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Our previous works suggest that fractal texture feature is useful to detect pediatric brain tumor in multimodal MRI. In this study, we systematically investigate efficacy of using several different image features such as intensity,... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsPrincipal Component AnalysisMagnetic Resonance Imaging
License Plate Recognition (LPR) plays an important role on the traffic monitoring and parking management. A robust and efficient method for enhancing accuracy of license plate characters recognition based on K Nearest Neighbours (K-NN)... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionImage Processing
Estimating Multiple Evoked Emotions from Videos Wonhee Choe ([email protected]) Cognitive Science Program, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Republic of Korea Digital Media & Communication (DMC) RD visual feature; video... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceComputer Vision
Hand gesture recognition for human computer interaction, being a natural way of human computer interaction, is an area of active research in computer vision and machine learning. This is an area with many different possible applications,... more
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      Human Computer InteractionImage Features ExtractionMachine VisionHand Gesture Recognition System
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingImage Features ExtractionDigital imaging
The Bag-of-Visual Words has been recognised as an effective mean of representing images for image classification. However, its reliance on hand crafted image feature extraction algorithms often results in significant computational... more
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      Machine LearningImage Features ExtractionContent-Based Image RetrievalImage Analysis
Face and facial pattern detection is an active research area that is useful for many practical applications. In this paper, we present an innovative technique for eye detection using Augmented Dynamic Time Warping (ADTW) algorithm.... more
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingFacial RecognitionBiometrics
This paper presents an algorithm for using projective invariant patterns in augmented reality applications. It is actually an adaptation of a previous algorithm for an optical tracking device, that works with infrared illumination and... more
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      Augmented RealityImage Features ExtractionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)GPU
Nowadays Hand written Character Recognition (HCR) is major remarkable and difficult research domain in the area of Image processing. Recognition of Handwritten English alphabets have been broadly studied in the previous years. Presently... more
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      Computer ScienceImage Features ExtractionBayesian Network Classifiersadd Optical character recognition
Stitching images with repeated patterns is one of the hard tasks in computer vision. Unfortunately, available algorithms do not have enough accuracy to register these kinds of images. This problem is due to lack of discriminative... more
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      Image ProcessingImage Features ExtractionImage RegistrationFeature Extraction
The use of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models for Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) has recently been gaining traction. The use of more complex DNN models have greatly increased accuracy performance but have the downside of very poor... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingVisualizationDigital Signal Processing
Unlike English characters, one of the major drawbacks in recognizing handwritten Bengali script is the massive amount of characters in Bengali language and their complex shapes. There are 50 complex shaped characters in Bengali alphabet... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningImage Features ExtractionImage segmentation
Plants are the backbone of all life on Earth and an essential resource for human well-being. Plant recognition is very important in agriculture for the management of plant species whereas botanists can use this application for medicinal... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningData MiningImage Features Extraction
Image processing and analysis based on the continuous or discrete image transforms are classic techniques. The image transforms are widely used in image filtering, data description, etc. Nowadays the wavelet theorems make up very popular... more
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      Image Features ExtractionImage Processing and AnalysisDigital Image ProcessingWavelets
This paper focus on advance study of Gesture control based robot. The first part of the paper provides an overview of the current state of the art regarding the recognition of hand gestures as these are observed and recorded by typical... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionComputer VisionTechnology
This article presents a survey of the latest methods of violence detection in video sequences. Although many studies have described the approaches taken to detect violence, there are few surveys providing exhaustive review of the... more
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      ViolenceData MiningImage Features ExtractionDigital Image Processing
Nowadays Hand written Character Recognition (HCR) is major remarkable and difficult research domain in the area of Image processing. Recognition of Handwritten English alphabets have been broadly studied in the previous years. Presently... more
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      Image Features ExtractionClassifiersFood Processing and PreservationOptical Character Recognition (OCR)
Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps are mandatory for today’s processes of government planning, environmental management, and education of the general public on the status of global development. A developing trend of high-speed urbanization... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyCartographyRemote Sensing
Image processing and analysis based on the continuous or discrete image transforms are classic techniques. The image transforms are widely used in image filtering, data description, etc.
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      Image Features ExtractionImage Processing and AnalysisDigital Image ProcessingWavelets
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      Image Features ExtractionSinhalaDigital Image ProcessingArtificial Neural Networks
Identification of plant disease is very important to prevent the loss and keep the harvest healthy. Determination of plant disease via visual monitoring is difficult and time consuming. In this paper, we described a method of detection... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Image Features Extraction
Face recognition technology has been one of the most important fields that emerged during past two decades since the demand for identifying a person by analysing an image escalated exponentially. A face recognition system is a computer... more
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      Image Features ExtractionFace DetectionFeature extraction, PCA, DataminingMatlab Programming
Due to sharp increases in data dimensions, working on every data mining or machine learning (ML) task requires more efficient techniques to get the desired results. Therefore, in recent years, researchers have proposed and developed many... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceData MiningAnt Colony OptimizationImage Features Extraction
The estimation of edge features, such as sub-pixel position, orientation, curvature and change in intensity at both sides of the edge, from the computation of the gradient vector in each pixel is usually inexact, even in ideal images. In... more
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      Image Features ExtractionImage AnalysisEdge Detection
Iris is a powerful tool for reliable human identification. It has the potential to identify individuals with a high degree of assurance. Extracting good features is the most significant step in the iris recognition system. In the past,... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyBiometricsImage Features Extraction
Complex reflectance phenomena such as specular reflections confound many vision problems since they produce image 'features' that do not correspond directly to intrinsic surface properties such as shape and spectral reflectance. A common... more
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      Computer VisionImage Features ExtractionMotion estimationOptical Flow
revue iconographique neuroradiologie Les aspects en imagerie de la tuberculose du système nerveux central Abstract Résumé Imaging Features of CNS Tuberculosis J Radiol 2008;89:209-20
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      Image Features ExtractionTuberculosisDeCentral Nervous System
In this paper, we propose an eXtended Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (XCS-LBP) descriptor for background modeling and subtraction in videos. By combining the strengths of the original LBP and the similar CS ones, it appears to be... more
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      Image Features ExtractionBackground SubtractionBackground modelingBackground Maintenance
Virtualization is often seen as the key to cost reduction by increasing infrastructure utilization. The main aim of the virtualization is an ability to run the multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single machine by sharing all the... more
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      Evolutionary algorithmsMedical Image ProcessingImage Features ExtractionGraph/Network Algorithms
Türkiye’nin Karadeniz’e olan kıyı kesiminde en savunmasız kısmı Sakarya ili içerisinde yer almaktadır. 50km uzunluğundaki kıyı şeridi bu havzada milyonlarca yıldır Sakarya Nehri’nin taşıdığı çökelti ile oluşmuştur (Kutoğlu vd. 2010). 1996... more
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      Remote SensingImage Features ExtractionRemote Sensing (Earth Sciences)Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Face recognition is a necessity of the modern age as the need for identification of individual has increased with the globalization of the world. Personal authentication through face has been under research since last two decades. The... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningPattern RecognitionImage Features Extraction
—Computer-aided diagnosis system automatically analyze skin lesions , and reduces the amount of repetitive and boring tasks carried out by the doctor. Recognize the full model, which includes three important stages in order to comply with... more
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      Image Features ExtractionFeature SelectionSkin Cancer
Craters, ridges and rocks are the features to be extracted in the lunar images. Proposed methodology deals with detection of linear feature such as (i) ridges, (ii) lineaments and (iii) nonlinear features like craters. All edges are... more
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      Image ProcessingOptical Fiber CommunicationsWireless CommunicationsDigital Signal Processing
Studies on handwriting recognition systems have gain a great attention since it has been considered as an important technology in computer science, especially that handwriting documents have continued to be the most used mean of... more
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      Classification (Machine Learning)Image Features ExtractionHandwriting Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Processing, OCR, Pattern Recogniton
Many researchers adopt Local Binary Pattern for pattern analysis. However, the long histogram created by Local Binary Pattern is not suitable for large-scale facial database. This paper presents a simple facial pattern descriptor for... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingPattern RecognitionImage Features Extraction
This paper proposed a method that combines Polar Fourier Transform, color moments, and vein features to retrieve leaf images based on a leaf image. The method is very useful to help people in recognizing foliage plants. Foliage plants are... more
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      Sound and ImageImage ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingImage Features Extraction
Hand gesture is one of the best methods for non-verbal communication like sign language. It is difficult for deaf and dumb people to speak or communicate with normal people. In this paper we give one helping hand to the deaf people to... more
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      Human Computer InteractionTechnologyImage Features ExtractionMachine Vision
The key to the keys to immortality and eternal youth lies in the correct answer to the main question: How to naively discover new essential – but still hidden – features required for properly training novel adaptive supervised machine... more
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      BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiologyComputer Science
Basic Concepts for ImageJ
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      Sound and ImageImage ProcessingWord and Image StudiesMedical Image Processing
In recent times, the ability to efficiently manage a large number of images is an important requirement of image repositories due to the increasing number of images being generated and stored in systems such as social media, digital... more
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      Image Features ExtractionApplications of Machine LearningDeep LearningSupervised/unsupervised Machine Learning
—Human Action recognition research is an interesting and active filed of research in the current years. Human Action Recognition (HAR) has many potential and promising applications, in such fields as security, surveillance, professional... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionMachine Learning
Object recognition is a basic application domain in computer vision. For many decades, it is considered as an area of extensive research especially in 3D. 3D object recognition can be defined as the task of finding and identifying objects... more
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      Image Features Extraction3D scaner and object recognition
This paper aims to help designers and materials scientists to comprehend the mechanics of wire ropes under tension loading. It consists of simplified theory as well as computational, mechanical and metallurgical characterizations. The... more
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      Image Features ExtractionMathematical ModellingFailure AnalysisSEM
Image processing and analysis based on the continuous or discrete image transforms are classic techniques. The image transforms are widely used in image filtering, data description, etc.
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      Image Features ExtractionImage Processing and AnalysisDigital Image ProcessingImage Filtering
This paper presents a robust and computationally efficient method for human detection and tracking. The unique feature of this method is that it has dedicated threads for human detection and camera control for human tracking. Moreover, it... more
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      GeographyComputer VisionImage ProcessingEye tracking
The massive amount of digital content generated daily in the modern world has created the need for an image retrieval system built on image analysis via image processing and machine learning, therefore this study explains the role of... more
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      Machine LearningImage Features ExtractionContent-Based Image RetrievalDeep Learning
Action recognition " in the wild " is extremely challenging, particularly when complex 3D actions are projected down to the image plane, losing a great deal of information. The recent growth of 3D data in broadcast content and commercial... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Image Features Extraction
Increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of the causes of glaucoma which can lead to blindness if not detected and treated at an early stage. Glaucoma symptoms are not always obvious; hence patients seek treatment only when the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPrincipal Component AnalysisDecompositionImage Features Extraction
It is vital that the traffic signs used to ensure the order of the traffic are perceived by the drivers. Traffic signs have international standards that allow the driver to learn about the road and the environment while driving. Traffic... more
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      Image Features ExtractionConvolutional Neural NetworksTraffic sign recognition