Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)
Recent papers in Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)
At a close analysis, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī's Maqāṣid al-falāsifa [Intentions/Doctrines of the Philosophers] reveals itself as a richly stratified work, where the most rational trends of Avicennan falsafa intertwine with an approach strongly... more
Traduction introduite et annotée d’Ibn Taymiyya, « al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ li-man baddala dīn al-Masīḥ », édition BIN NĀṢIR, AL-‘ASKAR, & AL-ḤAMDĀN, t. I, p. 340-383. Réfutation de la thèse de la non-universalité de la mission du Prophète... more
فبعض هذه الأمور إنما يجب عليه من جهة ما هُوَ طبيب أن يتصوره بالماهية فقط تصوراً علمياً، ويصدّق بهليته تصديقاً عَلَی أنه وضع له مقبول من صاحب الْعِلْم الطَّبِيعِيّ ، وبعضها يلزمه أن يبرهن عليه فى صناعته، فما كان من هذه كالمبادئ فيلزمه أن... more
The idea of the Suspended Man in Space or Suspended man in the air is also known with titles of Flying Man or Floating Man and Into Thin Air. Avicenna introduces this idea in The Book of Healing, and Remarks and Admonitions (Pointers and... more
What are the most fundamental concepts of our mind in Avicenna's philosophy and what was his influence on Thomas Aquina's philosophy? Thomas built on Avicenna's work and founded the concepts on the concept of being, ordering the others... more
According to Avicenna, some of the objects of mathematics exist and some do not. Every existing mathematical object is a non-sensible connotational attribute of a physical object and can be perceived by the faculty of estimation.... more
Traduction, introduite et annotée, d’Ibn Taymiyya, « Kitāb al-Ṣafadiyya », édition M. R. Sālim, t. I, p. 258, l. 7 - 277, l. 3. Ibn Taymiyya propose dans ces pages une lecture particulièrement critique de l’évolution de la pensée... more
This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the physical theory of the Islamic philosopher Avicenna (d. 1037). It seeks to understand his contribution against the developments within the preceding Greek and Arabic intellectual... more
This book is a detailed analysis of the twelfth century Muslim philosopher Averroes (Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Rushd), in particular his (in)famous ‘unicity thesis,’ i.e., the view that there is only one, separate, and eternal... more
The concept of space and time in the mystical-philosophical poem Journey of the Servants in the Kingdom of Return (Sayr al-'Ibâd ilà 'l-Ma'âd,1077), of the Iranian poet Hakîm Sanâ'î.
Bu çalışma öz olarak Sicilya Kralı II. Friedrich tarafından cevabını vermek üzere İbn Seb’în’e yöneltilen dört felsefî sorunun ilkini yani âlemin kıdeminin Aristo tarafından niçin kabul edildiğini ve bunun gerekçesinin geçerliliğini... more
This paper explores Avicenna's well-known tenet, God's knowledge of particulars, in light of its Greek antecedents; highlighting the Neoplatonic roots of "knowledge in a universal way."
María Jesús Soto Bruna, ed. Pamplona: EUNSA, pp. 81-107
The paper deals with Avicenna's polemical attitude towards the traditional definition of differentia specifica as predicated of many items differing in species in the “what sort of thing is it?” that can be found in Porphyry's Isagoge.... more
The present contribution reconstructs several passages from Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn's lost Arabic translation of Aristotle's De Anima, based on the Hebrew and the Latin versions produced from Isḥāq's Arabic, as well as on Isḥāq's extant Arabic... more
از مشهورترین و مهمترین آموزههای متافیزیک سینوی، طرح تمایز میان وجود و ماهیت است: تمایزی سرنوشتساز و مناقشهبرانگیز؛ از یک سو این تمایز، راه را برای طرح برخی نوآوریهای فلسفی میگشاید و از سوی دیگر، موجبِ انتقادات جدی به فلسفه ابنسینا... more
Questo volume ?! stampato con contributi parziali del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell'Universita degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro e del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Uni\•ersita del Salento. La pubblicazione rientra nel progetto... more
Di zaman seperti ini kesehatan patut diperhatikan. Karena jika kita sehat, kita dapat melakukan aktifitas dengan baik, dan begitu pula sebaliknya. Apabila keadaan fisik seseorang sedang tidak baik atau dapat dikatakan sedang sakit,... more
The Shi’ah Institute in London arranged the publication of an English translation of one of the most popular Iranian textbooks of the Avicennan tradition of metaphysics in Islam. First printed in Persian in 1956, Mahdī Ḥaʾirī Yazdī’s... more
In this study we will illustrate Manuscript 2197, held at the University Library of Bologna. A Splendid Unicum for its Miniatures. Avicenna and the Canon of Medicine in the Muslim world and in the West Abu ‘Ali Husayn Ibn Sina, known in... more
The flying man thought experiment upon which Avicenna grounds his theory of self-awareness (al-shu‘ūr al-dhātī) and justifies the argument that the soul is an immaterial, incorporeal and independent substance, has drawn as much interest... more
This article explores Avicenna's conception of divine providence in the light of his allegorical work Decree and Determination (R. fī l-Qaḍāʾ wa-l-qadar), wherein the philosopher stages interactions between the rational soul, the animal... more
In the last 30 years, information technology produced tens of thousands of information systems covering and infiltrating into almost all the aspects of human endeavor, from business processes to linguistics, from military to life sciences... more
This article discusses the interplay between Hermannus' version of Aristotle and his citations from Avicenna, looking both at the translator’s statements and at his practice. I concentrate firstly on the various degree of literality... more
Historical considerations have always been open to doubts and have led to ambiguities for researchers. Recently, doubts have been raised concerning the name and sobriquet of the famous scientist and physician of the seventh Hijrī century... more
مسئله هراس از مرگ از مسائلی است که از یکسو در تاریخ فلسفه و از سوی دیگر، در تاریخ و اخلاق پزشکی مورد توجه اندیشمندان قرار گرفته است. از گذشته علاوه بر آثار ادبی و نگاههای اسطورهای منعکسشده در داستانها و نمایشنامهها و متون عرفانی و... more
For Avicenna, happiness in the afterlife is twofold: on the one hand, it consists, as it does in this life, of the perception of bodily pleasure (this is also how revealed Law explains it); on the other, it is intellectual and involves... more
This paper investigates a peculiar moment of the Latin reception of the Arabophone theologian and philosopher Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī (d. 1111) in the works of Albert the Great (d. 1280). It focuses primarily on a rather atypical remark in... more
Invited talk for "Macrocosms and Microcosms: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages," University of Cambridge, 24th - 26th September, 2021. The map of the pre-modern world, Asia, Africa, and Europe, is drawn collectively in the shape... more
The main object of this paper is to clarify and evaluate Avicenna's view of universals, in light of some modern and contemporary discussions. According to Avicenna, universality is a contingent attribute of entities that are in themselves... more
This chapter will focus on two aspects of Aquinas’ treatment of memory: its sources, primarily in Aristotle and Ibn Sina, and the distinctive position he takes on intellectual memory that he draws in partial opposition to Ibn Sina. Memory... more
In this study we will illustrate the Manuscript 2197, held at the University Library of Bologna. A Splendid Unicum for its Miniatures. Avicenna and the Canon of Medicine. Abu ‘Ali HusaynIbn Sina, known in the West as vicenna, was born in... more
Ascension/Mi’raj of the Prophet Mohammad is explored and examined from different, agonistic approaches and fields of study in Muslim intellectual history. One of them is by Avicenna, in the format of an independent Persian treatise... more
Avicenna describes Hads as an intense ability to "connect with the (supernal) intellectual entities." He explains that "regarding such a person, concerning everything (one can think of) the forms of the active intellect are recorded in... more
Le commentaire du Poème de l'âme d'Avicenne par le polygraphe al-Munāwī (m. 1031/1622) Précisons tout d'abord que al-Munāwī 1 (m. 1031/1622) vécut à la période ottomane dans la ville du Caire où il passa toute sa vie. Nous savons par... more
سنت های علمی و فلسفی پویا همواره با بررسی و نقد اندیشه پیشینیان و هم اندیشی و مباحثات علمی با معاصران همراه است. فلسفه اسلامی نیز به عنوان یکی سنت دانشی در جهان اسلام با نقد و ارزیابی دیدگاه های پیشینیان شکل گرفته و در این راستا، در دوره... more
The article discusses how it is possible for two Islamic philosophers to claim that the generation of the body is necessary for the soul to arise, and, at the same time, to affirm that the latter can separate from the body, whether by... more
This paper examines the relationship between intellectuals and the rulers in reference to securing human resources. Intellectuals made use of their specialised disciplines and skills to serve the caliphs and warlords, but they also often... more
Making Room for the Existence of Individual: Foundation and Definition of Soul in Aristotle and Ibn Sīnā Ibn Sīnā adopts a dualist understanding about human beings, in other words, human is composed of two separate substances as soul and... more
One of the issues discussed in Islamic philosophy is the soul. This subject has been mostly studied in the axis of soul-nafs concepts. Whether the concepts of soul and nafs are the same is still a matter of debate. In this article, a step... more
The present volume hosts the proceedings of the conference “A Crossroad between East and West: The Latin Medieval Translations of the Kitāb al-Šifāʾ (Book of the Cure) of Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)”, which took place in Pisa, Scuola Normale... more