Illegal Logging
Recent papers in Illegal Logging
1. La gobernanza forestal es necesaria para poder alcanzar una gobernanza más amplia que permita conservar los bosques en el paisaje. 2. Asegurar derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra y recursos forestales son la base para que funcionen... more
Annual subscription/letna naročnina: 20 € for individuals/za posameznike, 28 € for institutions/za ustanove. Single issue/cena posamezne številke: 12,50 € for individuals/za posameznike, 16 € for institutions/za ustanove.... more
The paper considers two major views of illegal logging: "communitarian" and "legalistic." The former emphasizes the positive role of local communities and sees law enforcement programs as, at least potentially, counterproductive to... more
Illegal logging has become a global issue because of its effects on biodiversity and climate change. In order to reduce illegal logging, many countries around the world have introduced regulations of international trade of forest... more
Small loggers’ associations in Guyana have grown from one to 73 between 2000 and 2014 with over 2 000 members and 4 000 chainsaw millers. They hold 128 2-year renewable harvest licences to 488 Kha, generally in rainforest already degraded... more
Using production and trade flow data from 1946 to 2012, this paper assesses the state of Russia’s forest resources and demonstrates how sweeping changes ushered in by perestroika and globalization have forged a highly export-dependent... more
Despite the systemic problems associated with illegal logging in Cameroon, minimal research has been undertaken to explore the reasons underlying these practices. Based on a series of interviews and analyses of relevant literature, this... more
Isolated indigenous nomads are under mounting siege across the Amazon Basin.
Illegal logging has all but wiped out Peru's mahogany. Loggers are turning their chain saws on lesser known species critical to the health of the rainforest -- and triggering social strife in the deep Amazon.
Makalah Persoalan Illegal Logging di Indonesia
The forestry industry provides a good illustration of the active roles that industry associations, environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), national governments, and international organizations can play in developing and... more
Contoh Makalah PPIPM UNP
Bidang IPA-Illegal logging
Bidang IPA-Illegal logging
Maramii ang hindi nakakaalam na lahat ng ginagawa natin ay may epekto sa kalikasan, maliban sa ating kapwa, subalit ang iba namang nakakaalam ay tuloy pa rin sa paggawa dahil sa baluktot at makasariling layunin.
Summary Illegal logging and the international trade in illegally logged timber is a major problem for many timber-producing countries. It causes environmental damage, costs governments billions of dollars in lost revenue, promotes... more
Romanian forest strategies. A brief analysis The current study aims to analyse how Romanian forestry strategies are constructed (elaborated and stated), with an emphasis on the way the phenomenon of illegal logging is treated. The... more
Eksploitasi alam yang terjadi merupakan dampak dari pemenuhan kebutuhan, manusia kini hanya peduli pada dirinya sendiri, hak - hak alam dikesampingkan dengan alasan kebutuhan dan tuntutan - tuntutan gaya hidup sebagainya. Kecenderungan... more
In this modern era, it is undeniable that the amount of forest cover in Indonesia is decrease each year. It is triggered from the behavior of some people who are less aware of the importance of the forest for life. One cause of forest... more
Although Thailand is considered one of the world’s major seafood exporters, it has encountered the European Union's decision to issue a yellow card since April 21, 2015. This was due to its lack of concrete solutions to illegal,... more
Penggundulan hutan, lahan kritis, menipisnya lapisan ozon, pemanasan global tumpahan minyak di laut, ikan mati di anak sungai karena zat-zat kimia, dan punahnya species tertentu adalah beberapa contoh dari masalah-masalah lingkungan... more
Illegal logging is a threat to biodiversity and rural livelihoods in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, the largest protected area in the Philippines. Every year between 20,000 and 35,000 cu. m wood is extracted from the park. The... more
In recent years, various forms of inter/transnational state-building have become in- creasingly common as a way of managing the perceived risk posed by dysfunctional governance in so-called fragile states to Western security. In Solomon... more
This study analyses the extent to which the Romanian National Plan Against Illegal Logging (Planul Național de Combatere a Tăierilor Ilegale de Arbori (PNCTIA) fulfils the conditions of a functional public policy proposal; the degree of... more
Illegal logging. About the getting of the problem in the institutional agenda The study, focused on the problem of illegal logging, aimed to identify prospectively what were the main social problems associated with the field of forestry... more
African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus), a species estimated to be the most heavily traded tropical hardwood in the world is now considered endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018). Concerns about its sus- tainability have... more
Sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan tidak bisa lepas dari berbagai kepentingan, seperti kepentingan negara, kepentigan kaum-kaum kapitalis, kepentingan masyarakat, dan kepentingan ekosistem itu sendiri. Perebutan kepentingan tersebut... more
La problemática de la tala -y comercio- ilegal es un tema complejo que ha cambiado a través del tiempo, influenciada por diversas corrientes de pensamiento y tendencias institucionales, económicas y sociales (Campos et al, 2001). En el... more
Active citizenship and participatory community-development approaches have evolved partly in response to perceived aid-dependency among rural communities. In Solomon Islands these methods have met with mixed success. This article reflects... more
Illegal logging is a major environmental and economic problem, and exceeds in some countries the amounts of legally harvested timber. In Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, illegal logging increased and reforestation on abandoned... more
Judul ialah merupakan deskripsi atau cerminan dari pokok persoalan yang akan menjadi pembahasan dalam suatu karya ilmiah, dimana dengan adanya judul akan memberikan suatu arahan yang jelas, dan memudahkan suatu relevansi antara jalur... more
Indonesia is a country that has the third largest forest area in the world. That makes Indonesia one of the world's lungs. However, the annual depletion of forest areas threatens the preservation of Indonesia's forests. One of the main... more
Problem statement: This study investigated the issues of trade and en vironment on sustainable development. It has reviewed the existi ng literatures on trade and environment and conceptualized the economic, environmental and social... more
Page 1. Thursday 27 March 2003 Ensuring SFM Session Paper 17 1 Agroforestry is a Form of Sustainable Forest Management: Lessons from South East Asia By Meine van Noordwijk1, James M. Roshetko1,2 , Murniati3, Marian ...
"Illegal forest activities are increasingly recognised as one of the major sources of deforestation and the degradation of the world’s tropical forests. International recognition of and response to the problem of illegal forest... more
Page 1. Chapter 20 Farmer Tree Planting Barriers to Sustainable Forest Management M. Van Noordwijk1*, JM Roshetko1,2, Murniati3, MD Angeles4, Suyanto1, C. Fay1, and TP Tomich5 Abstract Agroforestry provides productive ...
Post-war situations can present an opportune context for white-collar crime in resource sectors – including corruption, tax evasion, land dispossession, and illegal resource exploitation. This paper investigates various forms of... more
Tulisan ini mengangkat permasalahan dan dampak kebakaran hutan yang menjadi permasalahan lingkungan yang sangat penting di tanah air. Dampak dari kebakaran hutan adalah hilangnya berbagai manfaat ekosistem dari hutan dan potensi lain yang... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to study the possibility of promoting certified timber coming from sustainable managed forests, in order to support Greek enterprises and the institutions of the Greek timber sector involved to apply... more
Logging the Southwestern Pacific, Illegal logging in the Pacific, agroforestry, forestry, sustainable development.
LASCO, R. D., VISCO, R. G. & PULHIN, J. M. 2001. Secondary forests in the Philippines: formation and transformation in the 20th century. Secondary forests are the largest and most dynamic natural forest ecosystems in the Philippines. This... more