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Research plan for project granted by the Swedish Research Council (the Swedish research links-programme) in November 2013. Project title: Interactions between traditions of lifelong learning in Scandinavia and Eastern Africa. Project... more
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      African StudiesPopular EducationAdult EducationLifelong Learning
Zimbabwe consists of diverse minority language groups. In some cases, some groups could also be classified as minority ethnic groups. However, some of the ethnic groups have been subsumed into the Shona and Ndebele dominant tribes. As a... more
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      Minority RightsIndegenous KnowledgeIndegenous PeopleBaseline and impact assessment studies
The extreme violence that women suffer during conflict does not arise solely out of the conditions of war; it is directly related to the violence that exists in women's lives during peacetime. Throughout the world, women experience... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAfrican American Literature
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesHistory and MemoryNational Identity
My journey into the world of the rural artisan communities was not with the intention of 'developing' them or educating them. I went to them to regain that which I had lost in the process of getting educated. To learn from them. Having... more
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      AestheticsEducationDesignMaterial Culture Studies
Since language and culture have muscle and bone relationship, the existence of one in the absence of another in unthinkable. But in practice, English language teaching has paid less attention to the local culture. It is commonly believed... more
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      Tribal Culture and Local self GovermentIndegenous KnowledgePost-method
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
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      English LiteratureIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesLiteratureIndegenous Knowledge
ISBN 978-616-7909-06-6 บรรณาธิ การ สมชาย หอมลออ พรเพ็ ญ คงขจรเกี ยรติ ค� านิ ยม วุ ฒิ บุ ญเลิ ศ ค� าน� า สุ รพงษ์ กองจั นทึ ก เขี ยน/เรี ยบเรี ยง ทิ พย์ วิ มล ศิ ริ นุ พงศ์ พรพรรณ กาญจนาธิ วั ฒน์ ออกแบบปก อั ญมณี แก้ วอะโข ภาพหน้ าปก... more
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      Indegenous KnowledgeKaren peopleCommunity Rights
Human culture is a central concept in anthropology, covering the range of phenomena that are communicated through social learning in human societies. The word is used in a general sense as the evolved ability to categorize and represent... more
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      Indigenous StudiesTribal studiesIndegenous KnowledgeFolk Literature, Folk Deities & Tribal Culture
Indigenous communication is an important aspect of culture and the means by which culture and indigenous knowledge is preserved. Indigenous communication systems have existed in different indigenous communities before the coming of radio,... more
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      Symbolic InteractionismIndegenous KnowledgeIndegenous PeopleINDEGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND DEVELOPMENT
The paper attempted to elicit the various ways of promoting access to indigenous knowledge (IK) in the digital age bringing libraries into the scene as facilitators. Some major characteristics of IK were listed such as IK being mostly... more
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      LibrariesIndegenous KnowledgeDigital Age
This working collection of essays problematizes biocentrist conceptions of humanity and looks past the competitive, dominating mechanical evolution of humanity in the Age of Scarcity and Labor to examine the potential for conscious... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringEconomic History
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      Critical TheoryDecolonial ThoughtIndegenous KnowledgeEpistemicide
This research has been published by SID Research Cell, School of Interior Design, Faculty of Design, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. The book was launched during the seminar Interior Design Traditions in India on the 2nd September... more
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      DesignCultural HeritageVernacular Typology StudiesIndian studies
This article centers on the pre-colonial economy of the Mwaghavul people of Plateau Sate, Central Nigeria. The aim of this research is to bring to limelight the indigenous knowledge of the Mwaghavul people and thereby, contribute to the... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAfrican Indigenous Cultures
AlekHin, Y., M. ZHukoV, V. MorgunoVA, Y DronoVA: The effect of the red blood cell system disorders on the further development and productivity of Holstein calves that had had bronchopneumonia. Vet. arhiv 91, 473-481, 2021. ABSTrACT The... more
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      DesignArchitectureCultural HeritageVernacular Typology Studies
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 September 2007. Since then, the importance of the role that indigenous peoples play in economic, social and environmental... more
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      Human RightsFood SecurityIndegenous KnowledgeShifting Cultivation
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      Water Resources ManagementIndegenous Knowledge
No abstract found
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      Sri LankaAgricultureIndegenous Knowledge
The literature of the Chakmas is as rich and diverse as other literatures of the world. The Chakmas are the largest of all other tribal communities in Bangladesh. As a major community, they possess distinguished culture, festival,... more
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      Indigenous StudiesLiteraturePoetryStorytelling
Main intention of this article is to analyze the importance of indigenous knowledge related to the traditional agriculture in particularly paddy and shifting cultivation (Chena) to improve sustainable livelihood practices and conditions... more
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      Traditional KnowledgeIndegenous KnowledgeTraditional Agriculture
This study was conducted with the aim to access the utilization of e-resources by natural science fourth year students at the university of Zambia great east road campus. However the objectives of the research included to investigate... more
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      Digital LibraryIndegenous Knowledge
Drawing upon the African concept of ubuntu, this article examines the epistemic orientations toward individual-society relations that inform democratic citizenship and identity in South Africa. Findings from focus group interviews... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndegenous KnowledgeDemocracy and Citizenship Education
Over the centuries, innovations coupled with man’s search for excellence and creativity has made such developments possible. Even today, a few communities around the globe who practice their indigenous knowledge, local innovations and... more
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    • Indegenous Knowledge
Tribal population across the world, especially in Asia and Africa, face violence and abuse in the name of conservation that carries a heavy human cost. A report on the eviction of populations from 34 protected areas in Africa made it... more
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      AcculturationIndegenous KnowledgeDisplacementIndegenous People
Este artículo propone una lectura de las imágenes presentes en el Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis, un manuscrito producido en Nueva España en 1552. A partir de la caracterización del Libellus como objeto indígena, se analiza la... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual CultureHistory of ScienceHistory of Art
Using multiple knowledge sources to interpret patterns of biodiversity can generate the comprehensive species characterizations that are required for effective conservation strategies. Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) display substantial... more
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      Traditional KnowledgeIndegenous KnowledgeCaribou
To date the world is a host of 40million people living with HIV&AIDS and it has lost at least 24 million people. The world is also raising about 15 million orphans and taking care of many critically ill people due to HIV&AIDS. The... more
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      African StudiesEthicsAfrican PhilosophyPostcolonial Studies
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      SociologyClimate ChangeHydrologyFlood Risk Management
Purpose: There is a consensus amongst social scientists and public administration practitioners about the importance of decolonising the curriculum at African universities, given that the Western model of academic organisation on which... more
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      Educational LeadershipEducational AdministrationColonialismCameroon
This ethnographic article explores the changes and continuities of indigenous Qoollee Deejjoo ritual practice, and its role in forest resource management among Kafecho peoples. The Kafecho people, who live in Southwestern Ethiopia have... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultureIndegenous Knowledge
Mount Spokane is an important heritage resource area for the Spokane Tribe of Indians, traditionally known as the . The mountain is a creation site, as recounted in the story , as well as a vision quest and pilgrimage location. Mount... more
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      Sacred mountainsPacific Northwest Coast archaeologyColumbia Plateau ArchaeologyIndegenous Knowledge
The kind of philosophy taught to Ilokano students is a stream of heavy western ideas designed only for the tertiary level and treated as a requirement to the same—lofty not because of the ideals it upholds but because lowly common people... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageIndegenous KnowledgePhilosophy of the Human Person
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El trabajo que a continuación se expone, refiere a las condiciones de vida de ciertos grupos indígenas en la dinámica de la cotidianidad, transferidos al espacio citadino de Guanajuato, ya situados y habitando en él de manera permanente o... more
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      ReproductionIndegenous Knowledge
La compleja realidad asociada a las violencias en Colombia ha sido un gran campo de análisis y reflexión sociopolítica en los últimos tiempos, marcada por la fuerte presencia de un conflicto armado de larga duración, las prácticas de... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesMarxist theoryDecolonial Thought
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCultural Heritage Management
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      Customary LawIndegenous KnowledgePastoralismIndegenous People
Western-oriented social work that emphasises the individual and remedial approach has not been very effective in Africa. Hence, there is a need for community as an indigenous guiding principle, and developmental approach as a practice... more
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      Social WorkAfricaUbuntuZimbabwe
The history of English in Nepal was first recorded in the seventeenth century. Although English was adopted as a foreign language in Nepal in the past, it has gained multi-dimensional status such as an additional language, second language... more
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      Indegenous KnowledgeLangauge policyEnglish linguistic colonialism
FOLK-LORE OF VEER RASA IN CONTEXT OF MAHARANA PRATAP’S VALOUR Folklores are narrative songs, sung to elaborate the noble deeds of legendry heroes that mostly raise them to the position of local deities or they are commemorated as the... more
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      Archival StudiesFolklore (Literature)Indegenous Knowledge
Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) has been verified as essential, if real and effective sustainable development is the goal. The study focuses to highlight the shortcomings of development projects that consider the traditional knowledge... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentRural DevelopmentIndigenous Agricultural Systems
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      Cultural StudiesSocial ChangeSocial SciencesCorporate Social Responsibility
El presente artículo reflexivo analiza la categoría de movilización social a partir de los presupuestos teóricos y conceptuales de la literatura de los movimientos sociales para finales de siglo XIX e inicios del XX. En primer lugar, se... more
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      Indigenous MovementsIndegenous KnowledgeTolimaViolence in Colombia
El propósito de este trabajo es describir los elementos del medio físico y los detalles técnicos, que sustentan la realización de una práctica que se realiza en terrenos de la comunidad de San Antonio Juárez, Puebla; ésta, en un primer... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTraditional Ecological KnowledgeRainwater HarvestingEnvironmental Sustainability
There is a growing awareness on the importance of indigenous technical knowledge and the necessity of its integration into modern knowledge in order to address problems related to natural resource conservation. However, there is a lack of... more
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      Human GeographyNatural ResourcesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationIndegenous Knowledge