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Final years design students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, are often presented with a pool of topics that they can select from to work on their major/final course project. Some students struggle first with making this choice and... more
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      SociologyDesign educationDesign thinkingImpact
Reflection-on-action is necessary to derive meaning from one’s experiences. This article revisits research data from an elongated study on the impact of a distance education programme on the professional practice of graduates. The study... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationEvaluationProfessional Development
The impact energy absorption by helmets is of vital importance to the safety of motorcyclists during accidents. The paper is concerned with the study of damage and delamination, which are the principal modes of failure and energy... more
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      Materials ScienceFracture and cohesive zone modelNumerical SimulationImpact
This paper proposes a scheme for scheduling disk requests that takes advantage of the ability of high-level functions to operate directly at individual disk drives. We show that such a scheme makes it possible to support a Data Mining... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalData MiningProduction
... DISCLOSURE: Fidaa Shaib, No Financial Disclosure Information; No Product/Research Disclosure Information ... WITH SE-VERE SEPSIS REGARDLESS OF THE SITE OF INFECTION Joe G. Zein MD George Nassif MD* Mohammad-Ali El-Harakeh MD Gary T.... more
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      EconomicsMedicineClinical PharmacyImpact
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyRuralMental Health
ABSTRACT India has emerged as a global hub for IT industry with the segment having undergone rapid transformation and a phase of accelerated growth. Despite the recent downturn, the IT sector in India has managed to secure a double digit... more
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The impact of preschool on children's development: Using research to inform The impact of preschool on children's development: Using research to inform policy policy
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Sinaloa tiene la mayor superficie agrícola de riego en el país, por lo que las actividades agropecuarias son importantes, no sólo por su aportación económica, sino también por el deterioro ambiental que presentan. El efecto principal es... more
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      AgricultureGreen RevolutionImpactAQUIFER
Evaluation of university-based research already has a reasonably long tradition in the UK, but proposals to revise the framework for national evaluation aroused controversy in the academic community because they envisage assessing more... more
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      PolicyKnowledge TranslationResearch evaluationBusiness and Management
Despite the call for a better understanding of macro-level factors that affect population health, social epidemiological research has tended to focus almost exclusively on national-level factors, such as Gross Domestic Product per capita... more
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Kerala has a coastline of 589.5 kilometres, which forms 10% of India’s total coastline. Although, Kerala boasts of the highest quality of life in India as measured by human development indicators, the state's fishing community has largely... more
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The impact that volcanic eruptions may have upon environments far from the volcanic source is conventionally assumed to depend on climatic modification by emitted gases. However, recent research has suggested that the damage caused by the... more
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We assessed the impact of domestic cats on population persistence of native and exotic urban bird populations using a model adjusted for habitat-specific catch rates, cat ownership and hunting activity data. GPS-derived home ranges of 32... more
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      ModelingBiological SciencesGPSPopulation structure
Background The potential effects on other children when there is a child with intellectual disability
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      PerceptionEducationPersonalityMental Health
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of the impact of the Young Enterprise Wales (YEW) programme on its participants. YEW represents the Wales region of the programme which is an annual competition to assist... more
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African animal trypanosomiasis constrains agricultural production in areas of Africa that hold the continent’s greatest potential for expanded agricultural production. Compared to animals kept in trypanosomiasis free areas, animals kept... more
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      GeographyProductivityResource AllocationAgriculture
Este trabajo muestra parte de los resultados que se han obtenido en el desarrollo de un Proyecto de Investigación aprobado por la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, cuyo objetivo principal ha sido estudiar la influencia del... more
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      GenderICT in EducationOrganizationGénero
Global warming, greenhouse effect, and the climate change problems are long-term anthropogenic consequences that are expected to threaten water related demand and supply patterns in the near future. These problems may be identified... more
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      Civil EngineeringClimate ChangeEnvironmental GeologyFuzzy Logic
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      Management Information SystemsCase StudiesData ManagementInformation Processing
This chapter examines partnerships and their peculiarities, based on recent research from various disciplines, in the context of the large problems faced by global society. These problems are very complex, usually cross national... more
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Au-delà des discours du gouvernement et des stratégies de marketing de certaines compagnies, ce texte a pour but de faire le point sur ce qu’en disent les recherches. Pour ce faire, nous présentons une brève synthèse de l’analyse d’un... more
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      TBIImpactRevue De LittératureRecension
This feature issue focuses on strategies to support parents who have cognitive limitations to be successful in raising their children. Articles include: (1) "Encounters with Entropy: Marge's Journey from System to System" (John Franz and... more
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Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      AlgebraErosionAnalytic functionsResistance
This study on the impact of overpopulation on the biological diversity of Boki Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria is aimed at establishing the extent overpopulation has impacted on the conservation of biological diversity... more
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ALLOY-90 refers to a family of austenitic nickel-based super alloys. Nimonic alloys typically consist of roughly 80% nickel and 20% chromium with additives such as titanium and aluminium. Nickel-based superalloys, among several high... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceImpact
BACKGROUND The move from discipline-based to problem-based learning (PBL) at Adelaide University in 2000 offered exciting opportunities to integrate the teaching and learning of the basic and clinical sciences for medical undergraduates.... more
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      EducationAssessmentEducational MeasurementMedical Education
This paper deals with the study of mechanical properties of the composite sandwich plates made up of coir industry waste, the pith / the timber industry waste the saw dust as the fillers in the form of core and the Palmyra fiber as skin.... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceFiberImpact
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the extent to which registered nurses’ practice was affected by emergency department overcrowding. Participants were recruited from a tertiary hospital by using the purpose... more
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      Job SatisfactionMedicinePaediatricsDissertation
Accidents are the deadliest among the current death rates of India. Inappropriate safety guidelines in a vehicle, rash driving, improperly maintained and lit roads, drug and alcohol abuse are the reasons for accidents. Adding on to the... more
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AIDS stigmas interfere with HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment and can become internalized by people living with HIV/AIDS. However, the effects of internalized AIDS stigmas have not been investigated in Africa, home to two-thirds of... more
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      AnthropologyMental HealthDepressionBehavior
Supermarkets have become important in food retail in both developed and developing countries. Supermarkets in developed countries are expanding to developing countries such as Latin America and Asia resulting in transformation of the... more
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      Human GeographyAgricultural DevelopmentProcurementCase Studies
Abstract: The term Washback or Backwash has come to the prominence in the literature of English language teaching due to the contributions of Applied Linguistics in the field of ELT. It denotes to the influence which brims from the... more
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AIDS stigmas interfere with HIV prevention, diagnosis, and treatment and can become internalized by people living with HIV/AIDS. However, the effects of internalized AIDS stigmas have not been investigated in Africa, home to twothirds of... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyResearch MethodologyMental Health
We gratefully acknowledge the help of the Commission's staff, Sarah Gotbaum and Ellen Wernick, in formulating and finalizing the substance of the report. Brigid O'Farrell, Center for Women Policy Studies, was very generous with her time... more
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      VisionGlass CeilingLabor MarketImpact
The problem of piracy in Sundarbans has been shown as one of the main problems hindering development work therein. In relation to development work of the forest most of the total respondents assigned at various important management... more
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This paper aims to provide the most up-to-date survey of tourism economics research and to summarise the key trends in its recent development. Particular attention is paid to the research progress made over the last decade in respect of... more
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      Tourism economicsEconometrics ModelImpactDemand
A nation’s socio economic development is implanted by human development goals. United Nations put forward millennium development goals in 2000 where infant mortality is an indicator to observe progress towards the fourth goal by the year... more
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      IndiaImpactInfant MortalityFemale Literacy
Between 2008 and 2011, Rwanda introduced iCCM of childhood illness nationwide. One year after iCCM rollout, community-based treatment for diarrhea and pneumonia had increased significantly, and under-5 mortality and overall health... more
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      Primary Health CareMalariaEvaluationTreatment
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      PsychologyCommunity PsychologySocial WorkSchizophrenia
The fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4 V samples that have undergone foreign object damage (FOD) was investigated. A unique test specimen configuration that replicates the leading edge of a typical fan blade was ballistically shot with 1.0 mm... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringForeign object damage
Water use efficiency (WUE) is an important physiological trait for assessment of biomass production in drought conditions. The present research was designed to investigate the relationship of WUE, biomass production and selected root... more
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      Software EngineeringWireless CommunicationsConflictCompetition
The recent introduction of mobile phone-based money transfer (MMT) services in developing countries has generated a lot of interest among development partners. It facilitates transfer of money in a quick and cost effective way. It also... more
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European Space Policy (ESP) in May 2007 put as priority the need to improve coordination and synergies between defence and civilian space programmes and technologies, in a user-driven approach and to set up a structured dialogue with all... more
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      European UnionEuropean Space AgencyMissionsEuropean Space policy
Life cycle assessment (LCA) program developments were intended for the construction of life cycle inventory (LCI) database for refrigerators, computers, and general consumer products. But buildings are different from general consumer... more
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cannabis is mostly smoked because this is the easiest way to achieve the desired psychoactive effects. A typical joint contains between 0·5 g and 1·0 g of cannabis. The THC delivered varies between 20% and 70%, 2 its bioavailability... more
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      Information SystemsEarthSoftware ReliabilityComputer Software
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      CommunicationResearch MethodologyBehaviorAsian
A social rules perspective was employed to identify the elements of socially appropriate responses to unfair criticism in the workplace. Women generally endorsed for themselves response strategies based on stronger obligation and softer... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceLeadership