Recent papers in Iconoclasm
«The Unbearable Sound: the Strange Career of Musicoclashes», in Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel (eds.), Iconoclash. Beyond the images war. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2002 : 253- 280.
Sin dalla fine del secolo IV, la parte orientale dell’impero romano, in seguito divenuto impero bizantino, era stato afflitto da molteplici eresie, che rischiavano seriamente di minare e di compromettere la sua stessa unità. Le più... more
PROLOGUE of this paper is an extreme detail analysis of Chartres Cathedral's the symbolism embedded into the three Rose Windows. The whole purpose of this paper is to illustrate how Ezekiel's Merkabah is symbolized by the North and South... more
Resumo: A fonte Ramos Pinto, instalada no Rio de Janeiro desde 1906, é caso ímpar para se pensar a relação entre vandalismo e iconoclastia. A peça é alvo de ataques cujo histórico se relaciona às políticas de remoção de favelas. O fato... more
"Il saggio traccia una sintesi della civiltà bizantina, dalla fondazione di Costantinopoli alla Quarta Crociata. A tutti gli effetti continuazione dell'impero romano, Bisanzio riuscì ad assimilare positivamente le Völkerwanderungen che... more
Goodbye Roosevelt. Vita e morte di una statua È ormai certo: il memoriale equestre del Presidente americano Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) verrà rimosso dallo scalone antistante lʼAmerican Museum of Natural History (AMNH) di New York,... more
7. bis 9. April 2017, Schwabenakademie Irsee, Klosterring 4, 87660 Irsee Die Tagung kann auf der Grundlage der in den letzten Jahren, etwa im Zusammenhang mit diversen Tagungen und Ausstellungen der sogenannten Lutherdekade stehenden... more
Iconoclasm as an iconic event. Notes on the destruction of Muslim mosques in globalizing India On the 6th of December 1992 Ayodhya, a Hindu-majority city located in the Northern Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, witnessed the destruction... more
College Art Association, Chicago, Illinois, February 12-15, 2014
Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) occupies a unique position in the history of Euro-pean thinking. As a philosopher of science, he developed a profound interest in gen-res of the imagination, notably poetry and novels. While emphatically... more
Pierre van Paassen: "You will be sitting on a pile of ruins if you are victorious." Buenaventura Durruti: "We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accomodate ourselves for a time. For you must not forget,... more
The anonymous author of the “Life of Michael Synkellos” in his account about the act of confession of the brothers Theodore and Theophanus Graptoi uses a genuine document, a letter of Theodore, where the confessor describes what he and... more
In Society for 17th-Century English Literature, ed., Ju-nana-seiki Bungaku wo Rekishiteki ni Yomu [XVII Century English Literature in Historical Contexts], Tokyo: Kinseido, 2015: 65-86. Translated into English by the author. This paper... more
In diesem Beitrag wird das Heftthema >Kultur und Terror< aus Sicht der globalen Denkmalpflege beleuchtet. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Fragen nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Kulturerbe und Kulturterror sowie nach den Motivationen und... more
This paper presents a recently finished project entitled 'Iconophilia' , which engaged with the echoes that the Byzantine debate on sacred images had in Rome and in central-southern Italy. This project was funded by the European... more
In the process of decommunisation, Ukraine has toppled all its Lenin monuments. This book documents the inglorious fate of these Soviet statues, following their often violent removal. Photographer Niels Ackermann and journalist Sébastien... more
Las imágenes decapitadas, los templos incendiados, los sacerdotes asesinados litúrgicamente... Los disturbios anticlericales significaron el despliegue de una energía extraordinaria que se ensañaba con los lugares, los símbolos y los... more
Natasha Adamou, addresses the participation of Mexican contemporary artist Gabriel Orozco to the 1993 edition of the Venice Biennale with the works Empty Shoe Box (1993) and Yielding Stone (1992). In their status as everyday, almost... more
I examine John of Damascus' defense of icons, upheld at the Council of Nicea II (AD 787). John argues that the making and honoring of images of Christ and the saints are in keeping with Scripture and Tradition. Contrary to the view that... more
This collection of essays, edited by Graeme Murdock, Penny Roberts, and Andrew Spicer, developed from a one-day conference—‘Religion and Violence in Early Modern France: The Work of Natalie Zemon Davis’—which was held in June 2008 at the... more
Diálogos (Editorial y presentación del número) Las disputas simbólicas del patrimonio. Sobre el valor de monumentos, banderas, himnos y murales | Pág 4
Review of Richard M. Price, trans., The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787), 2 vols., Translated Texts for Historians 68 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018). The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71, no. 2 (2020): 399–401.
The talk, based on Brian Cummings’s latest book, Bibliophobia. The End and the Beginning of the Book (Oxford University Press, 2022), will consider the status of writing and of books throughout history. It will cover a global range of... more
Static levitation is a form of marvel with metaphysical implications whose long history has not previously been charted. First, Pliny the Elder reports an architect's plan to suspend an iron statue using magnetism, and the later compiler... more
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Inchiesta about the exhibition “Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano” in Bologna and the resultant removal by the Italian artist Blu of all his remaining... more
In this article I focus on the work and the practice of Blu, an Italian artist whose artistic process consists of the production of monumental mural paintings that are marked by humanist, environmentalist and anti-globalization subjects... more
Με τον όρο «Εικονομαχία» αναφερόμαστε σε μία συγκεκριμένη περίοδο της Βυζαντινής Αυτοκρατορίας, που διήρκησε από το 726 ως το 842, οπόταν η απαγόρευση της απεικόνισης και της απόδοσης λατρείας σε εικόνες Ιερών Προσώπων της Χριστιανικής... more
The Nathan Bedford Forrest monument and tomb located in the recently re-named Health Sciences Park in Memphis, Tennessee has been a controversial place since its inception. In 1905, Forrest’s body was exhumed from the historic Elmwood... more
Across Europe, the parish church has stood for centuries at the centre of local communities; it was the focal point of its religious life, the rituals performed there marked the stages of life from the cradle to the grave. Nonetheless the... more
Before the protestant doctrine of ‘Sola Scriptura’, hardly any Christian denomination could be found that it would not consider itself the genuine, if not the exclusive, successor of the ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church’.... more
Trabajo inédito redactado en 1995 (programa doctorado UNED, Madrid)