Light spectrum is one of the environmental cues that influence plant growth and development. Light is a stimulating factor for induction of somatic embryos during tissue culture practices. To accelerate the direct embryogenesis, six... more
Brassica tournefortii Gouan. (family Brassicaceae) is one of the five species in the Egyptian flora. Its populations showed notable morpho-plasticity with taxonomic debates, which were not yet resolved. The current study was carried out... more
Elettaria cardamomum Maton the small cardamom of commerce is a monotypic genus in India under the family Zingiberaceae. Genetic diversity studies using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were conducted on a total of 13 released... more
Aeluropus lagopoides is a halophytic grass growing in different sabkhas of Saudi Arabia. In this study, 14 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and 15 sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular markers were selected to... more
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Light spectrum is one of the environmental cues that influence plant growth and development. Light is a stimulating factor for induction of somatic embryos during tissue culture practices. To accelerate the direct embryogenesis, six... more
Different views on recognising taxa associated with the Campomanesia xanthocarpa group (Myrtaceae) demonstrate the difficulties in clearly delimiting species. Studies using Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) molecular markers were... more
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a native plant to southern Mexico and northern Guatemala although in these days also is cultivated in others South American countries such as Bolivia and Argentina. This study describes a genetic, cytological... more
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.), blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq.) belong to the non-traditional and potentially attractive small fruits for consumers. The aim of this... more
Despite the enormous advancements in breeding, fresh and accessible methods of plant development are preferred. Many research have been done to determine the impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and magnesium nanoparticles... more
Günümüzde halk hekimliğinde kullanımı yanında, kozmetik, vücut bakımı gibi birçok endüstriyel alanda uzun yıllardan beri değerlendirilen Lippia citriodora, ülkemizde en çok yapraklarından elde edilen limon aroması için tüketilmektedir.... more
In the present paper, a protocol for plant regeneration was developed for micropropagation of an epiphytic orchid, Vanda cristata Wall. ex Lindl., by using whole leaf explants procured from five months old in vitro grown cultures. The... more
Günümüzde halk hekimliğinde kullanımı yanında, kozmetik, vücut bakımı gibi birçok endüstriyel alanda uzun yıllardan beri değerlendirilen Lippia citriodora, ülkemizde en çok yapraklarından elde edilen limon aroması için tüketilmektedir.... more
Gunumuzde halk hekimliginde kullanimi yaninda, kozmetik, vucut bakimi gibi bircok endustriyel alanda uzun yillardan beri degerlendirilen Lippia citriodora, ulkemizde en cok yapraklarindan elde edilen limon aromasi icin tuketilmektedir.... more
Bananas are tropical fruits grown worldwide playing a key role in market trade and especially used as main food source for low income populations. In Brazil, bananas are mainly consumed in natura, occupying the second largest internal... more
Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) molecular markers and morphological analysis were used in order to characterize wild populations and cultivated forms of orphan crop species Capparis spinosa L. in a Mediterranean island complex.... more
A multidisciplinary approach was used to characterize two autochthonous lentil landraces from Molise region (Central Italy). Different mature seed populations for each landrace were provided by the Molise Germoplasm Bank at the University... more
A multidisciplinary approach was used to characterize two autochthonous lentil landraces from Molise region (Central Italy). Different mature seed populations for each landrace were provided by the Molise Germoplasm Bank at the University... more
A multidisciplinary approach was used to characterize two autochthonous lentil landraces from Molise region (Central Italy). Different mature seed populations for each landrace were provided by the Molise Germoplasm Bank at the University... more
A multidisciplinary approach was used to characterize two autochthonous lentil landraces from Molise region (Central Italy). Different mature seed populations for each landrace were provided by the Molise Germoplasm Bank at the University... more
Paspalum is one of the most important genera of the Poaceae family due to its large number of species and diversity. The subgenus Anachyris comprises six species mainly from South America grouped together by sharing rare spikelet... more
Background: Sorghum is an economically significant staple food crop for more than half a billion people in developing nations, especially in arid and semi-arid locations where drought stress is a significant limiting factor. Despite... more
Despite the enormous advancements in breeding, fresh and accessible methods of plant development are preferred. Many research have been done to determine the impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and magnesium nanoparticles... more
In recent years, plant breeding of some cultivars such as sumac has attracted more attention because their contributions to human health started to be revealed. Turkey being its origin, sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) is widely used as a... more
عونت دادعت يكيتنژ 93 هنوگ زا پيتونژ Lolium multiflorum ساسا رب يپيتويراك تايصوصخ و یارب پيتويراك ،پيتونژ ره یارب .تفرگ رارق يسررب دروم يلوكلم جنپ .دش هيهت یزافاتم لولس پيتونژ ًابيرقت پيتويراك یاراد يسررب دروم یاه دندوب ينراقتمان و نآ نيب... more
Yabancı otların kontrolunda kimyasal mücadeleye alternatif yöntemler bulmak amacı ile dağ kekiği (Origanum syriacum) ve mercanköşk (Origanum majorana)'den elde edilen uçucu yağların (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ve 32 μl/petri dozlarda) Amaranthus... more
This research was carried out between 2001-2003 at both Odemiş Technical Training College of Ege University in Ödemiş to investigate the effects of plant spacing, sowing and planting dates on generatif growth of 3 varieties of Broccoli... more
Bu calismada Mentha spicata, Mentha villoso-nervata ve Mentha piperita’ nin klonlarindan elde edilen ucucu yaglar ile bu ucucu yaglarin ana bilesenlerinin bugday biti [Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)]’ne olan fumigant... more
Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers were used to measure the levels of genetic variation and patterns of the population structure within and among the five populations of Adiantum incisum, a terrestrial fern in India. For this... more
Varronia curassavica Jacq. is a medicinal and aromatic plant from Brazil with significant economic importance. Studies on genetic diversity in active germplasm banks (AGB) are essential for conservation and breeding programs. The aim of... more
The Viola epipsila-V. palustris complex is a highly taxonomically complicated group of species in its entire circumboreal range of distribution. Habitat loss, forest flooding, and hybridization could lead to the extinction of V. epipsila.... more
Re-introduction of an extinct population of Pulsatilla patens using different propagation techniques
The study focuses on the propagation of a rare and endangered plant species (Pulsatilla patens) to reintroduce an extinct population from calamine area in Southern Poland. The plants were propagated from seeds, rhizome cuttings, or... more
The paper presents a technique for micropropagation of endangered in Europe and extinct in Poland Pulsatilla vulgaris for ex situ conservation of the genetic resources. Genotype-dependent induction of somatic embryogenesis and rooting was... more
The Viola epipsila-V. palustris complex is a highly taxonomically complicated group of species in its entire circumboreal range of distribution. Habitat loss, forest flooding, and hybridization could lead to the extinction of V. epipsila.... more
In spite of the huge economic importance of Aframomum melegueta in the herbal and pharmaceutical industries, its production is limited by lack of planting materials (propagules). The plant also lacks scientific descriptors, which has... more
Diversity and distribution of the Aegorhinus genus in the La Araucanía Region of Chile, with special reference to A. superciliosus and A. nodipennis. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(3): 367-377. The Araucanía region is a berry producing area where... more
Bu çalışma, yaygın olarak kullanılan nane uçucu yağının zeine farklı oranlarda kazein ilave edilerek hazırlanan zein-kazein kompleksi ile mikroenkapsülasyonunu ve elde edilen mikrokapsüllerin enkapsülasyon etkinliği ve salım... more
Özet: Bu çalışmada, Bursa'da 1989-1991 yıllarında 178 adi fiğ (Vicia sativa L.) genotipi test edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, basit korelasyon katsayıları, path ve stepwise analizleri kullanılarak tane ve saman verimine etki eden... more
Öz: Safran (Crocus sativus L.) bilinen en eski kültür bitkilerinden biridir. Geçmişte baharat, boya ve tıbbi olarak büyük bir ekonomik öneme sahip olan bu bitki, önceleri Bolu, Tokat, Şanlıurfa, Adana, İzmir gibi illerde yetiştirilmesine... more
The paper presents a technique for micropropagation of endangered in Europe and extinct in Poland Pulsatilla vulgaris for ex situ conservation of the genetic resources. Genotype-dependent induction of somatic embryogenesis and rooting was... more
Artemisia herba-alba is an herbaceous aromatic and therapeutic plant widely distributed in semi-arid regions of Tunisia and is potentially usable to restore degraded ecosystems. A study of genetic variation among 216 accessions was... more
Brassica tournefortii Gouan. (family Brassicaceae) is one of the five species in the Egyptian flora. Its populations showed notable morpho-plasticity with taxonomic debates, which were not yet resolved. The current study was carried out... more
For a snapshot assessment of the genetic diversity present within Melipona subnitida, an endemic stingless bee distributed in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, populations separated by over 1,000 km distance were analyzed by... more
Varronia curassavica Jacq. is a medicinal and aromatic plant from Brazil with significant economic importance. Studies on genetic diversity in active germplasm banks (AGB) are essential for conservation and breeding programs. The aim of... more
Varronia curassavica Jacq. is a medicinal and aromatic plant from Brazil with significant economic importance. Studies on genetic diversity in active germplasm banks (AGB) are essential for conservation and breeding programs. The aim of... more
Celery is grown in many areas of Ege Region. Growing period and cultivation system differs according to growing region. This research was carried out to determine the effects of different plant densities and harvesting stage on yield and... more
Mürdümük (Lathyrus sativus L.) Popülasyon ve Çeşitlerinin Yozgat Ekolojisinde Morfolojik ve Agronomik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Özet Bu çalışma, Türkiye orijinli beş popülasyon ve dört tescilli çeşitten (İptaş, Eren, Karadağ ve Gap... more
Öz: Çalışmanın amacı, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi ekolojik şartlarına uyumlu yüksek verimli ve kaliteli ot tipi yonca geliştirmek için yürüttüğümüz yonca ıslah çalışmaları kapsamında çeşit adayı olarak belirlenen 1312/15 nolu hattın... more