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In the two decades since the introduction of the X-ray scanner into radiology, medical imaging techniques have become widely established as essential tools in the diagnosis of disease. As a consequence of recent technological and... more
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingIterative MethodsDISTRIBUTION
Traditional methods of computer vision and machine learning cannot match human performance on tasks such as the recognition of handwritten digits or traffic signs. Our biologically plausible, wide and deep artificial neural network... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine Learning
A new method based on a computer vision and statistical learning system is proposed to estimate the wear level in cutting inserts and to identify the time for its replacement. AISI SAE 1045 and 4140 steel bars of 250 mm of length and 90... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingStatistical AnalysisModeling
Computer vision algorithms are natural candidates for high performance computing systems. Algorithms in computer vision are characterized by complex and repetitive operations on large amounts of data involving a variety of data... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingComputer VisionImage Processing
A histogram based perceptual quality assessment (HPQA) method for color images is presented in this paper. Basically, the HPQA combines two quality assessment approaches (color image quality assessment and histogram based image quality... more
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      Image ProcessingImage Quality Measures
Feature extraction and dimensionality reduction are important tasks in many fields of science dealing with signal processing and analysis. The relevance of these techniques is increasing as current sensory devices are developed with ever... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringImage ProcessingRemote SensingMachine Learning
The different MPEG standards are well known for their media compression capabilities. MPEG-4 evolved in effort by JVT to develop a codec that maximize quality and minimize bit rates. MPEG-4 Version2 Simple Profile which we choose contain... more
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      Image ProcessingWireless Communications
This paper investigates the accuracy and effectiveness of the face detection and recognition algorithms using OpenCV and C# computer language. The adaboost algorithm [2] is used for face detection and PCA algorithm[1] is used for face... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningRecognitionDetection
Coordinate metrology is a field of metrology that is becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing industry. Coordinate metrology enables the three-dimensional measurement to be carried out on complex object in a single setup. The... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringImage Processing
Box filter is simple and well known technique for image resizing. This technical paper describes an algorithm for image downscaling (shrinking) using box filter with subpixel accuracy, based on color space rescaling, which avoids oating... more
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      Image ProcessingResampling MethodsDigital Image ProcessingFilters
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    • Image Processing
In general , we present a cheap , reliable and scaleble propsal for hand tracking problem that estimates the pose of human hand to a 3D hand model constructed from a depth map and generated by a stereo vision system.
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsComputer VisionImage Processing
A base-4 leading zero detector (LZD) design is proposed in this paper. The design is similar to the approach originally proposed by V.G. Oklobdzija with a different technique. The circuit modules used in... more
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      Electrical EngineeringImage ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingPhotonics
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    • Image Processing
— This paper aims to develop a cost-effective device to make a star tracking system using an Arduino DUE [6] and Stellarium [1]. It also includes the processing of the image via MATLAB Ⓡ [2] that is obtained from the telescope in near... more
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      OpticsImage ProcessingArduinoTelescope Making
Robotics is the future of automated manufacturing. Robotic systems are inherently more useful in undertaking tasks which might be difficult, or where it is necessary for accuracy to be quite high. However, use of robots in industry or... more
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      Image ProcessingImage AnalysisMatlabProgramming by Demonstration
In this paper; we introduce a system of automatic recognition of characters based on the Random Forest Method in non-constrictive pictures that are stemmed from the terminals Mobile phone. After doing some pretreatments on the picture,... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine Learning
In this paper; we introduce a system of automatic recognition of characters based on the Random Forest Method in non-constrictive pictures that are stemmed from the terminals Mobile phone. After doing some pretreatments on the picture,... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine Learning
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    • Image Processing
Ces dernières années ont été le théâtre d'une étonnante résurgence de la question anthropologique. Parmi les propositions les plus débattues, il y a eu celle qui consisterait à penser l'homme non pas comme un animal doué de langage, mais... more
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      AnthropologyAestheticsVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
1.1 Suppose the input to an amplifier is x a (t) = sin(2πF 0 t) and the steady-state output is y a (t) = 100 sin(2πF 0 t + φ 1) − 2 sin(4πF 0 t + φ 2) + cos(6πF 0 t + φ 3) (a) Is the amplifier a linear system or is it a nonlinear system?... more
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    • Image Processing
Handwritten character recognition has become a challenging and interesting field in the recent days due to its complex character shapes and huge pragmatic applications. A lot of research are already done and underway on English alphabets... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningDigital Image Processing
In this paper, we propose a novel system for beard and mustache detection and segmentation in challenging facial images. Our system first eliminates illumination artifacts using the self-quotient algorithm. A sparse classifier is then... more
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      Image ProcessingSegmentation
Face recognition based smart attendance system using IoT is a tool for recognizing the students face while taking attendance by using face biometrics based on monitor camera image capturing. In our face recognition based smart attendance... more
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    • Image Processing
Object recognition is a very well known problem domain in the field of computer vision and robot vision. In earlier years in neuro science field CNN has played a key role in solving many problems related to identification and recognition... more
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      Computer ScienceImage Processing
Enhancement of mammography images considers as powerful methods in categorization of breast normal tissues and pathologies. The digital image software gives chance to improve the mammographs and increasing their illustration value. The... more
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      Image ProcessingMedical Image ProcessingBreast CancerBiomedical signal and image processing
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceImage ProcessingWatermarking
Wood coatings are widely used for aesthetic and protective reasons. Assessment of coating performance during service life is crucial in order to establish a knowledge database for product optimization. A vast amount of techniques is... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceImage ProcessingX-ray imaging
In this paper an unsupervised colour image segmentation algorithm is presented. This method combines the advantages of the approaches based on split&merge and region growing, and the use of the RGB and HSV colour representation... more
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      MathematicsComputer VisionImage ProcessingImage segmentation
This paper presents a non-intrusive system that gives the illusion of a 3D immersive and interactive environment with 2D projectors. The user does not need to wear glasses, nor to watch a (limited) screen. The virtual world is all around... more
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      Image ProcessingImmersionKalman FilteringTracking
Fault diagnosis of industrial machineries become very much important for improving the quality of the manufacturing as well as for reducing the cost for product testing. In modern manufacturing scenario, a fast and reliable diagnosis... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringImage ProcessingSoft Computing
In this paper we propose to develop a device that can be used by the visually challenged to read normal English books. Here we focus on letter-by-letter segmentation, recognition and transliteration to the Braille format. The device would... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingMachine LearningEmbedded Systems
At the present time, remote sensing technologies are being improved and day by day, by launching new satellites with new developed techniques, images can be obtained faster with high resolution. The satellites which had been launched... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingRemote sensing and GISData Integration
Image registration (or alignment) is a useful preprocessing tool for assisting in manual data extraction from handwritten forms, as well as for preparing documents for batch OCR of specific page regions. A new technique is presented for... more
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      Image ProcessingInformation TheoryImage RegistrationFamily history
Automated blood vessel segmentation is an important issue for assessing retinal abnormalities and diagnoses of many diseases. The segmentation of vessels is complicated by huge variations in local contrast, particularly in case of the... more
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      Image ProcessingFuzzy set theoryImage segmentationGaussian processes
In this review, the application of in-depth learning for medical diagnosis will be corrected. A thorough analysis of various scientific articles in the domain of deep neural network applications in the medical field has been implemented.... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine LearningData Mining
We consider the problem of learning a coefficient vector x 0 ∈ R N from noisy linear observation y = Ax 0 + w ∈ R n . In many contexts (ranging from model selection to image processing) it is desirable to construct a sparse estimator x.... more
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      Image ProcessingInformation TheoryCompressed SensingStatistical Learning
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    • Image Processing
Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a type of MR imaging which utilises protocols designed to enhance stationary fluids in the imaged volume. In this way it visualises the pancreatobiliary tract by highlighting the bile... more
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      Image ProcessingMr ImagingMagnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography
This paper describes person identity by fingerprint , Face recognition, and voice information using Bio-metrics tool. The person is modeled by their features using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Bio metrics is frequently used in signal... more
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    • Image Processing
Hydrodynamic numerical models nowadays offer great aid when studying the physical behavior of coastal waters. However, the calibration and furthermore the verification of such models, is a difficult process that should be applied... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage ProcessingVerification
Although the processing of data streams has been the focus of many research efforts in several areas, the case of remotely sensed streams in scientific contexts has received little attention. We present an extensible architecture to... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingChange detectionReal Time
The paper presents the research results of pegmatites from Karelian deposits. The aim of this research was to find selective features of microcline, biotite, muscovite, quartz, and plagioclase for determining the opportunity of their... more
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      OpticsImage ProcessingMiningOptical Sorting
The primary goal of this research was to provide image processing support to aid in the identification of those subjects most affected by bone loss when exposed to weightlessness and provide insight into the causes for large variability.... more
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      GeneticsImage ProcessingComputed TomographyImage segmentation
Image segmentation is a process by which an image is partitioned into regions with similar features. Many approaches have been proposed for color images segmentation, but Fuzzy C-Means has been widely used, because it has a good... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningData MiningImage segmentation
ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss issues in real-time image processing, including applications, approaches and hardware. In particular, we discuss the failure of existing programming languages to support these considerations and present... more
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      Programming LanguagesImage ProcessingMultimediaVirtual Reality