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This chapter explores the intricate process of mediation and negotiation between the central royal authority and local administrations within the Spanish Monarchy, a process crucial for restoring allegiance and obedience to the Crown,... more
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      Military HistoryBasque StudiesEarly Modern HistoryBorder Studies
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      ReligionIconographyArt HistoryArt
During the Syrian war, Aleppo was a focal point of intense warfare, where experiencing loss was the daily routine. Amidst this turmoil, various groups actively engaged at the front lines in East Aleppo, endeavouring to translocate... more
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      Human GeographyPost-ColonialismSyriaLiving dead
Die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge im Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission unterliegen dem peer-review-Verfahren durch auswärtige Gutachterinnen und Gutachter. Contributions to the Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission are... more
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در‌حالی‌که پژوهش‌های قابل‌توجّهی دربارۀ نقّاشی‌های نسخه‌های خطّی و تصاویر شمایلی در سنن اسلامی انجام شده، ساز و کارهای دقیق ـ‌ و شواهد مادّیِ ‌ـ رفتارها و واکنش‌های عاطفی ناظران به تصاویر نقّاشی‌شده حیطه‌ای است که عمدتاً غیرمکشوف... more
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      IconographyIconoclasmIslamic ManuscriptsISLAMIC PAINTING
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé.
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      Christian MysticismIconoclasmSpirituality & MysticismNegative Theology
Isidor Isou: Traité de bave et d'éternité ("Traktátus nyálról és örökkévalóságról", 1951) és Guy Debord: Sur le passage de quelques personnes á travers une assez courte unité de temps ("Néhány alak áthaladása meglehetősen rövid egységnyi... more
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      IconoclasmGuy DebordSituationist InternationalIsidore Isou
This article is a revised version of an inaugural lecture given at the Collège des Bernardins, in Paris, on 12 September 2022, reproposed in the context of the licentiate seminar in systematic theology at the Theological Faculty of Milan.... more
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      Patristic TheologyTheology of Images
A brief introduction to the theological value of images, in the light of an innovative re-reading of the Second Council of Nicaea. Until 14 March, the PDF can be downloaded in full from this link: .
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      Patristic TheologyTheology of Images
Philippe Major aims to achieve what appears to be impossible-to demonstrate that New Confucianism in Republican China was an antitradition, which was not conservative but iconoclastic. Major provides a close textual analysis of the two... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIconoclasmLate Imperial-Modern ChinaNew Confucianism
Овој труд ги засегнува прашањата поврзани со византиското законодавство од VIII век. Специфичниот фокус е на преамбулата на Еклогата и нејзините карактеристични особености, како во однос на правото воопшто, така и во однос на... more
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      Roman LawIconoclasmByzantine HistoryIconoclastic Controversy and Iconophilia
... and places, particularly those linked to twentieth-century wartime and civil upheavals, remaincontested. ... their use by the Nazis as po-litical propaganda, their importance to Holocaust remembrance, and ... Moreover, it could be... more
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      HistoryHuman GeographyIconoclasmPolitics
In his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Hegel argues that the development of the religions of the world leads up to Christianity, which is the one true religion. One key element which separates Christianity from the other... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionYoung HegeliansAlienationPost-Hegelian philosophy
Narrazioni degli iconoclasmi: fonti, manoscritti, ricezione Récits des iconoclasmes: sources, manuscrits, réception Giornata di studi organizzata dall’Università di Genova e dall’unité de recherche Saprat (EPHE – PSL) insignita del Label... more
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      IconoclasmByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryGreek Palaeography
Biblical iconoclasm is any biblical text that describes the disruption of religious observances by physical violence against cult materials. This can include removing cult objects from their appointed places, god- napping divine bodies,... more
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      Art HistoryIconoclasmDeuteronomistic HistoryExodus
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      AssyriologyIconoclasmAssyrian EmpireNon Destructive Testing
This study examines the Thomas/twin motif in the Gospels of John and Thomas, which plays a significant role in each. By analyzing the motif’s meaning, deployment, and development in the two Gospels against Mesopotamian models, this study... more
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      ReligionHebrew BibleGospelsBible Study
В статье исследуется история путешествия императорского спафария Льва Исавра, будущего императора Льва III, на Кавказ, которая сохранилась в составе «Хронографии» Феофана. Автор опирается на гипотезу Д. Е. Афиногенова, исходя из которой... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Contracapa: Sobre o conceito de História, de Walter Benjamin Theodor Adorno, em uma carta a Max Horkheimer, escrita menos de um ano após o suicídio de Walter Benjamin (26/09/1940) em sua fuga dos nazistas, anotou com relação ao último... more
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      History of conceptsWalter BenjaminPhilosophy of History
While instances of both reuse and iconoclasm are well known from several medieval buildings in South Asia, the conjunction of these two related-but-distinct processes have seldom been analyzed. In this article, I present two architectural... more
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      IconoclasmSufismMedieval FortificationsReuse
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      ArtIconoclasmMaterialismPhilosophy Education
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      ArtIconoclasmMaterialismPhilosophy Education
This paper aims to analyze the discursive strategies of Mexican digital media used to portray the actions and protagonists of the feminist protests in the context of the current administration of the Mexican federal government, known as... more
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      Heritage StudiesPolitical ScienceIconoclasmLegalization
An altarpiece is a structure located behind or above the altar table. Typically featuring painted or sculpted figural images, it provides a foil for the liturgy performed on the altar. Having no liturgical function of its own, it played... more
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      Renaissance ArtIconoclasmConfessionalizationMobility
The eighth century of Byzantium a period in which the empire experienced many conflicts. In addition to military activities such as the Bulgarian and Arab advances, cultural and religious developments called iconoclasm, which were... more
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      IconographyIconoclasmByzantine StudiesLeo III
Catholic Iconoclasm, Censorship, and Aversion Towards Images in the Post-Tridentine Era and the Newest History of the Church: An Outline of the Problem In research on religious art in the modern era, iconoclasm is often viewed as an act... more
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      IconoclasmEarly Modern CatholicismCatholic ChurchChurch art
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      IconoclasmIdeologyCommunismRussian Revolution
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      IconoclasmPatrimonio CulturalEspacio PublicoMonuments
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      ArtesMODOS DE HABITARPolíticas De La MemoriaMemoria
but only after the ethnicity had already been formed. Fei thus proposes a theory of gradual absorption, partly by expansion by the Han, partly by absorption of non-Han peoples who had conquered Han areas but adopted Han names (p-186).... more
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This article explores the obscene's potential to become politically subversive through the analysis of the performance video The Emancipatory Kiss (2013) by Venezuelan artist Deborah Castillo. Drawing from a theoretical corpus that brings... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesIconoclasmVenezuela
Well, someone can decide by themselves what they want to do and need to do but sometimes, that kind of person will need some popular piety and art in the late middle ages image worship and idolatry in england 1350 1500 references. People... more
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      HistoryArtPrayerEnglish historical linguistics
Recientemente, los estudiosos han prestado más atención al papel jugado por la aristocracia senatorial romana, teniendo en cuenta su participación en este proceso en términos de un conflicto político con los obispos de Roma. Este trabajo... more
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for their invitations to speak at these respective institutions. My thanks are due to all those who came and commented on those occasions, and i in particular to Paul Cartledge, Robin Osborne and an anonymous reader for this journal for '... more
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      ArtIconoclasmPhilosophy and Religious StudiesCult
Arab chroniclers depict the Mongol invasion of Iraq in the thirteenth century as uniquely destructive. Eight centuries later, its specter was sufficiently enduring and potent to be invoked by Saddam Hussein in an apocalyptic speech made... more
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      ArtIconoclasmReligion and Society
Resumen: en este trabajo se analiza la monumentalidad conmemorativa de la batalla de San Carlos. Para ello se revisa la evidencia material, documental y la memoria oral de los casi cien años de paisaje monumental (1935-2024) en el paraje... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory and MemoryIconoclasmMemory Studies
Nicole THIERRY, born in 1925, traveled with her husband, Michel, to Turkey in the 1950s ; she brought back a considerable documentation on the byzantine frescoes of Cappadocia, and many of these frescoes have disappeared. Her studies on... more
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      Travel WritingByzantine StudiesTravel LiteratureMinorities in Turkey
This study aims to analyse the practices of iconoclasm and urbanfallism as forms of intervention in cultural heritage, with a view to questioning traditional notions of memory and identity. By demolishing or modifying monuments, artists... more
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      IconoclasmUrban And Regional PlanningMonumentsArt in public space
Las políticas de Memoria, Verdad y Justicia impulsadas por el movimiento de derechos humanos en Argentina son, para muchos sectores de nuestra sociedad, motivo de orgullo. En tanto pilares fundamentales que guiaron la elaboración del... more
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      History and MemoryIconoclasmMemory StudiesMemorial
Even some of John Milton's greatest admirers will admit that Paradise Lost is a work beset by contradictions. His decision to make an episode from the Bible, the fall of Adam and Eve, the subject of his epic masterwork was fraught with... more
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      IconoclasmTheodicyModernityJohn Milton
A lo largo de la historia de la Corona de Aragón, hubo varios miembros de esta dinastía, en concreto cuatro reyes y reinas: Ramiro II, su hija Petronila I, Pedro III el Grande y la reina Constanza, que durmieron el sueño eterno en el... more
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      Alta Edad MediaSarcófagos romanos
If I draw on my humble memory, I could point out that the most significant global mo(nu)ments produced in recent years are mostly acts of destruction, whose memory seems to be embedded, and that remain more present even than what we have... more
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This paper aims to analyze the discursive strategies of Mexican digital media used to portray the actions and protagonists of the feminist protests in the context of the current administration of the Mexican federal government, known as... more
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      Heritage StudiesIconoclasmFeminist Protests
A lo largo de la última década, las protestas sociales en todo el mundo han activado una discusión en torno a las formas de expresión de demandas y reclamos en el espacio público. Particularmente, las acciones de protesta contra el... more
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Este trabajo expone una revisión de literatura sobre la dimensión estética de las protestas y de las expresiones patrimoniales en ella instaladas, con el propósito de trazar una línea de análisis que permita abordarla como un fenómeno de... more
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2o capítulo de "Os sentidos da religião", organizado por Emerson
Giumbelli, Leonardo Almeida e Rodrigo Toniol.1a. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Papéis Selvagens Edições, 2024.
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      ChristianityVisual AnthropologyPhotographyMimesis
This is an English translation of Dr. Hugo Koch's German publication from 1917. He was the first--as far as the translator knows--to gather and interpret early Christian authors who, he felt, were witnesses to the early Church's aversion... more
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      IconoclasmEarly ChristianityNew Testament and Christian OriginsEarly Christian Art