guyana
In the early nineteenth century, strong opposition of slavery resulted in its abolition around the world. But the imperial nature of the European colonies was in great need of manpower for their plantations going on in different parts of... more
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      Indentured Labourfolk performing art of india / TheatreTraditional TheatreIndentured Labours Guyana
From "Area Impossible: Notes Toward an Introduction" (GLQ 22.2) by Anjali Arondekar and Geeta Patel: "Temporality, the promise and peril of area studies, then might provide an epistemic demeanor for the impossible nexus of area with... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesCaribbean LiteratureCaribbean History
The participation of Indo-Guyanese and Indo-Trinidadian women in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century sugar estate strikes and in the interwar development of trade unionism has been underestimated by colonial authorities, indentured... more
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      Trade unionismCaribbean LiteratureCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies
‘The Dhantal’s Irreverence: Off-Beat as the In-Between Time of Indenture’, in Maurits S. Hassankhan et al, ed., Social and Cultural Dimensions of Indian Indentured Labour and its Diaspora: Past and Present (New Delhi: Manohar, 2015)... more
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      Diaspora StudiesPhenomenology of TemporalityTemporality (Time Studies)Hindustani music
In this essay, Khan takes a historiographic and speculative fiction approach to examining the 19th century and early 20th century life of her Chinese great-grandfather in colonial British Guiana, and the economic, religious, racial, and... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryChinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)GuyanaIndian Indenture
Indo-Guyanese Canadian writer and poet Cyril Dabydeen’s novel Dark Swirl (1988) imagines the settler-colonial cultural and environmental encounter among a rural Indo-Guyanese family, the indigenous reptilian water spirit the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesAmerindian StudiesAmerindian CosmologiesCaribbean Literature
Abstract: Despite being separated by over 6,339 miles, Kilmainham Gaol and Aapravsai Ghat are inextricably linked as artefacts documenting the legacy of the British Empire. This essay shall consider the geo-historical and socio-political... more
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      Material Culture StudiesIdentity (Culture)ColonialismNational Identity
This article deals with the issue of Indentured labour, which is one of the biggest man made disaster in 19th century India under British rule. It broke into a new culture and performing art form due to the lamenting and suffering of... more
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      Performing ArtsInternational MigrationMigration StudiesIndian folk art and folklore
This is a report published by Overseas Indian , a publication by Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry of Government of India about the cultural search
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyEast Indian/South Asian diaspora in the CaribbeanCultural Anthropology
Karimah Rahman. (2021). Muslim Indo-Caribbean Marginalization: In Indo-Caribbean, Indentured Diasporic, Caribbean, West Indian, Indian, South Asian and Muslim Spaces. The Brown Girl Diary.... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCaribbean StudiesGuyanaIndo-Caribbean Diaspora
The present article opens with a generic plea for the de-imperialization of Lusophone studies. A de-imperial turn should allow researchers to explore more thoroughly the experiences of diaspora and exile that an empire-centered history... more
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      Cultural HeritagePortuguese StudiesPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonLabor Migration
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      Caribbean LiteratureIndian IndentureIndentured LabourIndentured Labours Guyana
While capitalism has always relied on the segmentation of the labour process and labour markets, such processes were respatialized and intensified with the global reorganization of production beginning in the 1970s. In single (and often... more
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      EthicsFeminist TheoryGlobalizationMarxism
Hulp bij het goed, juist uitspreken van de Sarnami woorden.
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      Hindi/UrduBhojpuriIndentured Labours GuyanaBritish West Indies
FOREWORD The annexation of native states across the Indian sub continent in 19 th century AD by the British colonialists lead to massive displacement of people. The changes in the land owning patterns, destruction of irrigation systems,... more
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    • Indentured Labours Guyana
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      Caribbean LiteratureCaribbean HistoryCaribbean StudiesThe Caribbean
Karimah Rahman. (2020). Muslim Indo-Caribbean Identity: Muslim Indentured Resistance to Colonization and Colonial Policies​. The Migration Institute... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCaribbean StudiesMuslim MinoritiesGuyana
The manifestations of ancient Indic civilization -- from meditation, to Ayurveda, to yoga, to Hindu (and Buddhist) philosophy, to Indian cuisine -- have become more and more a part of the daily life, consciousness and practice in the... more
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      HinduismLatin American and Caribbean HistoryCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies