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A depth-enhanced three-dimensional integral imaging system with electrically variable image planes is proposed. For implementing the variable image planes, polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal (PDLC) films and a projector are adopted as a new... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringElectrochemistryLiquid CrystalsPolymers
Diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) is now a widely used modality to investigate the fiber tissues in vivo, especially the white matter in brain. An automatic pipeline is described in this paper to conduct a localized voxel-wise multiple-subject... more
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      BioinformaticsStatistical AnalysisLife SciencesMRI
A wide variety of imaging applications exist for 1K x 1K midwave infrared (MWIR) imagers and Nova's Variable Acuity Superpixel Imager (VASTM) technology1,2 has now progressed to this image format. This paper will demonstrate a variety of... more
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      Image ProcessingSensorsRadiation DetectorsFPA
This paper reports on a study that was designed to investigate the knowledge about image formation exhibited by students following instruction in geometrical optics in an activity-based college physics course for prospective elementary... more
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      PhysicsOpticsScience EducationHigher Education
Video-frame-rate millimetre-wave imaging has recently been demonstrated with a quality similar to that of a low-quality uncooled thermal imager. In this paper we will discuss initial investigations into the transfer of image processing... more
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      AlgorithmsPhysicsImage ProcessingImage Analysis
Non-quadratic regularization based image formation is a recently proposed framework for feature-enhanced radar imaging. Specific image formation techniques in this framework have so far focused on enhancing one type of feature, such as... more
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      Optimization ProblemImage ReconstructionSynthetic Aperture RadarImage Formation
MUVIS is a series of CBIR systems. The first one has been developed in late 90s to support indexing and retrieval in large image databases using visual and semantic features such as color, texture and shape. During recent years, MUVIS has... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalImage RetrievalMPEG
In positron emission tomographic (PET) scanning, transmission measurements for attenuation correction are commonly performed by using external germanium-68 rod sources. Recently, combined PET and computed tomographic (CT) scanners have... more
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      Radiation ProtectionRisk assessmentBrainIsotopes
There have been many studies involving the use of hemispherical photographs to indirectly estimate canopy structures and forest light environments. A variety of commercial and free software packages are available for the analysis of... more
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      Free SoftwareSolar radiationGlobal solar radiationImage Formation
Two choices are possible for the refractive index of a linear, homogeneous, isotropic, active, dielectric material. Either of the choices is adequate for obtaining frequency-domain solutions for (i) scattering by slabs, spheres, and other... more
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      AlgorithmsAnisotropyComputer SimulationLight
Travel research consistently shows the importance of word-of-mouth (WOM) information sources in the travel decision-making process. Friends and relatives have been identified as organic image-formation agents, and it has been emphasized... more
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      MarketingDecision MakingWord of MouthConsumer Studies
Functionality of biological and inorganic systems ranging from nonvolatile computer memories and microelectromechanical systems to electromotor proteins and cellular membranes is ultimately based on the intricate coupling between... more
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      EngineeringScanning Probe MicroscopyMaterialsAtomic Force Microscopy
algorithms are widely used in inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging. In the standard RD algorithm, envelope alignment and autofocus are first applied to transform the original data into equivalent turntable target data, and then... more
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      Synthetic Aperture RadarHigh ResolutionHigh SpeedInverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
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      OpticsManuscript StudiesCamera ObscuraIbn al-Haytham
Speckle is a granular noise that inherently exists in all types of coherent imaging systems. The presence of speckle in an image reduces the resolution of the image and the detectability of the target. Many speckle reduction algorithms... more
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      Image ProcessingSpeech AcousticsHigher order statisticsAdaptive Filter
An introduction to the computer image processing and recognition techniques applied for accurately locating an object are presented in this paper. The accurate measurement of three dimensional position requires a camera calibration... more
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      Information SystemsBiomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingSignal Processing
A self-tuning image restoration filter based on a simplified version of the Jaffe-McGlamery underwater image formation model is presented. Optimal values of the filter parameters are estimated automatically for each individual image by... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingImage RestorationPerformance Improvement
Over the last years, institutional image management has become a critical element to the competitiveness of higher education institutions. The aims of this study are to review the organizational image construct; explore the process of... more
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      MarketingHigher EducationCorporate ImageHigher Education Management
Software for the processing of electron micrographs in structural biology suffers from incompatibility between different packages, poor definition and choice of conventions, and a lack of coherence in software development. The solution... more
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      Image ProcessingElectron MicroscopyStructural BiologyDocumentation
The physical basis for breast tumor detection with microwave imaging is the contrast in dielectric properties of normal and malignant breast tissues. Confocal microwave imaging involves illuminating the breast with an ultra-wideband pulse... more
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      AlgorithmsGynaecologyBiomedical EngineeringComputational Modeling
Microwave breast cancer detection is based on differences in electrical properties between healthy and malignant tissues. Tissue sensing adaptive radar (TSAR) has been proposed as a method of microwave breast imaging for early tumor... more
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      CancerBreast CancerReflectionBiomedical Imaging
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      Image ProcessingData MiningFuzzy set theoryImage Analysis
Store image is made up of both tangible and intangible attributes. The knowledge of the composition is of great value for marketing managers and researchers. A store image scale was constructed for fast food restaurants. The scale... more
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      Consumer BehaviorFast FoodConsumer SatisfactionRegression Analysis
The present study aims to provide a deeper insight into the factors affecting the formation of tourism destination image. More specifically, it is an attempt to determine the influence that the Internet, as a new information source in... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementInformation ProcessingTourism
This systematic literature review explores the state of the art concerning the theoretical and empirical knowledge of the twice-exceptionality of Intellectual Giftedness and Autism Spectrum Disorders (IG+ASD, in relation to diagnostic and... more
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      Peer ReviewSystematic Literature ReviewEducationalEducation Systems
Purpose: This paper is a humble effort on bringing together the ideas and research findings of different intellectuals and researchers with respect to formation of destination image. Special emphasis is put on the role of the internet,... more
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    • Image Formation
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingEmerging TechnologiesImage Formation
11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Vision (ICDIPV 2022) is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Image Processing and vision. The conference will bring together... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputer VisionQuantum Information ProcessingInformation Processing
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
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      Image ProcessingMedical Image ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingContent-Based Image Retrieval
We present a detailed analysis of image formation in digital Fresnel holography. The mathematical modeling is developed on the basis of Fourier optics, making possible the understanding of the different influences of each of the physical... more
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      Optical physicsOptometry and OphthalmologyElectrical And Electronic EngineeringImage Formation
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceMultidisciplinaryNatureImage Formation
ViewDEX (Viewer for Digital Evaluation of X-ray images) is a Java-based DICOM-compatible software tool for observer performance studies that can be used to display medical images with simultaneous registration of the observer's response.... more
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      X-ray imagingMedical ImageSoftware ToolLog Files
The technique of cepstrum thresholding, which is shown to be an effective, yet simple, way of obtaining a smoothed non parametric spectrum estimate of a stationary signal. The major problem of this method is the choice of the threshold... more
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      Image ProcessingOptical Fiber CommunicationsWireless CommunicationsDigital Signal Processing
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
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      Image ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingImage and Video Compression
The faint body image embedded into the Turin Shroud has not yet explained by science. We present experimental results of excimer laser irradiation (wavelengths 308 nm and 193 nm) of a raw linen fabric and of a linen cloth, seeking for a... more
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      Body ImageExcimer LaserUltraviolet RadiationImage Formation
Forest fire is one of those natural disasters that have been causing huge destruction in terms of loss of vegetation, animals and hence affects the economy. Image segmentation techniques have been applied on satellite images of forest... more
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      Information RetrievalWireless CommunicationsAudio Signal ProcessingData Communications
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
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      Image ProcessingMedical Image ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingBiomedical signal and image processing
The problem of structure extraction from the image which contains many clustered objects is a challenging one for high level image analysis. When an image contains many clustered objects overlapping of objects can cause for hiding the... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningOptical Fiber CommunicationsWireless Communications
11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Vision (ICDIPV 2022) is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Image Processing and vision. The conference will bring together... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputer VisionVisualizationMachine Learning
The determination of Dill parameters of thick resist is very important to improve simulation models of resist exposure and real world processes. A new extraction technique of Dill parameters based on spectroscopic ellipsometry in... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyPhysical sciencesRefractive Index
In this paper, blind image separation is performed, exploiting the property of sparseness to represent images. A new sparse representation called forward difference method is proposed. It is known that most of the independent component... more
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      Information RetrievalImage ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingDigital Signal Processing
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      MathematicsAcousticsBiomedical EngineeringSystems Theory
The information explosion makes it easier to ignore information that requires social attention, and news games can make that information stand out. There is also considerable research that shows that people are more likely to remember... more
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      Image ProcessingMultimediaNarratologyDigital Signal Processing
A difficulty of using confocal microscopy to study Ca 2ϩ sparks is the uncertainty of the linescan position with respect to the source of Ca 2ϩ release. Random placement of the linescan is expected to result in a broad distribution of... more
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      BiophysicsChemistryCalciumConfocal Microscopy