The maximum rate of change of the thoracic impedance waveform (max dZ/dt) was compared with left-ventricular stroke volume (s.v.), maximum aortic blood flow (m.a,f ), enddiastolic pressure (e.d.p.) and the maximum rate of rise of... more
La cardiografía de impedancia es una técnica no invasiva que permite una determinación rápida, continua y reproducible del gasto cardiaco latido a latido. Mide los cambios en la resistencia eléctrica del tórax que se producen por las... more
Epidemiological studies have shown a progressive increase in insulin resistance (IR) accompanying body weight gain and blood pressure (BP) increase. This has led to the consideration that hemodynamic effects of IR might depend on its... more
Transthoracic electrical impedance (TEI) was used to assess the relative effectiveness of a 60 mg sustained‐release furosemide preparation (FR) and a 40 mg standard furosemide tablet (F), in reducing the fluid content in the thoracic... more
Principal component analysis (PCA) Valvular heart disease (VHD) Random forest (RF) a b s t r a c t Valvular heart diseases (VHDs) are an abnormal activity of the heart caused by a damage of one of the four heart valves. The impedance... more
This study explored divergence (error) between ultrafiltration volumes (UFV) and intradialytic changes in extracellular volume (ΔECV) in hemodialysis (HD) patients measured by whole body (wBIS) and sum of segmental bioimpedance... more
Impedance cardiography (IC) has been used to monitor the pumping function of the heart in terms of stroke volume or cardiac output. We explored the extent to which IC can be used for monitoring transient effects of cardiac alterations on... more
The minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production relationship is relevant to a number of patientrelated outcomes in COPD. Minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production, therefore, should be valued in the clinical management of these... more
Background: The aim of this study was to ascertain whether individual atrioventricular delay (AVD) optimization using impedance cardiography (ICG) offers beneficial hemodynamic effects as well as improved exercise tolerance and quality of... more
Background: Device optimization is not routinely performed in patients who underwent cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device implantation. Noninvasive optimization of CRT devices by measurement of cardiac output (CO) can be used as... more
Background and objectives The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a field test commonly used to predict peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) in people after stroke. Inclusion of cardiodynamic variables measured by impedance cardiography (ICG)... more
The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a field test commonly used to predict VO2peakin people after stroke. Inclusion of cardiodynamic variables measured by impedance cardiography (ICG) during a 6MWT has been shown to improve prediction of peak... more
Accurate prediction of aerobic capacity is necessary to guide appropriate exercise prescription. It is common to use 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) to predict peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in the clinical environment. The aim of this study... more
almost statistically significant differences (p values ranging from 0.07 and 0.13) could only be recorded consistently in the 40-49 age class concerning PWV/ cSBP/ cPP / AI. Authors discuss the relevance of these findings concerning risk... more
Background-Clinical experience suggests that atrial tachyarrhythmias (ATs) are a frequent comorbidity in heart failure patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and that volume overload may increase AT susceptibility. However,... more
Clinical experience suggests that atrial tachyarrhythmias (ATs) are a frequent comorbidity in heart failure patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and that volume overload may increase AT susceptibility. However,... more
Introduction: Intradialytic hypotension is one of the most common complications to be observed during hemodialysis, occurring in about 15-20% of all sessions. The risk factors like interdialytic weight gain, UF rate, net ultrafiltration,... more
A case in which apparent undersensing was caused by detection of low amplitude impedance‐measuring pulses emitted by a thoracic impedance‐sensing rate‐modulated pacemaker is described. The detection of these high frequency pulses was... more
OBJECTIVES This study sought to assess the potential utility of impedance cardiography (ICG) in predicting clinical deterioration in ambulatory patients with heart failure (HF). BACKGROUND Impedance cardiography uses changes in thoracic... more
Noninvasive cardiac output (CO) measurement can be useful in many clinical settings where invasive monitoring is not desired. Bioimpedance (intrabeat measurement of changes in transthoracic voltage amplitude in response to an injected... more
A software implemented bio-impedance signal simulator (BISS) which can imitate real bio-impedance phenomena for analyzing the performance of various signal processing methods and algorithms is proposed. The underlying mathematical models... more
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the central and peripheral cardiovascular adaptation and its coupling during increasing levels of hyperoxaemia. We hypothesized a dose‐related effect of hyperoxaemia on left ventricular... more
Objective: To evaluate the role of bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in detecting peripheral congestion in heart failure (HF). Background: BIVA/BNP are biomarkers for congestion in acute... more
Preeclampsia is a severe disorder that can complicate pregnancy with serious consequences for mother and newborn. Although a specific hemodynamics profile can be observed during normal pregnancy, preeclampsia ischaracterized by several... more
Background: Methods for stroke volume (SV) and ejection fraction (EF) measurements require the presence of qualified physicians and are not suited for continuous monitoring. Aim: To develop an automated non-invasive method for the... more
The goal of the present study was to develop and evaluate algorithms for non-invasive, real-time, beat-to-beat monitoring of stroke index (SI), blood pressure (BP) and total peripheral resistance index (TPRI) which has a menu-driven... more
The effects of a single dose of 2 mg/kg amrinone (60min constant rate IV infusion) have been assessed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, withinsubject cross-over study in six healthy volunteers. Combined impedance cardiography,... more
The reproducibility and agreement of the estimates of stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO) and total peripheral resistance (TPR) by transthoracic impedance cardiography (ZCG) and M-mode echocardiography (ECHO) were analyzed before and... more
Impedance cardiography is a well-established noninvasive method to assess withinsubject changes of cardiovascular function. We compared the standard approach (ZCG) which requires tedious signal analysis with an automated approach (TEB:... more
Relative sensitivity of four noninvasive methods in assessing systolic cardiovascular effects of isoproterenol in healthy volunteers Study objective: The study was performed to evaluate the relative sensitivity of various noninvasive... more
The contribution of computerized impedance cardiography in monitoring and differentiating cardiovascular responses to pharmacologic stress after the administration of dipyridamole (group 1 , n = 24) or dobutamine (group 2, n = 26) was... more
Rationale: Normoxic heliox (mixture of 79% He and 21% O 2) may enhance exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It remains to be determined whether part of these beneficial effects could be... more
Background: Wearable technologies for monitoring cardiovascular parameters, including electrocardiography (ECG) and impedance cardiography (ICG), propose a challenging research subject. The expectancy for wearable devices to be... more
ICG (impedance cardiography) is in parallel to ECG (electrocardiography) an important indicator of the functioning of the heart and of the overall cardiovascular system. Adding the ICG to ECG measurement functionality into the wearable... more
Background: The deep breathing test (DB) and Valsalva maneuver (VM) are used to detect autonomic dysfunction. The VM induces sympathetically mediated changes in blood pressure (phase II late, phase IV, and recovery time) and both tests... more
We measured resting and exercise haemodynamics, as well as 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, so as to study the influence on development of hypertension in children after repair of coarctation by either construction of a subclavian flap... more
Adaptive systems are employed in the cancelation of noises and estimation of periodic and quasiperiodic signals. Amongst these signals are the electrocardiogram (ECG), impedance cardiography (ZCG), brain evoked potentials and modulated... more
Stroke is still the third cause of death worldwide. It has been established that the main risk factors of stroke are: age, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, ischaemic heart disease, obesity, lipid disorders and diabetes. Diabetes not... more
Background: The deep breathing test (DB) and Valsalva maneuver (VM) are used to detect autonomic dysfunction. The VM induces sympathetically mediated changes in blood pressure (phase II late, phase IV, and recovery time) and both tests... more
A comparison of pulmonary, cardiovascular and metabolic responses was made in 32 subjects consisting of 11 able-bodied, 8 paraplegics (T4-L3 lesions) and 13 quadriplegics (C5-C8 lesions) during maximal arm cranking exercise. A progressive... more
espanolIntroduccion: La preeclampsia (PE) se acompana de cambios en la funcion cardiovascular (FCV). Sin embargo, es desconocido si los cambios preceden y persisten a la manifestacion clinica de PE. Objetivos: Evaluar las diferencias en... more
Introduction and objective. Difficult-to-control blood pressure can be attributed to a mismatch between the haemodynamic type of hypertension and the drug class used in treatment. Impedance cardiography may be a useful tool for enabling... more
invasive assessment of haemodynamic parameters in patients after Fontan procedure. Ann Agric Environ Med.
Impedance Cardiography (ICG) is a non-invasive tool for continuous hemodynamic monitoring. Aims of our study were to assess the utility of ICG to evaluate the hemodynamic impact of 6 mg (GL6) vs 8 mg (GL8) levobupivacaine combined with... more