Despite a growing literature regarding female gang membership, little is known about the ways in which gang-affiliated women negotiate the boundaries of gang membership. The current study, based on semi-structured interviews with... more
This chapter delves into the complexities of racial and ethnic identity attributions and verifications. It emphasizes how our choices for personal identities are influenced and constrained by dominant societal discourses. The identities... more
This paper explores the construction of Latino identity in Spain. The term Hispanic (Latino later became the label of choice) was added to the US census in the 1970s, initially as an ethnic category, but it has undergone a process of... more
Das literaturhistorischen Fragment aus dem Essay "Venedigstoffe" (2001) des Lyrikers Thomas Kling spricht im übertragenen Sinne von „Dante-Masken“ als mehr oder minder fehlgeleiteten Versuchen der Identifikation mit dem übergroßen... more
International news articles published in various languages are usually tailored by the editors for their target readers in the corresponding language. On the one hand, the transformations made to the textual structure of news are intended... more
Günümüzde dijital çağın etkisiyle, ilişki kurma biçimleri önemli bir dönüşüm geçirmiş, geleneksel ilişki dinamikleri yerini dijital platformlar aracılığıyla başlayan ve gerçek hayatta devam eden hibrit ilişkilere bırakmıştır. Bu süreçte,... more
O conceito de auto-reflexão como eixo de um currículo alternativo para a formação de professores foi desenvolvido a partir do debate de Adorno (2000) a respeito dos tabus que envolvem a profissão de ensinar. No caso dos professores, os... more
The present paper explores Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy in an attempt to highlight the importance of the establishment of a well-defined identity as the crucial step in the life of Tashi, a victim of genital mutilation. She... more
Currently, the assistive technologies (ATs) market is underdeveloped, which limits individual choices. Many people appear reconciled to using available products that, at best, match functionalities to compensate for physical deficiencies.... more
Les langues sont de puissants symboles d'identité et contribuent à tracer des frontières entre les individus et les groupes, mais l'inverse est également vrai : les individus ou les groupes circonscrivent et classent les langues dans le... more
ENGLISH : This research is aimed to identify the politeness and identity reflection on theses acknowledgment of undergraduate students of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang. To investigate the politeness on theses... more
In a world of continuous migration, super-diverse cities consist of a multitude of migrants and non-migrants from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Yet one characteristic they all have in common is the place where they currently live. In... more
This article introduces a novel perspective on consciousness as a dynamic interplay of information, emphasizing self-projection and the multilayered nature of reality. By integrating principles from neuroscience, information theory, and... more
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences Degree programme: Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Study track: Master of Social Sciences track
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences Degree programme: Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Study track: Master of Social Sciences track
C ilj ovog istraživanja jest empirijska analiza i procjena interkulturalnih predispozicija učenika srednjih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom. Kao nezavisne varijable uzeti su selekcionirani... more
The following research is based on the existing contributions in the domain of the memory studies and notion of fine difference between processes of memorising, remembering and forgetting. After a brief introduction to the meaning of... more
This study examines the relationship between multilingualism and criminality through the lens of symbolic interactionism theory. A qualitative approach was adopted, utilizing an ethnographic research design to explore the intricate... more
The thesis titled "V. M. Vasnetsov's Paintings in the St. Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev" by Olga Volgshtein, completed at Saratov State University in 2014, is devoted to a brilliant artist of the Russian Empire whose life and work exemplify... more
espanol: El trabajo ofrece una reflexion pedagogica relevante para las intencionalidades que los programas de Trabajo Social confieren a los espacios de formacion de las practicas academicas profesionales. Propone ubicar en el centro de... more
This study examines the effects of media on consumer culture and the construction of new consumer identities. The concept of the "California Syndrome" describes the tendency of individuals to constantly seek more, focusing on how media... more
This work is an approach to what could be the foreign policy of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2018-2024), especially the one focused on Asia and in particular on the People›s Republic of China. The starting assumption is... more
Three cases of identity (re)construction through art interventions: the dialogical and the 'sensible
Identity construction (IC) cannot be reduced to discourses, nor to individual responsibility. Alvesson & Wilmott (2002) suggest two main processes of identity construction : identity regulation (IR, the discursive practices of identity... more
The increased arrival of immigrant/refugee populations often leads to public debates. These debates about immigrant/refugee policies are often raised in parliament. Inside parliament, speakers use specific arguments to persuade their... more
This dissertation deals with the phenomenon of artisanal mining in Katanga, the southeast province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the course of the past decade, thousands of people have moved to the Katangese mining areas with... more
Resumen: el objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que las categorías sociales de lo indígena y de lo blanco-mestizo son esencialistas, reduccionistas y, por lo tanto, insuficientes para agrupar en ellas las diversas expresiones... more
En la consecución de una enseñanza certera, el valor de la formación "psicologicista" de los docentes es hoy materia prácticamente incuestionable. La medicina y la psicología, investidas de asepsia y neutralidad, se han erigido artífices... more
The current status of semiotics in society and the academic environment is rather marginal, and this is one of its many paradoxes (Gaines 2015). It is paradoxical because semiotics deals with all aspects of meaning; it is relevant to... more
Despite a growing literature regarding female gang membership, little is known about the ways in which gang-affiliated women negotiate the boundaries of gang membership. The current study, based on semi-structured interviews with... more
Resumen: En la consecución de una enseñanza certera, el valor de la formación "psicologicista" de los docentes es hoy materia prácticamente incuestionable. La medicina y la psicología, investidas de asepsia y neutralidad, se han erigido... more
This article analyzes the cuir identity of an EFL student-teacher within the context of his pedagogical practicum. We adopt the term cuir as an analytical category to explore how notions of teacher identity and language pedagogy are... more
En el presente estudio se identifican los procesos de formación de la identidad en adolescentes, y cómo el trato y las expectativas de los profesores pueden contribuir a que dicha identidad sea vea truncada por una narrativa de fracaso.... more
Tuvo la mención meritoria por su tesis Misiá señora: Un Tributo a las genealogías femeninas y a la experiencia de leer como una mujer la imagen de la mujer (2016). Se ha desempeñado como docente de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en el... more
El artículo presenta una investigación dirigida a mejorar el prácticum del Grado de Maestro/a de Educación Primaria a través de la creación de “espacios tutores expandidos”, equipos formativos colaborativos constituidos por las maestras... more
María del Collell (Girona) los días 21, 22 y 23 de abril de 2014. El título de las jornadas fue "Personas y sociedades conectadas: nuevos desafíos, nuevos aportes" y en ellas tomaron cita gran parte de los grupos de investigación que... more
The Special Issue aims to continue to refine and develop scholarly understanding of the social norms, structures and practices that shape conceptions of family, parenthood, and means of family formation. By examining, through a linguistic... more
Grounded in the understanding that identity is a negotiated concept shaped by discourse and agreed upon by participants in a given social context (Benwell and Stokoe 2006), this investigation centres on the discursive construction of the... more
O trabalho aborda os diálogos, tanto ao nível estético quanto ideológico, entre movimentos Pan-Africanistas como o da Renascença de Harlem, o movimento de Negritude Francês e a produção artística, particularmente a literária, dos... more
This work is influenced by conceptual and methodological tools coming from different perspectives as knowledge construction, discourse psychology, sociocultural theory, and classroom ethnography. A synthesis of a study carried out inside... more
Teacher identity is discursively represented in the discursive spaces of the news media, which influence the public opinion on teachers and the teaching profession in general. Informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics, specifically... more
This article analyses how participants in a not-for-profit service organization (the `Incubator') drew on understandings of 'ethics' in order to make sense of their individual and collective selves. Identities are theorized as... more
Apart from Aken (2003), research into using film in language teaching has overlooked the potential of film, streaming video or DVD to encourage sociocultural and ethnolinguistic learning about speaking, particularly among advanced... more
1 Naast dit onderzoek vinden o.a. de volgende studies plaats: (a) onderzoek naar multiculturele aanspraken op de ruimte door Maartje van Lieshout en Noelle Aarts; (b) onderzoek naar strategievorming bij liberalisering van de ruimte in het... more
This paper is based on PhD thesis titled "Contributions of German Citizenship Education to the Identity Construction and Belonging Development of Turkish-origin Students" Thesis was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination... more