Recent papers in Improvisation
Building on tropes of " Americanist abstract-art " and " improvisational African-American-art " that emerged as systems of quilt evaluation in the 1970s, this book promotes recognition of a distinctive vernacular cross-racial-group quilt... more
If music education is to respond to the skills and needs of 21st-century music learners, innovative learning paradigms must be explored. This dissertation reports a research-creation approach for the development of a framework for... more
This research carried out at The School of Music, University of Leeds, is a performance-based study of improvised music, where my main instrument is the alto saxophone. I am looking at a variety of ‘architectonic’ concepts and structural... more
This article explores the question of improvisation in the context of South Indian (Tamil) temple nāgasvaram music, with a focus on the genre ālāpana. It shows that improvisation and creativity rarely come into conflict with the... more
L'obiettivo perseguito è lo sviluppo delle capacità degli alunni di suonare insieme, il miglioramento della capacità di riconoscere le strutture musicali tramite l'improvvisazione, la conoscenza di codici principali della musica... more
A little handbook on improvisation with keyboard.
How do we share embodied knowledge? How do we understand the world through our bodies? How can we effectively interpret and communicate somatic experiences to a wider audience? These questions emerged during a collaborative research... more
Music is a time-based art. The structuring of musical timeform-in an improvised present is a vital characteristic of our cultural-aesthetic-technological situation. This discussion sets out from a cultural observation that I then explore... more
A prototype paper ruminating on the known unknowns commonly experienced in an improv session or workshop.
Critical decisions for crisis management: An introduction By Mario COCCIA a † Abstract. In the presence of crisis, such as global COVID-19 pandemic crisis, governments have more and more take critical decisions to cope with consequential... more
The present study sought to identify relationships between musical features of music therapy improvisations and clients ’ level of mental retardation, using a computationally-based method of analysis. 216 improvisations, contributed by 50... more
Corresponding with the aesthetic of bir'yun or 'shimmering brilliance' created by the cross-hatching in Yolŋu painting, manikay (song) might also be characterised by a play of colour and movement, generated through the heterophonic... more
Residencia en #Eufònic2016 August 5, 2016 | Atilio Doreste Residencia de Artistas de Balada, Eufònic. La idea era preparar un dèrive performatifs (metales vs madera) en el Delta de Ebro durante la celebración de este evento. Es así como... more
Book Chapter (14) in King, A., Himonides, E. and Ruthmann, A. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology, and Education (London: Routledge) The concern of this chapter is the pedagogical value of technology-based improvisation... more
In this chapter, Hayes explores the conventions that govern the pratice of improvisation in flamenco and postmodern dance. The ideal body that results from the training in each form has a specific configuration of gendered, sexualized,... more
This paper describes an approach for teaching marketing skills to tertiary students through improvisational theatre experiences. These skills of communication, creativity, ambiguitytolerance, team building and problem-solving have been... more
A two-day workshop investigating the role improvisation plays in various creative endeavors: theatre, cooking, design, music, writing and theory. Conceived and organized by Fabian Goppelsroeder, Feodor-Lynen Fellow at the Department of... more
Neste artigo expomos as contaminações entre devires-improvisadores e poéticos, entre criação de dança e criação de palavras e sentidos. Athikté, a musa-bailarina de Valéry, dialoga com a autora por meio da improvisação de dança, e deste... more
The design of an IS postgraduate curriculum may take as staring point existing model curricula and guidelines. However, the landscape of Information Systems, as well as the needs of the target market continuously changes. Additionally,... more
Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah is an African American trumpeter, composer and producer from New Orleans, Louisiana. He has written compositions and performed improvisations committed to social justice themes. His cultural work is a natural... more
An audio paper on H e (a) r; a soundscape connected to ecology, acoustics and embodiment, drawing on encounters and what happens in the connection. A fluctuation between hear-here-her*-her. Originating in a work for the ensemble Nordic... more
This article investigates the design and evolution of smart city platforms in the global south using the Indonesian cities of Jakarta and Surabaya as case studies. While smart city projects are often framed in generic rhetoric of... more
Memoria del proceso de creación y producción de una obra de teatro de títeres original realizada con técnicas de improvisación teatral.
Georg Bertram recently argued that a consistent and accomplished philosophy of art should consider not only the specific nature of art, but also its value as human practice. Moreover, he resorted to artistic improvisation in order to... more
Improvisational exercises play a role in fostering a child’s creative abilities, enabling better socio-emotional development and communication skills in later development. This review paper investigates how creativity has been assessed... more
Elke jazzliefhebber staat geregeld stil bij het wonder van de improvisatie. Het lijkt zo vanzelfsprekend en gemakkelijk - en toch is het een talent dat lang niet iedereen toevalt. Iwan Wopereis doet onderzoek voor een proefschrift waarin... more
Jeder Handlungsplan bleibt hinsichtlich seiner Verwirklichung in gewissem Maß unbestimmt und seine Durchführung weist improvisatorische Züge auf, wenn auch mitunter minimal. Im engeren Sinne wird das Improvisieren jedoch deskriptiv als... more
This paper presents the ludomusicological research associated with the development of a digital game: Otogarden (Oliva, 2021). If “making an actual game [...] is useful to materialize the design question [or] aesthetic issues [...] that... more
Improvisation, according to Stephen Asma, is a primordial form of human cognition. In this essay Asma explores the embodied cognition of improvisation, using examples from music. He recounts his experience playing music with master... more
Creativity is often considered to be a mental process that occurs within a person's head. In this article, we analyze a group creative process: One that generates a creative product, but one in which no single participant's contribution... more
Abstract: This paper proposes a consideration about the actor ́s role on contemporary processes of scenic creation. In rehearsals (theatrical researches) based on collective and/or improvisation practices, the ac- tor has the decision... more
The purpose of this capstone project was to incorporate composition and improvisation activities into a pre-existing piano curriculum for adolescent piano beginners. Most piano method books are designed either for children or adults, but... more
My father, Bob Bonifer, served in Company A, 80th Battalion, 317th Regiment, in World War II. He saw and experienced some of the most horrific scenes of the war, including an ambush by German tanks that left 160 of 220 men in his company... more