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Miss van der Rohe, La Corbusier, Francine Bacon, Jacqueline Pollock, série « Portraits grandeur nature » d'Agnès Thurnauer, 2007, résine et peinture epoxy, 120 cm de diamètre. © Courtesy Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris [225]
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropologySelf and Identity
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
Throughout the thesis I take symbolic communication and visual metaphors as starting points for developing a contemporary picture of diverse Craft practices in a small corner of Scotland. As a result, this thesis is both an ethnography of... more
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      SemioticsVisual SociologyDistributed DatabaseAnthropology
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
The term cisgender (from the Latin cis-, meaning “on the same side as”) can be used to describe individuals who possess, from birth and into adulthood, the male or female reproductive organs (sex) typical of the social category of man or... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderTransgender StudiesGender and Sexuality
How does Star Trek: The Next Generation represent, explore and understand anthropology?
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      AnthropologyPersonhoodConsciousnessIdentity, Gender and Personhood
After being engendered through the appropriating activity (upadana) of the mind (manas), applied to the universal experience of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana), the individual experience is constituted through the conjoint... more
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      BuddhismIndian PhilosophyBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist Studies
Understanding cross-cultural concepts of the ‘self’ and the ‘person’ and how they contribute to the formation of people's identity has been a rich source of inquiry within anthropology. While in the past the South Asian person,... more
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      PersonhoodIdentity, Gender and PersonhoodMarriageAgency
Tapa (or barkcloth), which is made from the inner-bark of specific trees, is intimately interwoven with past and present socialities across Oceania. The cloths have been used to decorate, wrap, cover, protect and carry the human body, as... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesIndigenous Knowledge
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      Life historyPersonhoodPersonhood as RelationalMarriage Transactions (Anthropology of Kinship)
Both Jotterand's (2010) and Bostrom's (2005; 2007) use of the term “dignity” with regard to human versus posthuman miss the mark; they create a dichotomized,“us versus them” scenario, rather than recognizing the interconnectedness of all... more
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      Feminist TheoryPosthumanismPersonhoodPersonhood as Relational
Pour les Chacobo (Pano de l´Amazonie bolivienne), la condition féminine n´est pas un état purement "naturel" ou "physiologique" ni défini une fois pour toutes. La femme y accède seulement à travers des étapes progressives de construction... more
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      Social TheoryEthnic StudiesGender StudiesAnthropology
This book tests the explanatory and descriptive power of the doctrine of sin in relation to two concrete situations: sexual abuse of children and the holocaust. Taking seriously the explanatory power of secular discourses for analysing... more
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      PsychiatryMedical AnthropologySelf and IdentityBioethics
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      HistoryGender StudiesPortraitsArt History
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      Gender and SexualityIdentity, Gender and Personhood
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      Gender StudiesGenderPersonhoodDefining Personhood
What do we mean when we refer to world? How does the world relate to the human person? Are the two interdependent and, if so, in what way? What does world mean for an ethnographer or an anthropologist? Much has been said of worlds and... more
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      Self and IdentityRealism (Philosophy)PersonhoodParticipation
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      Social TheoryArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Archaeological Theory
On the Nervous Life (among urban working classes) is a study of the concept of person/personhood in the lower strata of Brazilian society. It is based upon an ethnography of two neighbourhoods near Rio de Janeiro and concentrates in the... more
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      PsychiatryMedical AnthropologyBioethicsWorking Classes