A partir de dos escritos histórico-literarios de José Victorino Lastarria, el presente artículo estudia la forma en que la élite chilena fue construyendo, en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, discursos sobre el pasado colonial que lo... more
Dimensions of stereotypes, warmth and competence, may respond differentially to perceivers' emotional involvement. Two studies tested the effect of being emotionally involved with a fictional immigrant target on stereotypic warmth but not... more
The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between rumination and emotional reactions to infidelity. The sample of the study consisted of 72 participants who reported to being cheated on. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule... more
The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between rumination and emotional reactions to infidelity. The sample of the study consisted of 72 participants who reported to being cheated on. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule... more
The covert psychopath is a compensatory mode of psychopathy, reactive to a state of collapse (inefficacy in obtaining goals).
In this article, we extend Benedict Anderson’s notion of imagined communities to examine the idea of an “imagined engagement” between or among people and groups that have not met. These imagined engagements include a blurring of temporal... more
In this article, we extend Benedict Anderson’s notion of imagined communities to examine the idea of an “imagined engagement” between or among people and groups that have not met. These imagined engagements include a blurring of temporal... more
This study looks at partisan voting in light of imagined interactions (IIs). Imagined interactions are a form of daydreaming that allows us to build scripts for use in our interpersonal relationships. II research has generally come from a... more
Letter to the Editor Reply to M.A. Persinger and S. A. Koren's response to Granqvist et al. "Sensed presence and mystical experiences are predicted by suggestibility, not by the application of transcranial weak magnetic fields"
Nowadays, more and more, school in Portugal has assumed a much more prominent and necessary social role. This social role has been evidenced by society and by the current structural changes that have been felt.
Nos dias que correm, cada vez mais, a escola em Portugal tem assumido um papel social muito mais proeminente e necessário. Esse papel social tem sido evidenciado pela sociedade e pelas alterações estruturais atuais que se têm sentido.
Based on the tenets of the social context model of second language acquisition, the present paper examined the combined effect of online and face-to-face contact in developing multilingual skills and identities among young... more
This article proposes that WhatsApp can offer insights into couples' relationships. Based on Gottman's therapy model, which mathematically analyzes marital conflicts, this study focuses on couples' WhatsApp correspondence and asks to what... more
This qualitative study investigated the factors that affected the motivation and receptivity of English as a second language of female students who enrolled in the English Language center of the Foundation Program in the Community College... more
Forgiveness is viewed as a major factor in maintaining healthy romantic relationships. But couples involved in long-distance relationships experience a different set of challenges than geographically-close couples when it comes to... more
The Emergence of the South African Metropolis: Cities and Identities in the Twentieth Century Vivian Bickford-Smith Excerpt More information town halls, broad streets, trams, harbours and department stores were soon forgotten as he... more
This qualitative study investigated the factors that affected the motivation and receptivity of English as a second language of female students who enrolled in the English Language center of the Foundation Program in the Community College... more
Imagined interactions are covert dialogues that occur with significant others and are a part of the social cognition process. Imagined interactions may call up plans for anticipated encounters. Using a multidimensional instrument known as... more
Empirical research has revealed a variety of differences in the communication behavior of males and females. This study addresses whether males and females think differently about communication. Imagined interactions are cognitive... more
This chapter analyzes interpersonal conflicts by means of Lewin's field theory, which requires a commitment to studying the actor's life space, or perceptions of his or her environment. A particular focus here is on taking conflict... more
Positive intergroup contact with peers at school is a crucial factor in the successful integration of migrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents into the local community. Yet, in most cases it is seldom achievable due to... more
Taking conflict personally (TCP), the degree to which people experience negative consequences from conflict, is typically conceived as a state or trait. This investigation went beyond TCP as an individual characteristic in identifying... more
A consequential unscripted interaction (CUI) is a conversation that a person understands to be important but does not know how to do. CUIs might be widespread within a population, but are perhaps more likely to be individual or localized... more
BackgroundThere are different theories and models of personality. In the antisocial area, the model used is the Dark Triad, a model of personality composed of the traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. The links between... more
Using Latent Semantic Analysis, we quantified the semantic representations of Facebook status updates of 304 individuals in order to predict self-reported personality. We focused on, besides Neuroticism and Extraversion, the Dark Triad of... more
Two studies investigated the connection between narcissism and sensitivity to criticism. In study 1, participants completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Sensitivity to Criticism Scale (SCS) and were asked to... more
Four studies examined whether verbal behavior is mindful (cognitive) or mindless (automatic). All used Langer, Blank, and Chanowitz's (1978) experimental paradigm. Experimenters approached subjects at copying machines and asked to use it... more
Purpose-The purpose of this commentary is discuss how musical intervention and imagined interactions can be used to deal with conflict. Music has been called the universal language because of its tonality and rhythm. It affects conflict... more
The present study examines the usage of imagined interactions (IIs) among bullying perpetrators and those who are bullied. In reviewing the literature on IIs, an earlier study investigated the motivations by aggressive teasers for using... more
Empirical research has revealed a variety of differences in the communication behavior of males and females. This study addresses whether males and females think differently about communication. Imagined interactions are cognitive... more
This study examined the relationship between attachment theory and Fitzpatrick's [1] marital typology based on traditional, independent, and separate ideologies in terms of imagined interactions or covert dialogues that individuals have... more
This study looks at partisan voting in light of imagined interactions (IIs). Imagined interactions are a form of daydreaming that allows us to build scripts for use in our interpersonal relationships. II research has generally come from a... more
This paper presents a cyberbullying detection model based on user personality, determined by the Big Five and Dark Triad models. The model aims to recognize bullying patterns among Twitter communities, based on relationships between... more
This study looks at partisan voting in light of imagined interactions (IIs). Imagined interactions are a form of daydreaming that allows us to build scripts for use in our interpersonal relationships. II research has generally come from a... more
Children show signs of intergroup biases from early in development, and evidence suggests that these biases increase through middle childhood. Here we critically review and synthesize the literature on the different types of childhood... more
Few relationships are more significant, long standing, and central to people"s well-being than their family relationships. From the beginning of life to the very end, family relationships remain a constant touchstone and a vital influence... more
Research in social media usage is extending beyond analyses of various high-traffic platforms and the average time users spend online. Developments of newer research explore the functions and motivators of social... more
Using Latent Semantic Analysis, we quantified the semantic representations of Facebook status updates of 304 individuals in order to predict self-reported personality. We focused on, besides Neuroticism and Extraversion, the Dark Triad of... more
This paper presents a cyberbullying detection model based on user personality, determined by the Big Five and Dark Triad models. The model aims to recognize bullying patterns among Twitter communities, based on relationships between... more
Traditionally, research on moral reasoning has been based on the idea that moral judgments are based on reasoning and cognitive development. For example, Kohlberg’s classic model of moral reasoning argues that morality develops with... more
Imagined interactions are cognitive representations of conversation experienced as internal dialogues with significant others. Results of an investigation confirm four hypotheses. The self talks more in imagined interactions, imagined... more
Imagined interactions, internal dialogues experienced as conversations with significant others, are conceptualized as a form of social cognition. Imagined interactions have important affective components and mental imagery. Results of an... more
The present study examines the usage of imagined interactions (IIs) among bullying perpetrators and those who are bullied. In reviewing the literature on IIs, an earlier study investigated the motivations by aggressive teasers for using... more
Bereavement is a state of grieving after the loss of a loved one. Past research has suggested that bereavement is particularly challenging, both physically and emotionally, in the aftermath of unexpected death. Here, we examine... more
This paper presents a cyberbullying detection model based on user personality, determined by the Big Five and Dark Triad models. The model aims to recognize bullying patterns among Twitter communities, based on relationships between... more
We conducted two studies involving two different age groups (elementary school children and adults) aimed at integrating imagined contact and common ingroup identity models. In the first study, Italian elementary school children were... more
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship among Narcissism, personality traits and conspicuous consumption of brands in youth. This used quantitative research design with a sample consisting of 50 Men and 50 Women. The age... more