HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Parameters derived from remote sensing that can be used to assess fire danger include surface reflectance, live and dead biomass, canopy water content, species composition, and fuel state. Spectral bands and wavelength locations of... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The Parys Mountain mine on Anglesey, North Wales is a site of great importance both historically and mineralogically. Mining at the site dates back to the Bronze age and this has left a legacy of mine waste at the site. The main... more
The aim of this study was to define and compare the distributions of five trace elements (essential: Cu, Fe, Se, Zn ; non-essential: Cd) among cytosolic biomolecules of different molecular masses isolated from livers of European chub... more
The increasing quantity and sophistication of imaging spectroscopy applications have led to a higher demand on the quality of Earth observation data products. In particular, it is desired that data products be as consistent as possible... more
▪ Water mainly absorbs electromagnetic radiation in this domain and its retrieval using imaging spectrometry should be improved transmittance in the 0.4–2.5 m region as a function of biochemical content (photosynthetic▪ Water mainly... more
Seed germination is the essential first step in crop establishment, and can be severely affected by salinity stress which can inhibit essential metabolic processes during the germination process. Salt stress during seed germination can... more
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) has a relatively simple nervous system but possesses high order brain functions similar to humans. Therefore, it has been used as a common model system in biological studies, particularly drug... more
Perceiving abnormal regions in the images of different medical modalities plays a crucial role in diagnosis and subsequent treatment planning. In medical images to visually perceive abnormalities' extent and boundaries requires... more
Beam homogenization and spatially dynamic beam patterning optics have been combined to improve the imaging matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) experiment. The optical design was... more
We use time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) imaging to investigate the effects of orally administrated methylphenidate on lipids in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), a major invertebrate model system... more
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) has a relatively simple nervous system but possesses high order brain functions similar to humans. Therefore, it has been used as a common model system in biological studies, particularly drug... more
Imaging mass spectrometry is an emerging technique of great potential for investigating the chemical architecture in biological matrices. Although the potential for studying neurobiological systems is evident, the relevance of the... more
An approach for the use of in-source fragmentation with electrospray ionization followed by product ion scan in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer system is described. This approach is based on the elucidation of the various... more
Healthy vegetation function supports diverse biological communities and ecosystem processes, and provides crops, forest products, forage, and countless other benefits. Vegetation function can be assessed by examining dynamic processes and... more
Neurolipids are a class of bioactive lipids that are produced locally through specific biosynthetic pathways in response to extracellular stimuli. Neurolipids are important endogenous regulators of neural cell proliferation,... more
A new instrument has been setup at the Centre de Recherche Public-Gabriel Lippmann to measure spectral emissivity values of typical earth surface samples in the 8 to 12 μm range at a spectral resolution of up to 0.25 cm −1. The instrument... more
The oxygen utilization and, therefore, the metabolic state, of a distinctive area of the retina may be calculated from the diameter of the supplying artery and vein, the haemoglobin oxygenation, and the velocity of the blood. The first... more
The oxygen utilization and, therefore, the metabolic state, of a distinctive area of the retina may be calculated from the diameter of the supplying artery and vein, the haemoglobin oxygenation, and the velocity of the blood. The first... more
High surface sensitivity and lateral resolution imaging make time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF‐SIMS) a unique and powerful tool for biological analysis. However, with the leaps forward made in the capabilities of the... more
Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI‐IMS) is a well‐established technique for elucidating the location and relative abundance of a range of biomolecules. More recently, research into this technique... more
Background-Wilms tumor (WT) is the most common childhood kidney cancer worldwide and arises in children of black African ancestry with greater frequency and severity than other race groups. A biologic basis for this pediatric cancer... more
This study integrates ground spectrometry, imaging spectrometry, and in-situ pavement condition surveys for asphalt road assessment. There is strong spectral evidence for asphalt aging and deterioration processes, hence field spectra... more
We integrate ground spectrometry, imaging spectrometry, and in situ pavement condition surveys for assessment of asphalt road infrastructure. There is strong spectral evidence for asphalt aging and deterioration. Several spectral measures... more
Among the needs usually expressed by teams using mass spectrometry imaging, one that often arises is that for user-friendly software able to manage huge data volumes quickly and to provide efficient assistance for the interpretation of... more
Precise estimation of carotenoid (Car) content in crops, using remote sensing data, could be helpful for agricultural resources management. Conventional methods for Car content estimation were mostly based on reflectance data acquired... more
Precise estimation of carotenoid (Car) content in crops, using remote sensing data, could be helpful for agricultural resources management. Conventional methods for Car content estimation were mostly based on reflectance data acquired... more
• Fractured shales in New York State (NYS) naturally release gas to the surface. • Western NYS shale gas seeps contain high concentrations of ethane and propane. • Shales in other regions with less or older fracturing rarely show gas... more
The influence of laser focusing on the target in matrix-assisted laser desorptionlionizatlon (MALDI) has been studied. The emission of stable and metastable molecular ions of bovine insulin depends on both the laser energy and the... more
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) has a relatively simple nervous system but possesses high order brain functions similar to humans. Therefore, it has been used as a common model system in biological studies, particularly drug... more
Neurolipids are a class of bioactive lipids that are produced locally through specific biosynthetic pathways in response to extracellular stimuli. Neurolipids are important endogenous regulators of neural cell proliferation,... more
RATIONALE: Amphibians can produce a large amount of bioactive peptides over the skin. In order to map the precise tissue localization of these compounds and evaluate their functions, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and gene expression... more
There is a renewed awareness of the finite nature of the world's soil resources, growing concern about soil security and significant uncertainties about the carrying capacity of the planet. Regular assessments of soil conditions from... more
We designed a unique hyperspectral experiment from the Earth Observing One (EO-1) orbit change to evaluate solar illumination effects over tropical forests in Brazil. Ten nadir-viewing Hyperion images collected over a fixed site and... more
Neuropeptides are a diverse set of complex cell-cell signaling molecules that modulate behavior, learning and memory. Their spatially heterogeneous distributions, large number of post-translational modifications, and wide range of... more
Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) provides the ability to detect and identify a broad range of analytes and their spatial distributions from a variety of sample types, including tissue sections. Here we describe an approach for probing... more
Soil reflectance spectroscopy has become a pioneering technique for quantifying soil properties that provide data for soil classification and digital soil mapping studies. This work was conducted with the aim to analyze the spatial... more
An alternative secondary ion mass spectrometry utilizing laser preionization is introduced. The native Ag sample surface is first irradiated with laser pulse (100 fs duration, 10 10-10 11 W/cm 2 intensity, 1240 nm wavelength) and... more
Vegetation function and dynamics are key parameters in terrestrial carbon-cycle models. The strong linkages between biochemical constituents in foliage with photosynthetic capacity and ecosystem productivity makes the development of... more
This paper presents the result of a work orientated to the spectral optimization of the acquisition devices in vascular biometrics systems. Spectral windows are proposed which will allow to design a multispectral system with a few and... more
There is a consensus about the necessity to achieve a quick soil spatial information with few human resources. Remote/proximal sensing and pedotransference are methods that can be integrated into this approach. On the other hand, there is... more
Chlorophyll is a good water quality indicator for determining other pollutants in inland water bodies. Chlorophyll concentrations can be measured by remote sensing techniques; howeve, studies show that the broad wavelength spectral data... more
Imaging mass spectrometry is an emerging technique of great potential for investigating the chemical architecture in biological matrices. Although the potential for studying neurobiological systems is evident, the relevance of the... more
Assessing the susceptibility of areas/communities towards natural hazards (e.g. fires, floods, landslides) and the rate and nature of change in their vulnerability.
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) has a relatively simple nervous system but possesses high order brain functions similar to humans. Therefore, it has been used as a common model system in biological studies, particularly drug... more
Imaging mass spectrometry is an emerging technique of great potential for investigating the chemical architecture in biological matrices. Although the potential for studying neurobiological systems is evident, the relevance of the... more
Healthy vegetation function supports diverse biological communities and ecosystem processes, and provides crops, forest products, forage, and countless other benefits. Vegetation function can be assessed by examining dynamic processes and... more
We present a novel configuration for high spectral resolution multiplexing acquisition based on the Hadamard transform in stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy. The broadband tunable output of a dual-beam femtosecond laser is... more