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Ada 8 prinsif yang harus kita sadari dalam implementasi iso 9001-sistem manajemen mutu, yang dimana 8 prinsif ini sering tidak di sadari oleh konsultan apalagi tim perusahaan yang berakibat pada kurang maksimalnya hasil ketika... more
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    • ISO 9001
This paper discusses the principles of a modelling technique called IDEF 9000. IDEF 9000 takes a systems view of a Fulfil Order Process and allows the modelling of activities, functional relationships and data. Developed from the original... more
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    • ISO 9001
Comparación de diferentes tecnologías de adquisición de datos, y adquisición de herramientas de software teniendo en cuenta las normas ISO-IRAM-IEC 2500n.
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      ISO 9001Auditoría
Analyzing natural language-based Customer Satisfaction (CS) is a tedious process. This issue is practically true if one is to manually categorize large datasets. Fortunately, the advent of supervised machine learning techniques has paved... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningCustomer SatisfactionDeep Learning
Este artículo realiza un estudio bibliométrico a través de la base de datos Web of Science (WoS) para conocer el estado del arte de las normas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001. Para ello, se hace una búsqueda de publi-caciones, desde el año de... more
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      Management Control SystemsBibliometricsISO 9001
O setor de serviços, que vem crescendo expressivamente por todo mundo, busca a excelência garantindo a competitividade e a permanência no mercado mundial. Considerada uma unidade de serviços de informação, este trabalho analisa a... more
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      Quality Management (Library Science)ISO 9001
It is now quite common for organizations to simultaneously implement ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems. During audits of such organizations, it is seen quite commonly that their 3 systems run paralleled; and do not handle the... more
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      Learning Management SystemsIntegrated Management SystemsISO 9001-2008ISO 9001
We're committed to helping you and your organization understand the updated requirements. This guidance document identifies the steps you should take to achieve compliance to ISO 9001:2015, and more importantly; what you don't need to do!... more
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    • ISO 9001
презентація / presentation
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      Relational DatabaseQuality ManagementMuseum StudiesDigital Museum
We're committed to helping you and your organization understand the updated requirements. This guidance document identifies the steps you should take to achieve compliance to ISO 9001:2015, and more importantly; what you don't need to do!
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    • ISO 9001
Przedsiębiorstwa wdrażają, certyfikują i doskonalą system zarządzania jakością. Proces ciągłego doskonalenia prezentowany jest w normie PN-ISO 10014 Zarządzanie jakością. Wytyczne do osiągania korzyści finansowych i ekonomicznych, w... more
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      Quality ImprovementContinuous ImprovementTotal Quality ManagementISO 9001
Autores: González y Arciniegas
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      ISO 9001IsoSGC ISOISO 9001:2015
La certificación inspirada en una norma de alcance nacional pero de parámetros internacionales, como la Norma ISO 9001 “gestión de calidad”, es un ejemplo de cómo el Derecho Internacional Privado, tiene vida propia y no necesita de su... more
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      Derecho NotarialDerecho RegistralDerecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional PrivadoISO 9001
The purpose of this paper is to justify that quality is an appropriate tool for integration of management system in public organizations. From this point of view, it is demonstrated in theoretical context that ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS... more
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      Integrated Management SystemsISO 9001ISO/IEC 27001
Como implementar ISO 9001:1994 en el sistema educativo multinivel
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      ISO 9001Calidad en La Educación
تتنوع المعايير الدولية و الوطنية الصادرة عن جهات التقييس الرسمية وغير الرسمية، كما تتنوع أيضا مؤشرات الأداء لمختلف أنواع المكتبات والتي تساعدها في قياس أدائها ومن ثم تقييمه، وتغطي المعايير الدولية مختلف جوانب المكتبات إنشائها واختيار... more
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      ISO 26000ISO 9001
Este curso fue diseñado para fortalecer al personal de una empresa del sector construcción en el modelo de gestión de calidad basado en las normas ISO 9001.
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      Quality ManagementProcess ControlISO 9001ISO 9000
Autor: Andreína Rodríguez
Docente: Fanny Vanessa Verano Hidalgo
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      Sistemas De CalidadISO 9001NormalizaciónISO 9001:2015
Based on AnexSL, some standards were adopted (ISO 22301 and ISO 27001:2013), and the preparation of the fifth edition of ISO 9001:2015 started. Reasons for path towards uniformity standards are the drop in interests... more
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      ISO 9001IsoManagement System
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    • ISO 9001
Autor: Eduardo Ramos
Docente: Fanny Verano
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      ISO 9001Sistemas de Gestion de CalidadISO 9001:2015
Grief has a different impact on people. The effect of grief depends on one's relationship,
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    • ISO 9001
1  Es una herramienta que nos permite identificar:  Procesos y actividades de una organización.  Procesos que generan valor para el cliente.  Procesos necesarios para la organización.  Procesos que no generan valor.
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    • ISO 9001
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    • ISO 9001
Revisión de normas ISO y Covenin aplicadas al Mantenimiento.
ISO 55000
ISO 9000
ISO 9001
COVENIN 3049-93
COVENIN 2500-93
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      ISO 9001ISO 9000IsoNormalización
W pracy przedstawiono wybrane obszary związane z możliwością doskonalenia systemu zarządzania jakością organizacji uwzględniając zmiany, jakie wprowadzono w wyniku pandemii. Poza częścią teoretyczną w każdym rozdziale monografii zawarto... more
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      QualityAuditingISO 9001
We classify five key dimensions of information systems (IS): Context, People, Process, Information Technology (IT), and Information/Data. Subsequently, we propose a shared organizational view for quality information systems (QIS), in the... more
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      Information SystemsQuality ManagementCase StudiesQuality and Usability of Business Information Systems
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in... more
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      ManagementStrategic ManagementStandardizationISO 9001
The ISO 9001 standard has been implemented by more than one million organizations in 187 countries, and a substantial number of these organizations aim at achieving product innovation. However, it is still not clear whether ISO 9001... more
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    • ISO 9001
El objetivo del presente estudio es desarrollar un instrumento para medir la evaluación del desempeño del sistema de gestión de la calidad de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, con base en los requisitos de la Norma ISO... more
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      Public AdministrationEducationPublic ManagementQuality Management
Purpose-Despite its popularity, business process management (BPM) is not unequivocally defined, but obtains different forms with varying specifications. This paper presents a critical overview of BPM, as it appears within four dominant... more
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      Business Process ManagementSix SigmaLean six sigmaISO 9001
ISO 9000
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      CalidadGestión de la calidadSistemas De CalidadISO 9001-2008
Pada bab sebelumnya, sudah dijelaskan tentang Pengertian, definisi, sejarah dan perkembangan dari Sistem Manajemen Mutu. Selanjutnya pada bab ini, lebih mendetail tentang pemahaman ISO versi terbaru, yaitu Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO... more
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      ISO 9001-2008ISO 9001ISO9001Quality, ISO 9001:2015
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the place of occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) within the integrated management system. Implementation aspects of management systems are discussed, namely the different... more
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    • ISO 9001
As a Nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capabilities to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all threats and hazards. ISO9001:2015 is introduced here as a component of this calculus... more
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      ISO 9001ISO9001Quality, ISO 9001:2015ISO 9001:2015
La Universidad de La Serena ha atravesado por un proceso de renovación tecnológica denominado Proyecto Phoenix.ULS, el cual se plantea como escenario ideal para la incorporación de nuevos proyectos tecnológicos que permitan la... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyBPMNDesign Process (Architecture)
Słowa kluczowe: System ochrony zdrowia w Polsce, jakość, ISO 9001:2001, Program Akredytacji Szpitali, system zarządzania jakością Streszczenie: W polskim systemie ochrony zdrowia funkcjonują dwa sposoby poświadczania jakość:... more
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      ISO 9001-2008ISO 9001
In this paper we discuss how to reconcile agile development's focus on speed and lean development with ISO 9001's need for documentation, traceability and control. We see no need to change neither ISO 9001 nor the agile concept. Instead,... more
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      Software EngineeringQuality AssuranceISO 9001Agile software development
PHP pada awalnya hanyalah kumpulan script sederhana. Dalam perkembangannya, selanjutnya ditambahkan berbagai fitur pemrograman berorientasi objek. Hal ini dimulai sejak PHP 4. Dengan lahirnya PHP 5, fitur-fitur pemrograman berorientasi... more
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    • ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a popular topic in quality management research field. Many researchers have studied ISO 9001 implementation in various sectors. However, there is lack of ISO 9001 study that focus on the content of ISO 9001 requirement. More... more
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      Quality ManagementControl SystemsISO 9001
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate the heterogeneity in the implementation of the ISO 9001 quality management system in service-oriented organizations, and to identify patterns (i.e. relationships, dependencies and... more
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      Service QualityISO 9001
ISO 9000 family of quality management system standards are meant to enable organizations to set up effective management systems with which they can meet the needs of interested parties and assure sustained success. The evaluation too... more
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      Quality ManagementCustomer SatisfactionISO 9001
Regarded as one of the most effective tools to guide quality systems management, ISO 9001 is a valuable certification. Yet, the growth observed throughout the world by this standard provides a strong polarisation of interest in this... more
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      ForecastingGrey System TheoryQuality Management SystemISO 9001
The purpose of this study is to offer a conceptual model which is based on carefully reviewed literature. The model consists of three important variables: ISO 9001 Effectiveness, financial performance of exporting companies, and... more
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      ISO 9001Organizational learning capability
W opisanym studium przypadku wyraźnie widać, że kierownictwo wprowadzając kolejne narzędzia zarządzania starało się kontrolować jakość i efektywność świadczonych usług poprzez różne mechanizmy kontroli, systematycznie zwiększając jej... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringISO 9001-2008ISO 9001ISO 9000
ISO 9001: 2015 requires that in the organizations which are implementing a Quality Management System (QMS), top management must establish a quality policy which is appropriate to the organization’s goals and context and supports the... more
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      Quality ManagementSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESISO 9001
ИСО 9001/2015
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      ISO 9001ISO 9001:2015
New version of ISO 9001 standard issued in 2015 replaces preventive actions with risk management. The article discusses the desirability of this change, its causes, as well as new challenges for enterprises and quality managers.
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      StandardsRisk ManagementQuality Management SystemISO 9001
La empresa Servihidráulicos Lara SAS, una empresa Colombiana dedicada a ofrecer servicios de mantenimiento a empresas del sector de la construcción que usan equipos de bombeo de concreto en las obras civiles, fue sometida a un diagnóstico... more
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      AuditingMaintenanceDiagnosisDiagnóstico y Desarrollo Organizacional
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Organizational Learning Capability, ISO 9001 Effectiveness and Financial Performance f Bosnian exporters. Based on literature review, a conceptual model was... more
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      Bosnia and HerzegovinaFinancial PerformanceISO 9001Organizational learning capability