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Gonads of 625 specimens of A. vaillanti, H. marginatus, M. costae and R. xenodon captured at Três Marias reservoir from March/94 to June/96 were the analyzed by histological methods. Thes analyses indicated fractionated spawning of four... more
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    • Ictiology
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      History of ScienceMexicoMichoacanLimnologia
El siguiente compendio de resúmenes fue tomado de losresúmenes enviados por los autores. Cualquier error no esresponsabilidad nuestra. El trabajo editorial soló consistió enajustar cada resumen de acuerdo a los lineamientosestablecidos en... more
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      Conservación De Fauna SilvestreLimnology of tropical lakesIctiologyAcuacultura
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      Landscape EcologyZoologyEntomologyEcology
Resumen La diafanización es una técnica histológica que tiene como principal finalidad aclarar los tejidos blandos de un organismo, lo que permite observar tejidos óseos y cartilaginosos. Se emplean diversas sustancias químicas así como... more
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      Fish BiologyHistologyIctiologyIctiología
Centromochlus actually comprises eleven species, being the most problematic genus among the Centromochlinae, including morphologically heterogeneous taxa. The Centromochlus species have a wide distributional area on northern South... more
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Sagittae otoliths are the most studied because of their morphological variability and size; the sagittae may also have valuable taxonomic use and for D. auratus has not yet been described. In the present study we present a morphological... more
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      Marine BiologyReef Fish BiologyIctiology
Los peces de acuario Danio rerio (Pez cebra) y Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) son organismos recomendados para realizar diferentes tipos de estudios debido a sus características como su poco periodo de gestación, fácil manipulación y cuidado... more
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      Cellular BiologyMorphologyDanio rerioLiver
El estado de Hidalgo contiene numerosos cuerpos de agua que alojan una variada ictiofauna. Con el fin de conocer las especies de peces que habitan el estado, se realizaron colectas en distintos cuerpos de agua de 42 municipios durante los... more
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    • Ictiology
El género Sicydium en la costa ecuatoriana, llamado localmente “chautiza”, es un tipo de pez con comportamiento migratorio anfídromo, cuyo estadio post-larvario constituye un recurso pesquero de interés local. La presencia de este pez... more
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Através de análise microscópica de gônadas de B. cf. affinis capturados na lagoa do Pantaninho, município de Lagoa da Prata, MG, constatou-se que fêmeas e machos em atividade reprodutiva ocorrem durante todo o ano e a espécie apresenta... more
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Gônadas de 625 exemplares de A. vaillanti, H. marginatus, M. costae e R. xenodon capturados no reservatório de Três Marias, no período de março/94 a junho/96, foram analisadas histologicamente. A desova das quatro espécies é do tipo... more
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Early maritime adaptation is well known from eastern South America; however, evidence for navigation and large marine fish exploitation, indicative of skilled foraging techniques, remains scarce. In the Atacama Desert, north central... more
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      IctioarqueologiaCoastal ecology and marine biodiversityIctiologyCoastal Archaeology
The microscopic analysis of gonads of B. cf. affinis captured in Pantaninho lake, Lagoa da Prata County, MG, showed that males and females engage in reproductive activity throughout the year and the species presents fractionated spawning.... more
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    • Ictiology
Background: Artisanal fishery is one of the most important economic activities for human populations living in coastal areas. The traditional knowledge that fishermen have of fishes is of utmost importance for the establishment of... more
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation BiologyEcology
An ichthyological inventory was performed in major freshwater reservoirs located in different locations in Margarita Island (Peninsula Paraguachoa and Macanao), during the first quarter of 2012, using for the extraction of the individuals... more
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      Island StudiesCaribbean StudiesIctiologyIctiología
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      ArchaeometryGarum and salsamentaRoman AmphoraeIctiology
Lophiosilurus alexandri reproduces in captivity, has a high commercial value in Brazil and carries great potential for aquaculture. Research was carried out on L. alexandri larvae from days 1 to 30 post-hatch (DPH). Based on descriptions... more
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    • Ictiology
2015. Diet of the yellowfin snook, Centropomus robalito (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Centropomidae), in the southwestern Gulf of California. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 45 (1): 21-29.
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyFeeding EcologyFish Feeding
Martins, Y.S., Arantes, F.P., Sato, Y., dos Santos, J.E., Rizzo, E. and Bazzoli, N. 2012. Comparative analysis of gonadal morphology in six fish species of the Incertae Sedis genera in Characidae of occurrence in the São Francisco River... more
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The Gonadal structure and gametogenesis of Loricaria lentiginosa Isbrucker 1979 foram studied through anatomical and histological techniques.
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    • Ictiology
The morphology of the ovaries and oogenesis of Pimelodella vittata were studied using anatomical and histological techniques to provide information of its reproductive biology. Eighty adult females were captured trimonthly during the... more
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    • Ictiology
The digestive tract of Trachelyopterus striatulus (Steindachner, 1877) was studied using morphological, histological, and histochemical techniques. The barbels, lips and tongue had stratified squamous epithelium with mucous, claviform... more
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    • Ictiology
The digestive tracts of 44 specimens of Schizodon knerii were studied using anatomical, histological and histochemical techniques. The mouth has terminal position, the lip epithelium is squamous stratified with mucous, claviform cells and... more
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    • Ictiology
El presente trabajo está referido a los muestreos de peces realizados en el período 1998– 2004 en la laguna costera Mar Chiquita, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. La zona muestreada corresponde a proximidades de la desembocadura de... more
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    • Ictiology
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    • Ictiology
Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as variações espaço-temporais da ictiofauna em uma laguna costeira aberta. Os peixes foram coletados na Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis-SC, totalizando 19 meses de amostragem entre outubro de... more
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      GeographyBiologyEcologyBiological Sciences
Fishes from the coastal basins of the Mid-Northeastern Caatinga ecoregion (MNCE) were first sampled by the Stanford expedition at the beginning of the 20 th century, and published by Edwin C. Starks in 1913. This material included... more
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      FishesIctiologyCheck List
O presente trabalho tem por escopo propor um sistema de zonação para espinhos de peixe. A implementação desse sistema visa registrar a presença e a frequência de distintas quebras observadas durante as análises da arqueofauna do sítio... more
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      ZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)ZonationFragmentation
The reproduction of Astyanax scabripinnis captured bimonthly in the Cristais small stream (20o00¢03¢S and 43o56¢46¢W), in the Das Velhas River basin, was studied using gross anatomical and histological techniques. Standard length of... more
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    • Ictiology
This study presents, for the first time, information on the eggs and early development of Franciscodoras marmoratus, fish of Sa˜o Francisco river, Brazil. To analyse the egg ultrastructure and morphological events of embryogenesis, a... more
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    • Ictiology
From March to April 2010, specimens of Acestrorhynchus lacustris were collected in the Peixe River, Anhembi, São Paulo State, Brazil. This characid, commonly known as peixe-cachorro, has a preference for lentic habitats and it features... more
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyFish ParasitesIctiology
A study on the morphological variation of the piranha Serrasalmus compressus in the Bolivian Amazon Basin is presented. Body depth varies considerably amongst individuals. The objective of this study was to determine whether the body... more
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Characidium cacah, new species, apparently endemic to the rio das Velhas sub-basin, upper rio São Francisco basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is easily distinguished from congeners, except C. chicoi, C. helmeri, C. mirim, C.... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)IctiologySão Francisco BasinSerra do Cipó
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    • Ictiology
Seasonal abundance and composition of fish assemblage in two estuarine beaches in Paranaguá's Bay, Paraná. The aim of the present work was the characterization of the ichthyofauna of two estuarine beaches in the Bay of Paranaguá, PR.... more
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      Sandy BeachesIctiology
Resumen: Los trabajos de la Misión Arqueológica de Oxirrinco (El-Bahnasa) han sido llevados a cabo entre diciembre de 2011 y marzo de 2012. La primera campaña, entre diciembre de 2011 y enero de 2012, se centró en la restauración de... more
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A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando... more
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Wave action in sandy beach surf zones and its influence on species composition were evaluated at three sites at Pontal do Paraná, Paraná State, between June/2004 and May/2005. At each sampling site, five hauls were performed monthly using... more
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      OceanographyWave EnergyMarine EcologyFish Biology
Se presentan los capítulos: Ciclo Anual, Pesca y peces, correspondientes al libro Etnografía y alimentación entre los toba-ñachilamole'ek y wichí-lhuku´tas del Chaco Central  (Argentina) de Arenas (2003).
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      EthnobotanyEthnobiologyIndigenous PeoplesFishing
The morphofunctional organisation of the female reproductive system, the oocyte growth and the follicular envelope ultrastructure were studied by the first time in the catfish Iheringichthys labrosus from Upper Paraná River basin,... more
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      Reproductive BehaviourReproductionPolysaccharidesOogenesis
O presente trabalho tem por escopo propor um sistema de zonação para espinhos de peixe. A implementação desse sistema visa registrar a presença e a frequência de distintas quebras observadas durante as análises da arqueofauna do sítio... more
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      ZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)ZooarqueologiaZonation
DESCRIPTION Are the fish distribution patterns in an open coastal lagoon in the subtropical west Atlantic inluenced by spatial and seasonal variations? This study aimed to describe the spatial-temporal variations of the ish fauna in an... more
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      BiologyEcologyBiological SciencesBiologia
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Sagittae otoliths are the most studied because of their morphological variability and size; the sagittae may also have valuable taxonomic use and for D. auratus has not yet been described. In the present study we present a morphological... more
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      Marine BiologyReef Fish BiologyMorphometryMexico
Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as variações espaço-temporais da ictiofauna em uma laguna costeira aberta. Os peixes foram coletados na Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis-SC, totalizando 19 meses de amostragem entre outubro de... more
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      BiologyEcologyBiological SciencesBiologia
The gonad morphology and gametogenesis of Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1877 from Santo Antônio river (Minas Gerais, Brazil) were studied through anatomical and histological techniques. Examination of the testis revealed that they... more
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      ArchaeologyMalacologyFishingArcheologia Fenicio-Punica
EFECTO DE LA ADICIÓN DE Saccharomyces cerevisiae EN
LA DIETA DEL MEXCALPIQUE Girardinichthys viviparus EN
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      ConservationNative FishIctiology