We derive and analyze several low dimensional Hamiltonian normal forms describing system symmetry breaking in ideal hydrodynamics. The equations depend on two parameters ( , λ), where is the strength of a system symmetry breaking... more
This article is a text analysis with ecocriticism perspective on a legendary best seller fantasy novel written by JRR. Tolkien entitled The Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of The Rings (2002). This research's purpose is to prove that... more
Théorie LSDA + U Ordre multipolaire Magnetic phase transitions that involve multipolar degrees of freedom have been widely studied during the last couple of decades, challenging the common approximation which assumes that the physical... more
We present a comparative evaluation of various techniques for action recognition while keeping as many variables as possible controlled. We employ two categories of Riemannian manifolds: symmetric positive definite matrices and linear... more
This article explores some of the unresolved tensions between `universalistic' and `relativistic' approaches in the establishment of standards and strategies designed to prevent or overcome the abuse of children's capacity to... more
Group actions are a useful technique for examining the symmetry and automorphism characteristics of rings. The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy ideals in rings has been broadened with the inclusion of the concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy... more
This study concentrates on the evaluation of value system in Nigeria and its effect on education, using the philosophical approach. It employed the logical inference and ideal statements. The work was guided by four axiological questions:... more
The concept of linear tangle was introduced as an obstruction to mixed searching number. The concept of (maximal) single ideal has been introduced as an obstruction to linear-width. Moreover, it was already known that mixed search number... more
The concept of linear tangle was introduced as an obstruction to mixed searching number. The concept of (maximal) single ideal has been introduced as an obstruction to linear-width. Moreover, it was already known that mixed search number... more
As a proper generalization of injective modules in term of supplements, we say that a module M has the property (ME) if, whenever M ⊆ N, M has a supplement K in N, where K has a mutual supplement in N. In this study, we obtain that (1) a... more
As a proper generalization of injective modules in term of supplements, we say that a module $M$ has the property (ME) if, whenever $M\subseteq N$, $M$ has a supplement $K$ in $N$, where $K$ has a mutual supplement in $N$. In this study,... more
We say that a module M is a closed cofinitely weak generalized supplemented module or briefly ccwgs-module if for every N ≤ cc M, N has a weak Rad-supplement in M. In this article, the various properties of ccwgs-modules are given as a... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
All rings considered are commutative with unity and all groups considered are abelian. We give a characterization of a pure augmentation ideal, I(G), of a group ring, R(G). We study the relationship between the p-injectivity of R(G) and... more
Abstract. Let R be a commutative ring with unity and HR the ring of Hurwitz series over R. In this paper we study some algebraic properties of Hurwitz series ring. In particular, we prove that HR is a uniquely clean (n-clean) ring if and... more
In this paper we study some properties of associate and presimplifiable rings. We give a characterization of the associate (resp., domainlike) pullback P of R1 → R3 ← R2 , where R1 and R2 are two presimplifiable (resp., domainlike) rings.... more
We present a comparative evaluation of various techniques for action recognition while keeping as many variables as possible controlled. We employ two categories of Riemannian manifolds: symmetric positive definite matrices and linear... more
A r t í c u l o d e i n v e s t i g a c i ó n c i e n t í f i c a R e c i b i d o : 2 4 d e m a r z o d e 2 0 1 2 -A c e p t a d o : 2 0 d e m a r z o d e 2 0 1 3 * Agradecemos al CONACYT el financiamiento, con Registro n.° 131865,... more
This article makes two key claims in succession. First of all, Kant's own religious hope is significantly and studiedly distanced from the traditions of Christianity that he would have received, in ways that have not yet been fully, or... more
Conceived as an analysis of the reception of Nietzsche`s ethics, assumed as a project for an aesthetic of existence, at the crossroads of modernism and postmodernism, this article explores the way in which the whole art of living could be... more
Collagen is one of the most widely used biological materials in medical design. Collagen extracted from marine organisms can be a good biomaterial for tissue engineering applications due to its suitable properties. In this study, collagen... more
We find that insertion of glassy disorder, accidental or engineered, can lead to enhancement of metrological precision in estimating an unknown parameter of a quantum system. We compare the Fisher information-based lower bound of the... more
Одним из ключевых философских вопросов выступает ее онтологическая природа. На протяжении последних 40 лет в философии существуют две конкурирующие меж ду собой концепции информации. Согласно атрибутивной концепции информация присуща всем... more
We construct a secure protocol for any multi-party functionality that remains secure (under a relaxed definition of security introduced by Prabhakaran and Sahai (STOC '04)) when executed concurrently with multiple copies of itself and... more
We propose a modification to the framework of Universally Composable (UC) security . Our new notion, involves comparing the protocol executions with an ideal execution involving ideal functionalities (just as in UC-security), but allowing... more
Marketing researchers commonly interpret joint-space solutions as if the distances between the points from different sets are meaningful. This is our practice despite appropriate warnings from the authors of joint-space methods that the... more
Kebudayaan adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan, dan hasil karya manusia dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar. Kebudayaan memiliki tujuh unsur, yaitu bahasa, sistem teknologi, sistem mata... more
Based on classical results of Rees and on multivariate Hilbert polynomials, we define new mixed multiplicities of two arbitrary ideals in a local ring (A, m) and use them to express the local degrees of all varieties appearing in the... more
The paper focuses on the historical discourse produced by the “Caliphate of the Islamic State,” a quasi-state that existed from 2014 to 2017 and was created by a terrorist group (it was not recognized by any country in the world; in 2014... more
We study the ideal generated by polynomials vanishing on a semialgebraic set and propose an algorithm to calculate the generators, which is based on some techniques of the cylindrical algebraic decomposition. By applying these, polynomial... more
The theme of this special edition derives from the 10 th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, which focussed on advancing teaching innovation and research excellence in higher education. We were privileged to have hosted one of the... more
The importance of the article is determined by "deficiency of projection" observed in the field of political ideology. Moreover, the available data (including in social and humanitarian technologies) don't have a goal of being implemented... more
The existing studies conducted in the field of social ideals are characterised by the Eurocentric approach. The aim of the given paper is to analyse two varieties of social ideal created in China and Great Britain at the beginning of the... more
The program focuses on conceptual understanding, higher order thinking, and problem solving in elementary school teaching of mathematics, science, social studies, literature, and the arts. Center researchers are identifying exemplary... more
This report summarizes and compares findings of researchers' and teachers' opinions in six subject areas (literature, social studies, science, mathematics, music, and art) about ideal and actual elementary school curricula. Three... more
Статья посвящена оценке современным студенчеством роли вуза как института социализации в укреплении ценности семьи, подготовке к вступлению в брак, рождению и воспитанию детей. По результатам социологического исследо- вания, проведенного... more
This article examines the four principles of biomedical ethics introduced by Beauchamp and Childress for possible use in deliberating ethical issues that arise in the context of physician-pharmaceutical industry interactions (PPII). PPII... more
Starting point of this presentation is the contention that from an ethical point of view classic TA, but also new forms of TA like ‘interactive’ or ‘constructive’ TA, fail to do justice to the fundamental openness of the future as well as... more
Systems of polynomial equations are commonly used to model combinatorial problems such as independent set, graph coloring, Hamiltonian path, and others. We formulate the dominating set problem as a system of polynomial equations in two... more
This article presents findings of a snowball survey of the language provision offered by churches and how these churches view themselves in terms of cultural and linguistic diversity. Within this, the characteristics of churches with... more
This essay investigates the contested processes through which gender and racial ideologies are practiced thereby place specific group of women in particular gendered and racialized labor markets. The migration of female live-in care... more
Scheduling theory is something of a jungle, encompassing a bewildering variety of problem types. In this book we shall be concerned with only a limited variety of the animals in this jungle, namely those which are deterministic machine... more