Identity and Alterity
Recent papers in Identity and Alterity
This paper explores the mechanisms of construction of ‘otherness’ at both the levels of language and content in Elfriede Jelinek’s text Die Schutzbefohlenen and in its English translation. Firstly, Jean-François Lyotard’s critique of... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
This anthology explores depictions of alterity, monstrosity and deviation in medieval Icelandic literature, Scandinavian history, and beyond. The authors explore issues of identity, genre, character and text and the interplay between... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
This study aims to build a theological construction that can help erase anti-Chinese stigma in Indonesia post-1998, so religious people, especially Christians, become more sensitive about ethnic discrimination. The discrimination against... more
The first part of this paper presents a historical outline of how racial and cultural alterity (particularly indigeneity) has been imagined and represented by elites in Colombia since the nineteenth century. The evolution of these ideas... more
This paper's goal it's to do a review, for the first time in Spanish, of A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by the Historian Ronald Takaki (1939-2009). Takaki’s works were key for the incorporation, into the American... more
Utilizing examples from fieldwork in the museum, this essay engages Pueblo Grande as a site where colonial identities are re/enacted through symbolic, material, and social encounters. At the same time, I seek to also address decolonizing... more
This paper proposes an existentialist reading of The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border (2018), a memoir by former U.S. Border Patrol agent Francisco Cantú. Drawing upon Anya Topolski's political ethics of relationality,... more
An inner link has always connected the artistic avant-garde with acts of insurgency carried out by socially disenfranchised populations insofar as both embrace the possibility of an emancipated future that is radically at odds with the... more
The article focuses on the analysis of various aspects concerning the functions of name in Véronique Olmi’s recent novel Bakhita (2017). How can identity be reconstructed after the loss of the name and, more important, after the... more
Der Text spannt einen breiten Bogen vom stark kritisierten Cover der Weltwoche an den Beginn der Frühen Neuzeit, um das Verhältnis von Bild und Betrachtendem, Eigenem und Fremdem anhand von Graphik, Gemälden, Karikaturen und... more
Lucrarea de fata analizeaza modul in care identitatile grupurilor sunt construite. Apeland la analiza discursiva, cercetarea confrunta situatia refugiatilor in societatea romaneasca.
Wolfgang Essbach, wir/ihr/sie. Identität und Alterität in Theorie und Methode. Vorwort, in: ders. (Hg.) Identitäten und Alteritäten, Band 2, Würzburg 2000 S. 9-18.
De communautaire spanningen binnen de Belgische Werkliedenpartij liepen voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog hoger op dan tot nu toe aangenomen werd. Niet alleen zorgde de taalkwestie voor onenigheid, maar Vlamingen en Franstaligen bleken zich te... more
This article reviews the contribution that the ontology of language has historically done to intercultural philosophy in social praxis, as the basis for a better understanding of otherness and alterity present in the actions taken by... more
This e-book is a collection of papers focussing on the discursive dimension of the 'eastern enlargement' of the European Union, relying on lessons from post-colonial scholarship, world-systems analysis and critical race studies. The... more
Sense of identity is related with the belief of "sameness", to be the one among rest of all and the sense of "otherness" is its contrary. When a single entity is perceived with IDENTITY, he is considered stronger whereas the weaker that... more
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the Ricoeurian contribution to the development of a hermeneutics of otherness. Beginning with Ricoeur's confrontation with Heideggerian thought on temporality, the paper proceeds to develop the... more
As the site of the assassination that triggered World War I and the place where the term "ethnic cleansing" was invented during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, Bosnia has become a global symbol of nationalist conflict and ethnic division.... more
In this chapter, I analyse narrative manifestations of the Far North (Thule, Hyperborea) in Roman literature in order to chart the ways in which they shape and reflect Roman identities. As various scholars have argued, Hyperborea in Greek... more
Colonialism is both a practice and a worldview. As a practice, it involves the domination of a society by settlers from a different society. As a worldview, colonialism is a truly global geopolitical, economic, and cultural doctrine that... more
Volume curato nell'ambito del progetto "Stranierità - Foreignness - Fremdheit" (finanziato dal Bando dell’Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna "Accordi di Cooperazione Internazionale con Istituzioni di Istruzione Superiore", disp.... more
O ato de jogar pode ser envolvente de tal forma que um mundo paralelo parece se erguer enquanto se joga. Nos chamados jogos virtuais essa característica toma proporções que fazem deles um universo pixelado de inúmeras possibilidades. De... more
Chez Nicolas de Cues, comme chacun le sait, Dieu est caractérisé comme coincidentia oppositorum ou comme au-delà d'une telle coincidentia. Mais on rencontre aussi chez lui un discours trinitaire classique : Dieu est Père, Fils, Esprit, ce... more
Los conceptos de alteridad e identidad han ocupado en los últimos años un espacio central en los debates académicos en torno a la multiculturalidad. Con este libro se pretende hacer una aportación novedosa al debate uniendo dos tiempos y... more
Montaigne hat sich nicht nur in den beiden bekannten Kapiteln Des cannibales und Des coches über die Eroberung Süd- und Mittelamerikas geäußert, sondern auch an zahlreichen anderen Stellen seiner Essais, was zeigt, dass das Thema für... more
A synthetic review of three books: Philippe Van Haute, "Psychoanalyse en filosofie. Het imaginaire en het symbolische in het werk van Jacques Lacan" (Louvain: Peeters, 1989); Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, "Lacan. Le maître absolu" (Paris:... more
La investigación sobre identidad y alteridad en la historia es una línea de estudio en pleno desarrollo en la historiografía actual y es a la vez una forma inmejorable de acercarse a un debate de actualidad dentro y fuera de nuestras... more
The Arabic word majūs, while initially used as an exonym for Zoroastrians in the Middle East, was used in al-Andalus, medieval Muslim Spain, for a variety of people. It became best known, however, as the appellation used by Andalusis for... more
Dando por sentada la tesis de que el problema de la identidad personal no hizo su plena aparición en la escena filosófica moderna sino hasta la formulación cartesiana del cogito como un yo desvinculado, el objetivo general de nuestro... more
I this paper I wish to contribute a Filipino notion that somehow breaks the identity-alterity duality and harmonizes the I-other distinction – the Filipino notion of ‘kapwa.’ The first part will be a general discussion on... more
«¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo yo mismo, respetar la alteridad del otro y, con todo, ser capaz de saltar la verja del aislamiento y tocar al otro por dentro?» Esta pregunta es la que inicia y dirige el presente escrito. En él, se ahonda en la... more