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      Methodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)IjtihadUsul al Fiqh
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      IjtihadIslamic law and jurisprudence
Penulisan penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda hampir di seluruh negara di dunia, salah satunya yaitu Indonesia. Pandemi Covid-19 membawa berbagai dampak yang dialami oleh penduduk dunia, tak terkecuali... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIjtihadHukum Islam
In this book I offer a critical, comparative and empirically-informed defense of Islamic schools in the West. To do so I elaborate an idealized philosophy of Islamic education, against which I evaluate the very different empirical... more
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      Comparative ReligionSociology of ReligionLegitimacy and AuthorityPhilosophy of Education
Towards a Fiqh for Minorities is an important subject and a much-needed contribution to an area of ‎Fiqh that has become essential for the wellbeing and development of Muslim communities living in the ‎West. The author stresses that the... more
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      ImmigrationMuslim MinoritiesIslamMaqasid al-Sharia (Purposes of Islamic Law)
In this paper I will analyse Shāh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī’s (1703-1762) characterisation of the early divide in Islamic jurisprudence between the aṣḥāb al-raʾy, commonly translated as rationalists, and the ahl al-ḥadīth, the traditionalists... more
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      Legal TheoryIslamic StudiesTraditionalismHadith Studies
يقارب الدكتور سعيد شبرا النقاش حول قضية الاجتهاد والتجديد من بابه الواسع في كتابه الاجتهاد والتجديد ويطرح قراءة متجددة للاشكاليات والأدبيات الفلسفية والعقائدية التي رافقت حركة التجديد و أسقطت على معاني الاجتهاد مفاضلات متعددة في الفكر... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic PhilosophyIslamic JurisprudenceIjtihad
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Islamic LawEgyptian HistoryIjtihadQadis
Pada permulaannya, istilah ijtihad yang diperkenalkan oleh al-Syafi"i ini hanya dibatasi pada pemaknaan aktifitas penggalian hukum dengan metode qiyas (analogi).
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      IjtihadUshul FiqhMakalah Ushul Fiqih
Husein Đozo je jedan od najuticajnijih naših savremenih muslimanskih mislilaca. Istovremeno, on je izuzetno značajan predstavnik islamskog reformizma kod nas. Mi ćemo u ovom radu pokušati da analiziramo osnovne spoznajne principe njegovog... more
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      EmpiricismRevelationModernismIslamic Reformism
Islamic source of law
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      Islamic LawIjtihadIslmaic Studies
Dari segi bahasa, Ijtihad berasal dari kata ijtihada, yang berarti bersungguh-sungguh, rajin, giat atau mencurahkan segala kemampuan (jahada). Jadi, menurut bahasa ijtihad ialah mengerjakan sesuatu dengan segala kesungguhan. Perkataan... more
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    • Ijtihad
Explain Ijtihad, Taqlid, Ittiba', Fatwa, wa Mashadir al-Ahkam
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      Methodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)IjtihadFatwa and Islamic Shariah Law
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      HistoryIslamic LawLegal HistoryColonialism
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      IjtihadSumber Hukum IslamHukum Islam
Islamic Feminism has emerged around the 1920s as a concept and developed  rapidly as a global phenomenon in the mid‐1990s. While conservatives claim that  gender asymmetries are divinely ordained, Islamic feminists hold the contrary and ... more
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      Social JusticeGender EqualityGender RolesWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
Preface This volume originated from the proceedings of the three-day international seminar “Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question”, organized by the Research Center for Islamic Legislation & Ethics (CILE) in Doha, Qatar, between 3rd and... more
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      GeneticsIslamic LawGenomicsKalam (Islamic Theology)
Syari’ah tidaklah dikatakan syari’ah jika tidak mempunyai tujuan dari implementasinya, yang hadir sebagai respon solutif terhadap problematika aktual zaman. Adanya maqasid syari’ah adalah sebagai tanda dan petanda adanya dialektika antara... more
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      Maqasid al-Sharia (Purposes of Islamic Law)IjtihadSyariahHukum Islam
Puji syukur saya panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas segala limpahan rahmat, taufik, hidayah dan inayah-Nya, sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah yang berjudul "Ijtihad dan Tanggung Jawab Hakim" dengan hadirnya makalah ini... more
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      IjtihadIlmu HukumHukumTafsir Ahkam
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      HistoryIslamic LawHistoriographyLegal History
‫ـــــــ‬ ‫الثامن‬ ‫العدد‬ ‫ـــــــ‬ ‫ّة‬ ‫اإلسالمي‬ ‫ّراسات‬ ‫الد‬ ‫جملة‬ ‫جانفي‬ 7102 ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫ــــــ‬ ‫ـــ‬ ‫ــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ 011 ‫قاعدة‬ " ‫ال‬ ‫اليص‬ ‫مع‬ ‫اجتَاد‬ "... more
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      Islamic StudiesMethodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)Ijtihad
Imam Ibn taymiyyah being one of the greatest scholar who was a mujtahid,muwahid as well as muhaddis. There is no aspect of Islam which is not touched by Ibn taymiyyah. So, as for the concept of Ijtihad and taqleed. Ibn taymiyyah raised... more
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      Islamic StudiesIbn TaymiyyaIjtihadTaqlid
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      IjtihadHadithCanonization and sanctityChild Marriage
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      Methodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)IjtihadQawaid Fiqhiyyah
Upaya mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan dan potensi untuk sampai kepada suatu perkara atau perbuatan.
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      IjtihadFatwa Dan Ijtihad
While the studies on al-Ghazālī’s thought are abundant, its unusual approach to the issue of khatm al-nubuwwa has not received the attention of researchers. Yet, in his Iqtiṣād, he seeks to answer this tricky issue: Is it possible to... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesHadith Studies
Depuis l’émergence de la discipline uṣūl al-fiqh, il existe une tension entre le taqlīd et l’ijtihād plus ou moins affirmée selon les auteurs et les époques. Cette tension a trouvé avec l’apparition du wahhabisme une expression... more
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      Methodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)IjtihadQuran and Sunnah Studies
Nopiyanti. 2014. Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Ijtihad adalah istilah para fuqaha, yaitu berfikir dengan menggunakan seluruh ilmu yang dimiliki oleh ilmuan syari’at islam untuk menentukan/menetapkan sesuatu hukum syari’at islam... more
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      SufismOlmec archaeologyDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Sharia
Un des points centraux de la pensée islamique contemporaine tourne autour de l’idée qu’il faudrait « rouvrir les portes de l’ijtihâd » (effort de réflexion) progressivement fermées par l’establishment religieux. Partout dans le monde, y... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic HistoryMethodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Islamic Intellectual History
My thesis attempts to establish whether sainthood (wilaya) in Islam has been correctly defined according to the Glorious Qur’an and Prophetic Sunna. It, therefore, focuses on the commentary of the hadith of the wali by the independent... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIjtihadIslmaic Studies
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Traduction, introduite et annotée, d'Ibn Taymiyya, « Minhâj al-sunnat al-nabawiyya », édition M. R. SÂLIM, t. VI, p. 382-442, section (faṣl) dans laquelle l'auteur entend réfuter la thèse de la nécessité d'un imâm infaillible avancée par... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesShi'ismPolitical Theology
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      HadisIjtihadAl-Quran & HadistHADIST
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      Islamic LawIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Islamic legal tradition is discursive; it developed through discourses at two levels, one between jurists and society, and the other between jurists and state. The part played by differences of opinion (Ikhtilaf) and juristic reasoning... more
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      Islamic LawNormative EthicsFamily LawCustomary Law
The employment of the judicial organ of the state for the incremental reform and modernisation of family laws distinguishes Pakistan’s experience from that of the Middle Eastern Muslim countries where legislative codification is used to... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesFamily LawWomen's Rights
This paper is the translation and commentary on part five of the renowned maliki ʿUṣūli manual Taqrīb al-Uṣūl ʿilā ʿIlm al-ʿUṣūl of ʿIbn Juzay al-Kalbī.In the fifth part, which is the part that we have chosen for translation, ʿIbn Juzay... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesMethodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Ijtihad
This article argues on the basis of recent case law that the judges of the Pakistan Federal Shariat Court (FSC) have asserted their right to ijtihād and have indeed engaged in collective ijtihād. While in some areas, such as freedom of... more
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      Islamic LawWomen's RightsMuslim Family LawGender Equality
This long essay examines the roles of the legislature and the Mujtahid with regards to law-making and interpretation processes. The legislative process as obtains under the Nigerian legal system is examined and juxtaposed with the process... more
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      Islamic LawComparative LawConstitutional LawLegislative Studies
ULUM is an academic refereed journal dedicated to publishing articles, essays, translations, symposium reviews, and book reviews primarily within the fields of Religious and Islamic Studies including Arts and Humanities, Religion, Islamic... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionIslamic LawPhilosophy Of Religion
While new and complicated legal issues continuously come to the fore, Islamic sacred texts that deal with legal issues are finite. Ijtihad is an interpretive tool that applies legal reasoning based on sacred texts to derive new legal... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesMethodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Ijtihad
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      MysticismIslamic StudiesShi'ismIslamic History
Suyuti's thought on ijtihad and kalam via the lens of the Shadhili order.
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)SufismEgyptIlm al-Kalam
Giriş Fıkıh, içtihat yoluyla şer'î hükümlerin bilinmesini ifade ederken; fıkıh usulü, şer'î hükümlere doğru şekilde ulaşmak için başvurulan delillerin ve içtihat metotlarının bilinmesini ifade etmektedir (Apaydın, 2016, s. 5-11). Teori ve... more
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      Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)Ijtihad
La richesse et l'évolution complexe des différentes tendances interprétatives qui traversent l'islam depuis ses débuts rendent impossibles les simplifications grossières. Certains analystes, plus ou moins bien intentionnés, reprennent... more
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      Islamic LawSufismIslamic MysticismIjtihad
Zaidiyah maupun syiah Itsna 'Asyariyah pastinya menghasilkan produk fikih (fatwa) yang berbeda. Contohnya : bila Syiah Zaidiyah mengharamkan kawin mut'ah, maka Isna 'Asyariyah membolehkan.
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      Shiite jurisprudence and its principlesIjtihadTaqlidFiqih
In the last few decades, questions about Islam and Shari’a (Islamic Law) have been raised. How does Islamic understanding and law reflect and fit social, cultural, and economic conditions in today’s world? Is Islam able to respond to the... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamInterfaith Dialogue
If one wishes to practice iǧtihād in any knowledge discipline, knowledge of the uṣūl of that discipline is required. In facilitating this focus on uṣūl necessary for iǧtihād, Ǧamāl al-Dīn al-Qāsimī (d. 1914) from Damascus was a pivotal... more
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      Late Ottoman PeriodTafsirMethodologies of jurisprudence usul al-fiqh (أصول الفقه)Ijtihad