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Kitabın bütün yayın hakları Ötüken Neşriyat A.Ş.'ye aittir. Yayınevinden yazılı izin alınmadan, kaynağın açıkça belirtildiği akademik çalışmalar ve tanıtım faaliyetleri haricinde, kısmen veya tamamen alıntı yapılamaz; hiçbir matbu ve... more
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      BashkirBashkir TurkishBaşkurt TarihiBaşkurt Türkçesi
Rusya'nın Türk dünyası politikası üzerine kısa ve özetleyici bir çalışma.
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      Russian Foreign PolicyCentral Asian PoliticsKazakhstanAvrasya
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      Russian Emigre HistoryTatar LanguageEast TurkestanTatars
The “Russian Orient” has as emerged as a popular area of study for specialists and political analysts with a predominant interest in Russia and Eurasia-related affairs. My primary aim in this work will be specifically to look deeper into... more
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      Area StudiesRussian StudiesIdentity politicsRussian Politics
In this report we will address the issues of resettlement Kryashens in Tobolsk province, their adaptation to the new conditions, present some features of ethnic culture. When writing a message, we used archival material stored in the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)SiberiaInternational Migration
The "Russian Orient" has as emerged as a popular area of study for specialists and political analysts with a predominant interest in Russia and Eurasia-related affairs. My primary aim in this work will be specifically to look deeper into... more
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      Area StudiesRussian StudiesIdentity politicsRussian Politics
The author focuses attention on the formal and informal contacts between representatives of the Turkic and Islamic national and religious elites residing in Petrograd, Moscow, and Kazan, and their co-religionists in Germany and Finland.... more
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      Pan-IslamismMuslims in EuropeEmigration ResearchTatars
The purpose of this chapter is to trace social and political processes of Volga, or Kazan, Tatars – the largest ethnic minority in the Russian Federation and one of the largest stateless ethnonational groups of Europe and the world. In... more
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