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Transform coding has been the focus of the research for image compression. In previous research, the Amplitude and Group Partitioning (AGP) coding scheme is proved to be a low complexity algorithm with high performance 1,2 , clearly one... more
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      Image compressionWavelet TransformDiscrete Cosine TransformHigh performance
Bu makalede imge sıkıştırma uygulamalarında kullanılmak uzere yeni bir renk dönüşümü metoduönerilmektedir. Bahsi geçen renk dönüşümünün katsayıları, imgenin renk histogramı kullanılarak hesaplanmakta ve bu sayede imgeyë ozel bir renk... more
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      Signal ProcessingData CompressionImage codingImage compression
In Image Compression, the researchers' aim is to reduce the number of bits required to represent an image by removing the spatial and spectral redundancies. Recently discrete wavelet transform and wavelet packet has emerged as popular... more
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      Pattern RecognitionImage compressionWavelet TransformTime Complexity
Transmission of compressed medical images is becoming a vital tool in telemedicine. Thus new methods are needed for efficient image compression. This study discovers the best design parameters for a data compression scheme applied to... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingData CompressionTelemedicineBiomedical
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      Data CompressionConvergenceHebbian learningImage compression
This paper investigates the application of a new concept called the "Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transform"(0DWT) for image sequences compression. It has been demonstrated that: "The translated function with any integer multiple of the... more
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      Computational ComplexityData CompressionSimulationMotion estimation
We study the compression performance of the quincunx discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and we compare it with the dyadic DWT in terms of PSNR and bit rate. The 2D non-separable quincunx wavelet filters are designed by making use of the... more
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      Image compressionFilter DesignDiscrete wavelet transform
Image compression is a very important issue for several applications in the area of multimedia communications, the objective being reduction of storage and transmission costs. Many efficient coding techniques have been developed for... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringImage Processing
This paper presents an ECG compressor based on optimized quantization of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients. The ECG to be compressed is partitioned in blocks of fixed size, and each DCT block is quantized using a quantization... more
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      EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingData Compression
This paper addresses an image prediction problem focused on images with no identifiable objects. In it, we present several approaches to predict the next image of a given sequence, when the image lacks the well-defined objects, such as... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage compressionSatellite ImageryPrediction Model
Digital images in their uncompressed form require an enormous amount of storage capacity which in turn needs large transmission bandwidth for the transmission over the network. Image compression reduces the storage space of image and also... more
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      Image ProcessingImage compressionDWTDCT
Digital radiology places very high demands on the networking and digital storage infrastructure of hospitals. In addition to having quite stringent requirements on the quality of the images displayed to the radiologist, much of the... more
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      Computer ScienceImage QualityImage compressionIEEE
JPEG2000 is an international standard for still images intended to overcome the shortcomings of the existing JPEG standard. Compared to JPEG image compression techniques, JPEG2000 standard has not only better not only has better... more
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      Digital FPGA implementationImage compressionReal Time Embedded Systems
A new image compression algorithm is proposed, based on independent Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation of the embedded bit-streams (EBCOT). The algorithm exhibits state-of-the-art compression performance while producing a... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceData CompressionImage compression
We consider the problem of simultaneous bitrate allocation for multiple video streams. Current methods for multiplexing video streams often rely on identifying the relative complexity of the video streams to improve the combined overall... more
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      EngineeringCognitive ScienceInformation RetrievalComputer Vision
This paper addresses the problem of wireless transmission of a captured scene from multiple cameras, which do not communicate among each other, to a joint decoder. Correlation among different camera views calls for distributed source... more
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      Information SystemsFading ChannelImage codingImage compression
Image compression is a widely addressed researched area. Many compression standards are in place. But still here there is a scope for high compression with quality reconstruction. The JPEG standard makes use of Discrete Cosine Transform... more
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    • Image compression
The Singular Value Decomposition expresses image data in terms of number of eigen vectors depending upon the dimension of an image. The psycho visual redundancies in an image are used for compression. Thus an image can be compressed... more
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      Image compressionSingular value decompositionData storageData transfer
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      EngineeringTechnologyImage ProcessingSignal Processing
In the recent years, Internet multimedia applications have become very popular. Valuable multimedia content such as digital images, however, is vulnerable to unauthorized access while in storage and during transmission over a network.... more
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      BusinessData CompressionChannel CodingSource Coding
DjVu is an image compression technique specifically geared towards the compression of scanned documents in color at high resolution. Typical magazine pages in color scanned at 300dpi are compressed to between 40 and 80 KB, or 5 to 10... more
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      Image compressionDocument AnalysisReal TimeHigh Resolution
The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) committee is a joint working group of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The word "Joint" in JPEG however does not... more
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      Image ProcessingStandardizationImage compressionWavelet Transforms
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      Image ProcessingImage compression
The field of CCTV surveillance is topical and widely used in many different applications. The fundamental part of the CCTV system is a reliable image evaluation by a human observer, whose effectiveness is influenced by many variables.... more
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    • Image compression
A practical impossibility of prediction of signs of DCT coefficients is generally accepted. Therefore each coded sign of DCT coefficients occupies usually 1 bit of memory in compressed data. At the same time data of all coded signs of DCT... more
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      Data CompressionImage compressionData storageCompression Ratio
The JPEG baseline standard for image compression employs a block Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and uniform quantization. For a monochrome image, a single quantization matrix is allowed, while for a color image, distinct matrices are... more
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      Data CompressionImage compressionDisplaysQuantization
In the present work we analyze the performance of orthogonal and Biorthogonal wavelet filters for image compression on variety of test images. The test images are of different size and resolution. The compression performance is measured,... more
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      Image compressionComputer ApplicationsBiorthogonal Wavelets
Future high resolution instruments planned by CNES to succeed SPOT5 will lead to higher bit rates because of the increase in both resolution and number of bits per pixel, not compensated by the reduced swath. Data compression is then... more
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      Remote SensingData CompressionOptical ImagingImage compression
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      EngineeringImage ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingImage Analysis
Images form integral part of interactive services broadcasted in digital television. Natural images compression is always trade-off between visual quality and file size. Annoying artifacts arise in highly compressed images. The scope of... more
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    • Image compression
At the present time, block-transform coding is probably the most popular approach for image compression. For this approach, the compressed images are decoded using only the transmitted transform data. We formulate image decoding as an... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage compressionPrior KnowledgeProjection onto convex sets
Focal plane processing applications present a growing computing need for portable telecomputing and videoputing systems. This paper demonstrates the integration of digital processing, analog interface circuitry, and thin film OE devices... more
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      Computer ArchitectureImage ProcessingPackagingImage compression
In this paper, we present and evaluate a hardware solution for user-driven and packet loss tolerant image compression, especially designed to enable low power image compression and communication over wireless camera sensor networks... more
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      Image ProcessingWireless Sensor NetworksVLSIImage compression
Image compression is considered as application performed for compression of data in digital format images. Digital images are comprised with large amount of information that requires bigger bandwidth. The techniques of image compression... more
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      Image compressionMatlab ProgrammingDCTHuffman Coding
Data compression is a process of reducing the data size to minimize the storage size and the data transmission time, will decompression means recovering the original data without losing any piece of information. In this research paper we... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
A Flexible Representation of Quantum Images (FRQI) is proposed to provide a representation for images on quantum computers in the form of a normalized state which captures information about colors and their corresponding positions in the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsImage ProcessingQuantum Information Processing
In today’s world of electronic revolution digital images play an important role in consumer electronics. Digital images are stored in different formats, each format having its own set of characteristics making it suitable for any specific... more
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      Image compressionDigtal Image ProcessingImage file formats
The widespread availability of photo editing software has made it easy to create visually convincing digital image forgeries. To address this problem, there has been much recent work in the eld of digital image forensics. There has been... more
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      Digital ForensicsImage compressionAnti Forensics
Multiresolution analysis and wavelets provide useful and efficient tools for representing functions at multiple levels of detail. Wavelet representations have been used in a broad range of applications, including image compression,... more
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      Information SystemsNumerical AnalysisLevel Of Detail (LOD)Wavelets
Compressing an image is significantly different than compressing raw binary data. compressing images is used by this different compression algorithm. Wavelet transforms used in Image compression methods to provide high compression rates... more
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      Image compressionDiscrete wavelet transformEmbedded Zerotree Wavelet
A compressão de dados é um dos factores que mais contribuiu para o grande crescimento das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação. Sem compressão, a maioria dos produtos tecnológicos de consumo e entretenimento, que são hoje banais,... more
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      Information TheoryData CompressionImage and Video CompressionVideo Compression
Image Compression is a wide area. Compression of Images increasing because the raw images need large amounts of disk space seems to be a big disadvantage during transmission & storage. Even though there are so many compression technique... more
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      Image ProcessingImage compressionCrPSNR
ABSTRACT Recently, vector quantization (VQ) has received considerable attention, and has become an effective tool for image compression. It provides a high compression ratio and a simple decoding process. However, studies on the practical... more
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      Image compressionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Image ProcessingData MiningFuzzy set theoryImage Analysis
On-board image compression systems aim to increase the amount of data stored in the on-board mass memory and transmitted to the ground station. This paper presents an overview and analysis of the state-of-the-art in on-board image... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStatistical AnalysisImage compression
It is well known that the images, often used in variety of computer applications, are difficult to store and transmit. One possible solution to overcome this problem is to use a data compression technique where an image is viewed as a... more
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      Data CompressionImage compressionSingular value decompositionComputer Application
In this paper, we present a novel no-reference (NR) method to assess the quality of JPEG-coded images using a sequential learning algorithm for growing and pruning radial basis function (GAP-RBF) network. The features for predicting the... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceImage Processing
Image compression is an implementation of the data compression which encodes actual image with some bits. The purpose of the image compression is to decrease the redundancy and irrelevance of image data to be capable to record or send... more
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      VideoDigital Image ProcessingImage compressionData
Quadtrees are a compact hierarchical method of representation of images. In this paper, we explore a number of hierarchical image representations as applied to binary images, of which quadtrees are a single exemplar. We discuss quadtrees,... more
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      Information SystemsMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence