Impression Management
Recent papers in Impression Management
Nowadays, corporations, which want to keep their target audiences with various promotional content and to maintain their communication with their audiences, have the opportunity to make more current and effective sharing on social media.... more
İnsanlar ve kurumlar, kendi tutum ve davranışlarına diğerlerinin verdiği değere ve onların kendi haklarındaki düşüncelerine karşı aşırı duyarlıdırlar. İlişkilerde hedef kişi ya da kitlelerde arzu ettikleri kimlik ögelerinin veya... more
The area of visualization has ,always been one of the ,most attractive sections of network management,technology. Successful management,tools must not only fulfill objective management needs but also be aestheticallyappealing.... more
Mired in inconsistency, contradiction, and scandal, Donald J. Trump’s presidency appears to be anything but normal. This has prompted a great deal of searching among social scientists and journalists to understand what exactly is behind... more
Previous studies have pointed at the girls' room's importance for girls identity work. The "internet generation" is no different in this aspect. Girls still stage performances, where they experiment with roles and styles. The difference... more
There is disagreement in the literature regarding whether those communicating in computer-mediated (CM) groups are attentive or oblivious to the social situation. There is evidence on both sides, with those in CM groups sometimes... more
The compensation effect demonstrates a negative relationship between the dimensions of warmth and competence in impression formation in comparative contexts. However, does compensation between warmth and competence extend to impression... more
Computational modeling and brain imaging studies suggest that sensitivity to rewards and behaviorist learning principles partly explain smartphone engagement patterns and potentially smartphone dependence. Responses to a questionnaire,... more
This paper reports the findings from two studies which examined the tendency of sexuallyactive college students to provide socially desirable (i.e., positively biased) responses to questions concerning condom use. The first study found... more
... A Field Study of Applicant Impression Management ... Two issues were explored: (a) whichimpression management (IM) tactics applicants use during actual interviews and (b) whether there is a relationship between... more
This study examined whether impression management exists in the Top 40 Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies, in South Africa, based on the narrative disclosure in a chairperson’s statement. The Top 40 JSE listed companies... more
Questionnaires are relied upon by clinicians, researchers, and social services to assess child molesters' (CMs') offense-supportive beliefs (or cognitive distortions). In this study, we used an experimental procedure to evaluate whether... more
In order to make a good first impression, lecturers’ need to understand how students draw conclusions about what they can or do expect based on their initial impressions. While these first impressions are not unchangeable, creating a good... more
The growing plethoras of social media outlets have sparked both opportunity and concern in how organizations manage their corporate image. While previous research has examined the various problems associated with negative, word-of-mouth... more
Self-presentation is a fundamental aspect of social life, with myriad critical outcomes dependent on others' impressions. We identify and offer the first empirical investigation of a prevalent, yet under-studied, self-presentation... more
KonsulentNetSyd 6. december 2013 Haderslev Handout 1 LinkedIn og Xing: Sådan får I og Jeres virksomhed vaekst på det danske og tyske marked Forskningsresultater og anbefalinger til optimering af Jeres person--og virksomhedsprofiler på... more
Little attention has been paid to the role which impression management (IM) of genuine and substantial talents and commitment plays in the careers of female and male managers seeking promotion. IM studies have largely investigated the... more
The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of the recruiter's cultural background on the evaluation of a job applicant's presentation style (self-promoting or modest) in an interview situation. We expected that recruiters... more
This article discusses patterns of interaction among citizens and officials in city commission proceedings. Drawing on Goffman's dramaturgical metaphor, the author examines elements of discourse and action that create interactional... more
On account of a number of factors, many companies have increased recruitment targeting female and ethnic or racial minority job applicants. Despite evidence suggesting that these applicants are attracted by different factors than... more
Self-presentation is a fundamental aspect of social life, with myriad critical outcomes dependent on others' impressions. We identify and offer the first empirical investigation of a prevalent, yet under-studied, self-presentation... more
This article discusses how candidates, in job interviews, negotiate their expertise so as to make a good impression on their interviewers. It is based on the analysis of five role-played interviews in French and four authentic interviews... more
In the present reflective report, I will explore two issues that are considered to be crucial to Human Resource (HR) recruitment professionals worldwide: the misuse of some impression management (IM) techniques and the challenges in the... more
The chapter contributes to the exploration of the relation between interviewing, the inter-view, creating representations, understanding social situations and processes and the construction of narratives.
The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) is a widely-used instrument to measure the two components of social desirability: self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) and impression management (IM). With respect to scoring of the BIDR,... more
Oversupply of information, irrelevance, and repetition in political and administrative text and talk have received considerable scholarly attention, but the tendency to date has been to analyse these phenomena separately. In this article,... more
Abstrak The phenomenon of beggars is a problem faced by many cities, including Padang city. Permindo street of Padang city is a strategic location to serve as the location of the activity of begging. There are some beggars who take... more
Profile validity is a primary consideration in the clinical assessment of psychopathology. Several indicators of negative impression management have been developed for the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991) that can both... more
The emergence of Location-Based-Real-Time-Dating (LBRTD) apps such as Tinder has introduced a new way for users to get to know potential partners nearby. The design of the apps represents a departure from “old-school” dating sites as it... more
Previous research indicates that both males and females eat less in the presence of a stranger of the opposite sex than in the presence of a same sex. Another literature shows that people tend to model or matching the amount eaten by... more
Little attention has been paid to the role which impression management (IM) of genuine and substantial talents and commitment plays in the careers of female and male managers seeking promotion. IM studies have largely investigated the... more
Two studies investigated the hypothesis that the higher entrepreneurs' social competence (their ability to interact effectively with others as based on discrete social skills), the greater their financial success. Entrepreneurs working in... more
The hyperpersonal model of computer-mediated communication (CMC) posits that users exploit the technological aspects of CMC in order to enhance the messages they construct to manage impressions and facilitate desired relationships. This... more
Four studies investigating the convergent validity, discriminant validity, and relationship with age of the Social Desirability Scale-17 (SDS-17) are presented. Where convergent validity is concerned, SDS-17 scores showed correlations... more
In this manuscript we explore the ways in which the marketplace metaphor resonates with online dating participants and how this conceptual framework influences how they assess themselves, assess others, and make decisions about whom to... more
Although the use of personality tests for personnel selection has gained increasing acceptance, researchers have raised concerns that job applicants may distort their responses to inflate their scores. In the present meta-analysis, we... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare patterns of impression management in two organizational systems, namely, organic and mechanistic. Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative data were gathered from 23 employees by means of... more