Identity Politics (Political Science)
Recent papers in Identity Politics (Political Science)
The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
S imulations and role-playing exercises have been used effectively as a teaching device in all areas of political science and international relations. One such simulation, with 20 years of success, is the Model NATO Conference, currently... more
We continue the self-study tradition by examining an area that has not received much attention among political scientists: trends and patterns of multiple-authored journal articles in political science over time (for an exception, see... more
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
[English follows] Ce chapitre pose la question du degré de rupture ou de continuité entre les mouvements de l'extrême droite contemporaine et le fascisme historique. Pour ce faire, nous commençons par retracer la matrice idéologique d'un... more
Diplomatic and peacekeeping initiatives by the international community in emerging cultures in conflict have failed to stem the violence and resolve the underlying conditions. Based primarily on political analysis, such initiatives do not... more
Regional identity has become an important category in the ‘Europe of regions’, and one that is often taken as self-evident in the relations between a group of people and a bounded region. The movement of people, capital and information... more
While much of the existing academic scholarship on Japan-Korea relations has focused on the ongoing political and historical disputes related to World War II, this paper analyzes the experience of ethnic Koreans living in Japan on a... more
Chapter on Identity Politics in Kashmir
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
This article explores the relationship between the method of process tracing and the data collection technique of elite interviewing. The process tracing method has become an in- creasingly used and cited tool in qualitative research, a... more
Kwame Anthony Appiah (London, 1954) is one of the most renowned philosophers of contemporary thought. His work in the field of ethics and moral reach diverse subjects as sexual orientation, nationalism, social discrimination on ethnic or... more
This paper is focused on the dangers and opportunities for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland presented by Brexit. It argues that the difficulties cannot analytically be understood nor the opportunities seized until we... more
En este texto quiero proponer una reflexión sobre los procesos de comunicación local. De entrada no tengo un interés de etiquetarlos con alguno de los tantos nombres que Benjamín Ferrón (2006) ha coleccionado para definirlos, dentro de... more
This book abounds in unsettling analyses, personal conviction, and practical recommendations for peace promotion. As such it not only joins much of Johan Galtung’s well-known lifework - it also defies any easy summary. Its object of study... more
Carl Schmitt (1888–1985) was a conservative German political theorist, jurist and philosopher, who analysed the relationship of legal and constitutional concerns in relation to defining the political. He is considered to be one of the... more
In recent years, there has been an increasingly vivid discussion on the question and role of civil society. In Sweden, several voices have regarded civil society as the sphere through which the empowerment of citizens and the realization... more
Feminist theory is assumed to be political by definition, but this view tends to occlude the different ways in which feminists think about politics. This essay discusses competing understandings of politics and examines how it is that... more
Eurovision since its establishing date 1956, beyond being a music entertainment show, but more like as a global event, it has always been important since it has served as a place for countries to cultural struggle and prove their... more
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
The concept ‘federalism’ in political science, like many other concepts in the social sciences, is without a universally accepted definition. As an ideology on one hand, federalism performs not only the function of explaining and... more
Buku bungai rampai ini akan menelusuri serta menguak kasus-kasus intoleransi dan politik identitas yang terjadi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Data terkini yang telah dikumpulkan melalui observasi mendetail di lapangan serta wawancara... more
Until the conclusion of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, there were roughly 750,000 Jews living in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria and Palestine/Israel. A comparative electronic survey of some 900 journals... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
Motivi della ricerca, fonti e breve quadro storico pag.5
From Latin "Graecus"-"gray", today "Grigio,Griso" in plain Italian: 7 8 There is also historical and linguistic evidence on the still later shifts from... more
A new English translation and detailed analysis of a poem praising the Prophet Muhammad written in the 14th century by the founding emperor of China's Ming Dynasty.