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With the explosive growth in the world’s population which has little or no corresponding rise in the food production, food insecurity has become eminent, and hence, the need to seek for opportunities to increase food production in order... more
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      Computer ScienceFormal Concept Analysis (Data Mining)Food Security and InsecurityImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
Optimal utilization of sago plants can provide large incomes to farm households. Generally in Indonesia sago is only used as a staple food for the daily life of the family as a companion to rice. However, some region in Indonesia uses... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureAgricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
This paper focuses on the present status and prospects of organic farming in India. India is endowed with various types of naturally available organic form of nutrients in different parts of the country and it will help for organic... more
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural EconomicsImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureSustainable Rural Development
I am providing an extract pdf for download, which contains the title page, table of contents and the introduction to the book.
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimatologyImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Impacts
Reclaiming ancient Middle Eastern spiritual-pharmacopeias, agricultural and architectural environmental engineering practices (such as tree amber for wounds or the Medieval Iraqi aquifers—qanats—still in practice today) can be one... more
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      Climate ChangeCultural HeritageAgribusinessLiturgy
Faced by multiple stressors such as climate variability, policy inconsistency and economic globalization among others, smallholders in developing countries are constantly seeking ways to adapt and reduce the vulnerability of their farming... more
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      BusinessSustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentAgriculture
Popularization of archaeobotany
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      ArchaeobotanyOrganic agricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
I am working for my diploma and I need information for my item "The impact of HEC in enviroment" ,suddenly I saw this page and I think it could help me for something.
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      Impacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureEnvironmental Sustainability
With the explosive growth in the world's population which has little or no corresponding rise in the food production, food insecurity has become eminent, and hence, the need to seek for opportunities to increase food production in... more
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      Computer ScienceFormal Concept Analysis (Data Mining)Food Security and InsecurityImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
Although Nepal's contribution to green house gas emission is negligible, the negative impacts of climate change induced effects has been clearly noticed like increasing rainfall intensity with decreasing frequency, increasing incidence of... more
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      Climate ChangeAdaptation to Climate ChangeAgricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
يهدف المقال إلى دراسة الصعوبات والمعيقات التي تواجه مختلف الأنشطة الفلاحية بالمجالات البورية المتسمة أصلا بالهشاشة على المستوى الطبيعي والسوسيو-اقتصادي. من جهة، سيتم التطرق إلى التغايرية المجالية الزمنية للتساقطات المطرية وندرتها وتركزها،... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationResilienceImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureGestion Risques
Pest control through integrated pest management systems stands as a very convenient sustainable hazard-free alternative to pesticides, which are a growing global concern if overused. The ability of the soprano pipistrelle bat... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringLandscape EcologyEconomicsEcosystems Ecology
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      Environmental ScienceClimate Change AdaptationImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureWatershed Management
Una plaga potencial por efectos del cambio climático La región andina de Colombia es considerada como uno de los ecosistemas más vulnerables al cambio climático. Un aumento proyectado en la temperatura media anual del aire para el... more
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      EntomologyColombiaImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureIntegrated Pest Management
Banks' external environment, including globalization and deregulations; have made the Banks highly competitive.
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    • Impacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
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      Climate Change AdaptationClimate change policyIndigenous KnowledgeImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
Although some production and marketing restrictions are barely defined, Dera area is a potential teff producer in Ethiopia’s Southern Gondar zone. The study analysed teff production, focusing on factors that affect the volume of teff... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsImpact EvaluationMarketing ResearchImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureFood Security and InsecuritySouth African Politics and Society
This chapter is one of the few publications, which compare two food crises: the Irish famine of 1845-1851 and the Finnish famine of 1866- 1868. It examines their similarities and differences. Both we attributed to natural shocks, which... more
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      Irish StudiesNordic StudiesNordic HistoryIrish Diaspora
La prise de conscience sur les impacts environnementaux et sociaux que cause la course effrénée vers l’accumulation du capital physique, est désormais notoire dans le concert des nations. Les avis sont de plus en plus unanimes. La... more
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      Social MovementsSocial CapitalRevenue ManagementHuman Capital
Among different production factors, planting methods produce significant effects not only on paddy yield and grain quality of rice but also on soil health and productivity. In present experiment, six planting methods including farmer... more
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      Sustainable agricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureAgronomy/crop scienceAgronomy/ plant Physiology
The amount of energy that comes from the sun to the earth is measured with a solar constant. Which has a value of 1364w/ m², this energy is the radiation emission value of the sun for the area of a sphere 4πr², at the distance of an area... more
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      Climate ChangeClimatologyImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change and coastal zones
The subject of environmental economics is at the forefront of the green debate: the environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. Environmental degradation is of many types and have many consequences. To... more
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      Impacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureApplied microbiologyPlant microbe interactionsEnvironment Degradation
"Recent discoveries of megadroughts, severe periods of drought lasting decades or centuries, during the course of the Holocene have revolutionized our understanding of modern climate history. Through advances in paleoclimatology,... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleoclimatologyMesopotamian Archaeology
This study discusses the production of briquettes as an alternative household fuel. Briquettes were produced from sawdust collected from one of the saw-mills in Akure, Ondo State. Water and cow dung were used both as binders in the... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
This chapter discusses global environmental and climate change manifestations at the local level in Zimbabwe, including an analysis of the country’s changing physical and climatic characteristics. Climate change refers to any change in... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Impacts
(english abstract below) Συνεχίζοντας την παρουσίαση της, υπό μελέτη, μονάδας αγροτουριστικού κάμπινγκ πολυτελείας ολιστικά αειφόρου σχεδίασης εντός ελαιώνα στην Πολυρρήνια Κισσάμου στο παρόν άρθρο αναλύεται το γεωργικό σκέλος αυτής, το... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringClimate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation
The quantity of greenhouse gases in Egypt about 197 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2014, and that there is the possibility of losing what between 12%, 15%) of the area of high-quality agricultural land in production in the... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationSustainable agricultureClimate change policy
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      PalaeoclimatologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesVolcanology
This study was conducted to investigate the problems of teaching agriculture in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State. A total of two hundred and fifty (250) teachers consisting of 160 males (60%) and 90 females (40%) were... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
ATTENTION: Below are  agricultural extension Project Topics with available Chapters 1-5. Click on any to read its Contents
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      Agricultural EngineeringThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.Organic agricultureSustainable agriculture
This study presents a largely indicator-based assessment of past and projected climate change, impacts and the associated vulnerabilities of and risks to ecosystems, agriculture, water recourses, forestry, bioclimatic conditions, human... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Impacts
This study concerns with climate resource management to improve open-field production of tomato in tropical lowlands of Malaysia. The objective was to use a model based approach for identifying optimum combination of growing season and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringGeographyEnvironmental Science
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate ChangeClimate change policy
The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of fighting against pests and diseases in Ghanaians‟ cocoa farms would not just be adequate but rather uncovering the impact of the program on cocoa... more
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      Social GeographyPhysical GeographyEducational TechnologyHousing & Residential Design
Between the 13th and 11th centuries BCE, most Greek Bronze-Age Palatial centers were destroyed and/or abandoned. The following centuries were typified by low population levels. Data from oxygen-isotope speleothems, stable carbon isotopes,... more
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      ArchaeologyClimate ChangeImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureLate Bronze Age archaeology
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      Climate ChangeAgricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
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      Political PhilosophyClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate Change
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural DevelopmentFisheries ScienceFisheries
Indeed, the engine industries have seen a tremendous growth in the research and development of new-age technologies over the past ten years or so. Even though a huge database is now available on present-day engine technologies, a skillful... more
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      Future StudiesImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureInternal Combustion EnginesBiomass to fuel conversion
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringHorticulturePlant EcologyThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.
Cuaca adalah kondisi sesaat dari fisika amosfer. Jadi, unsur‐unsur ikli-m dan cuaca adalah sama. Cuaca adalah keadaan atmosfer pada suatu saat (dalam jangka waktu yang pendek) dan pada area yang sempit. Sedangkan iklim adalah sintesis... more
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      Impacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureAgroclimatology
The emissions of greenhouse gasses in Egypt are about 0.58% of the total emissions of the world in the year 2015, although Egypt is one of the countries most affected by the impacts of climate change. By assessment and analysis of the... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationSustainable agricultureAdaptation to Climate Change
In 2021, those working to build food systems that are just, equitable, and operate within planetary boundaries have our work cut out for us. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and rapidly declining soil fertility are critically damaging... more
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      Environmental ScienceFood SafetyOrganic agricultureSustainable agriculture
The aim of this paper is to overview the effects of climate change on the growth of field crop and their productivity in the scenario of food security. This overview describes the effects of several environmental stresses such as... more
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      Climate ChangeImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change ImpactsClimate Change and Food Security
Rural households play an active role in reorganizing their livelihood strategies to respond to external stresses and shocks. What is unclear is the extent to which rural households can remain resilient in the face of continued external... more
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      Landscape EcologyCommunity ResilienceClimate Change AdaptationResilience
En este libro, un amplio elenco de investigadores forestales que trabajamos en centros de investigación distribuidos por todo el país vamos a tratar de mostrar las formas en que los bosques pueden ayudarnos a mitigar la pesadilla en que... more
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      ForestryClimatic ChangesImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
Aim: About 2 billion shea trees grow naturally on traditional fanning systems across 23 African countries generating shea wastes on post-production on shea nut and butter. The shea wastes converted to biofertiliser by microbial inoculant... more
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      Climate change policyWaste recyclingImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies