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      Animal StudiesApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
Caminhando, da Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, UMESP ( Volume XX, número 2, p. 145-150. ISSN: 2176-3828.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
Resenha acadêmica. MACHADO, Jonas. O Misticismo Apocalíptico do Apóstolo Paulo: um Novo Olhar nas Cartas aos Coríntios na Perspectiva da Experiência Religiosa. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-85-349-3089-5.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
An undergraduate level introduction to apocalyptic literature.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
El presente artículo argumenta que Melancholia (Lars von Trier, 2011) puede constituir una ocasión privilegiada para pensar seriamente en la muerte en los términos que Søren Kierkegaard propone en "Junto a una tumba", generando en el... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsDeathDeath Studies
Resenha de OSBORNE, Grant R. Apocalipse: comentário exegético. São Paulo: Vida Nova, 2014. 999p. ISBN 978-85-275-0562-8. Publicado em Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (Online), v. 13, p. 1709-1712, 2015.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
"Laodicea at Bethel" is a sermon delivered as part of the Dear Church Series at Bethel University, St. Paul, on Friday, the 19th of February, 2021.
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      ApocalypticismJohannine LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
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      SemioticsReligionCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The quranic Noah narratives provide a fascinating window into the making of Muhammad as an eschatological prophet. This book examines their form, content, and sources as a means of deciphering the scribal and intertextual nature of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionGnosticismJewish Studies
É bom que as literaturas apocalípticas do passado estejam sendo redescobertas" (Paul D. Hanson) RESUMO A ascensão do conhecimento referente à literatura apocalíptica judaica nos círculos acadêmicos é uma realidade promissora. Porém,... more
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      GnosticismJewish MysticismApocalypticismEschatology and Apocalypticism
Este livro analisa a relação entre a experiência religiosa dos primeiros cristãos e suas articulações simbólicas e textuais. Por meio dessa junção de experiência e articulação poética, as primeiras comunidades cristãs remodelam crítica e... more
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      Early ChristianityEschatology and ApocalypticismThe Apocalypse of JohnImaginario apocalíptico
Resenha sobre a obra: "Guia Fácil para Entender o Apocalipse: tudo sobre o livro bíblico das revelações, reunido e organizado de maneira simples e acessível". Revista Paralellus (Online), v. 6, p. 528-532, 2016. Universidade Católica de... more
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyPatristics
rEsumEN "Babilonia en 3-D. Las tres caracteríscticas principales de Babilonia la grande".-La figura de Babilonia ha llamado la atención de los círculos académicos tanto protestantes como católicos, siendo objeto de profuso estudio en... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBabylonBook of RevelationImaginario apocalíptico
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityCultural History
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      Giovanni PapiniAntimodernismImaginario apocalípticoApocalipsis
O único reino que prevalecerá neste mundo é o reino que não é deste mundo" (autor desconhecido)
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      ApocalypticismDemonologyEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian Studies
This article argues that "Melancholia" (Lars von Trier, 2011) can be a special occasion to think seriously about death in the terms proposed by Søren Kierkegaard in "At a Graveside", generating in the viewer the same effect that the... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsMedia StudiesDeath
Abstract and conclusions included in both Spanish and English ;) . García García, E. M., "El origen del mal en la apocalíptica judía: evolución, influjos, protagonistas / The origin of evil in... more
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      Jewish StudiesApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismSecond Temple Judaism
This paper defends that "Melancholia" has a philosophical and artistic value which is founded on the use of cinematographic language to communicate, in an apocalyptic context, the experience of anxiety. And because of that, can help us to... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsDeathDeath Studies
En este artículo se explora la dimensión socio-religiosa de la literatura apocalíptica y también su dimensión literaria, enmarcándola dentro del marco de una literatura fantástica antigua e incipiente. La literatura apocalíptica crea... more
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      Book of DanielBook of RevelationFantastic LiteratureBiblical Hermeneutics
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
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      GnosticismCriminologyPolitical SociologyAnthropology
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      GnosticismJewish MysticismApocalypticismEschatology and Apocalypticism
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      SemioticsChristianityCultural HistoryCultural Studies
La marca de la bestia tiene diversas interpretaciones. Aquí la comprenderemos como el poder del opresor instalado como parte del cuerpo. Esta marca condiciona el uso y el entendimiento del cuerpo. La marca de la bestia transporta una... more
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      Cultural AnthropologyBook of RevelationCuerpoAntropología cultural
What is apocalyptic literature and what are its implications for the interpretation of Revelation of John? This article suggests that while Jewish apocalyptic literature influenced early Christian thought, the Old Testament was the main... more
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      HermeneuticsApocalypticism In LiteratureBook of RevelationLiterary Genres
Trabajo publicado en el volumen La Biblia en la literatura hispano-americana, Geneviève Fabry y Daniel Attala eds, Madrid, Ed. Trotta, 2016.
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      Argentine LiteratureImaginario apocalíptico
Resenha acadêmica. Revista Teoliterária (PUC-SP). LELOUP, Jean-Yves. O Apocalipse de João. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014. 286 pp . ISBN 978-85-326-4821-1. Título original francês: L’Apocalypse de Jean.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
The Quranic text may be construed as a palimpsest with regard to those scriptural and para-scriptural writings of Jewish and Christian provenance previously known to, and used in, the ‘sectarian milieu’ from within which the Islamic... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionJewish Studies
""Contents: 1. Apocalyptic trends in late Antiquity: A necessary bridge between modern Jewish, Christian, and Islamic studies 2. The Qur'an as a palimpsest; or, the Quranic corpus from an intertextual perspective 3. Thematic and... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTextual CriticismQur'anic Studies
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      ChristianityRussian StudiesIconographyArt History
This is the first of two essays in the Bruce Metzger festschrift, edited by J. Harold Ellens, Text and Community, Essay in Commemoration of Bruce M. Metzger, Vol. 1 (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007), 196-216. Serious errors of... more
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      ReligionTheologyNew TestamentHistorical Theology
"""Contents: 1. Introduction: Mediatorial figures in Second Temple Judaism 2. The Noah story in 1 Enoch, 1QapGen, 4Q534-36, and 1Q19-19bis - Excursus A: A brief re-examination of the differences between the Noah traditions, Noah's role... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTextual CriticismDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
“ El Despertar del Colibrí” es una novela blanca y de ficción sobre las aventuras de un grupo de jóvenes idealistas y bastante salidos del molde, que se congregan alrededor de un mamo Kogui, Mamo Elías, un carismático personaje que... more
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      Imaginario apocalípticoSierra Nevada de Santa MartaCosmovision AndinaSabiduria Ancestral
RESUMEN: De los tiempos bajomedievales a los modernos, las representaciones apocalípticas constituyeron parte del repertorio cultural de los poderosos como de los dominados. Una genealogía del género revela la ambivalencia de estos... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPropagandaConflictos Sociales
This essay discusses the apocalyptic features of Lucretius’ de rerum natura, suggesting a comparison with texts belonging to the corpus of Hellenistic Jewish pseudepigrapha; the description of the plague as a final ‘apocalypse’ with... more
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      Latin LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
An RBL review of Laurentiu Florentin Mot's, "Morphological and Syntactical Irregularities in the Book of Revelation: A Greek Hypothesis"
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Las ideas apocalípticas se presentan periódicamente en la sociedad. Están en el imaginario social y religioso de la cultura occidental, pues se nutren del miedo en la cultura. Incluso sirven para promover cambios religiosos y actitudes... more
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
The Acknowledgements page with an account of the origin, development, and completion of the collaborative translation of Schmid's "Studien zur Geschichte des Griechischen Apokalypse-Textes: Die Alten Staemme."
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      PhilologyHistoryTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismFranciscan StudiesFranciscan Spirituality
A sensação de uma catástrofe permanente é disseminada. Tal regime indica uma erosão das formas de expectativas constituídas na era moderna e inaugura um novo: a experiência de um fechamento do horizonte de expectativas 2 . Esse tempo do... more
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      Imaginario apocalípticoCatástrofes
Forthcoming in the Review of Biblical Literature
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
Discutiremos neste artigo a relação entre mulheres e anjos em 1Cor 11,2-16. Sugerimos a hipótese de que este texto está ligado a uma tradição mística longa e bastante difundida no mundo antigo. Demonstramos, através da exegese, como esta... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismEroticismAngels1 Corinthians
The 2008 SBL meeting in Boston included a panel review session on James R. Royse's book, Scribal Habits in Early Greek New Testament Papyri (NTTSD 36; Leiden: Brill, 2007). A number of the reviews of this important work are presented... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageManuscripts and Early Printed Books
Suena brevemente un clarín. La escena de este drama es el mundo […] de finales del siglo XVI (o de comienzos del siglo XVII, tal vez). El autor se ha tomado la libertad de comprimir países y épocas como quien se distancia a voluntad de un... more
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      Utopian StudiesEschatology and ApocalypticismGeorg LukacsSiegfried Kracauer
Utilizando la antropología cultural se trabaja el texto de Apocalipsis 13.
Tesis de Licenciatura en Teología
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      Antropología culturalBibliaImaginario apocalípticoApocalipsis
"TABLE OF CONTENT: Entre angoisse et dévoilement. Avant-propos…………………….. Arnaud Join-Lambert Arrêt sur image(s) dans l’Apocalypse de Jean……………….…… Geert Van Oyen Cinéma et apocalypse. Une mise en perspective……………..…... Sébastien... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyReligion and FilmEschatology and Apocalypticism
The essay offers an investigation of the "object" in contemporary post-apocalypse scenarios. In this kind of representation, which shows a world in collapse after an environmental or technological catastrophe, the "object" (food,... more
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      EcocriticismFrancesco OrlandoPost-Apocalyptic LiteratureImaginario apocalíptico