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The text has been published in the exhibition catalogue organized at the Uffizi Gallery upon the new installation of the Leonardo da Vinci's Adoration of the Magi, after its restoration. The text is an extended summary of the forthcoming... more
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      ConservationRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtPainting Conservation
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      DrawingX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyLeonardo da VinciUV/Vis spectroscopy
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      PsychoanalysisArt HistoryPaintingArt and Science
Con il titolo di «La Lotta per lo stendardo» e attribuita a un «Maestro toscano del secolo XVI», fu presentata alla mostra Leonardesca che si tenne a Milano nel 1939 1 la Tavola Doria. Sebbene per alcuni decenni l'opera sia stata... more
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      ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationLeonardo da VinciScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
A broad reserch dedicated to the painting technique of Titian's late activity, after c. 1550. The essay, based on a specific diagnostic campaign carried out on many works by the author, focuses mainly on the building of the images,... more
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      PaintingTitianPainting techniquesVenetian Renaissance Painting
Le analisi sull'opera di Giovanni Segantini si collocano nell'ambito delle ricerche inerenti la tecnica dei pittori divisionisti 2 e riguardano quattordici lavori dell'artista (vedi Tabella 1) appartenenti alla collezione della Galleria... more
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      Pigments (Chemistry)Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritagePainting techniquesIR reflectography
El 2 de junio de 1453, en la plaza pública de Valladolid fallecía en la picota Álvaro de Luna, otrora poderoso privado de Juan II de Castilla. Moría el hombre y se iniciaba un proceso de reivindicación memorial que tuvo en su hija María... more
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      Heritage ConservationFlemish PaintingGothic PaintingLate Gothic Painting
Nella scarsità di notizie certe in merito alle opere dipinte da Giorgione, le analisi scientifiche di tipo fisico o chimico hanno offerto negli ultimi decenni nuovi spunti di ragionamento per gli storici dell'arte, assecondando il... more
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      PaintingDrawingGiorgionePainting techniques
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      Art HistoryAntonello da MessinaIR reflectographyNon invasive analyses
Pubblicazione realizzata nel quadro del progetto PRIN 2003100558_004 Nessuna parte di que sto libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingThermographyConservation Science
Introduzione al restauro e alcune considerazioni È sicuramente inconsueto, soprattutto per questo Opificio che cerca di coniugare sempre, anche a prezzo di un forte impegno, la ricollocazione dell'opera con la presentazione dei risultati... more
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      ConservationRenaissance StudiesHeritage ConservationPortraiture
La Pietà di Viterbo sima. Onde acquistò Sebastiano grandissimo credito e confermò il dire di coloro che lo favorivano» 3 .
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      Art HistoryThermographyConservation ScienceMichelangelo Buonarroti
Con questo volume, il Centro Internazionale d’Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te prosegue un progetto editoriale iniziato con Indagando Mantegna del 2007, e che, come aveva a suo tempo chiaramente indicato il presidente Enrico Voceri, “si... more
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      PaintingGiovanni BelliniXRFIR reflectography
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      Art HistoryRestorationConservation ScienceXRF
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      Baroque Art and LiteraturePortraitureX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyPainting Conservation
Resumen - En este artículo se describe la fotografía y la reflectografía de infrarrojos como instrumentos para el conocimiento de bienes culturales de diversa naturaleza, como la pintura mueble, la pintura mural o el documento. Gracias a... more
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      Cultural HeritageBook and Paper ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationArt Conservation
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesGiovanni BelliniScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
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      Art Practice as ResearchPiero della FrancescaAncient and traditional carpentryTechnical Art History
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      MicroscopyPaintingScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritagePainting techniques
This paper presents the outstanding discovery of a preliminary version underneath the Supper in Emmaus (Milan, Brera) painted by Caravaggio at the time of his elopement from Rome. This prime idea included a landscape in the background,... more
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      Art HistoryCaravaggioMaterials and Techniques of ArtistsIR reflectography
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiovanni BelliniPainting techniquesIR reflectography
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      History of ArtBaroque art and architectureScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageTechnical Art History, Conservation
Sulle base delle recenti analisi condotte al Ritratto di Leone X con i due cardinali (Gallerie degli Uffizi), condotta nell'ambito del restauro del 2019, è possibile ricostruire una nuova e diversa valutazione del processo creativo... more
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      PortraitureRaphaelIR reflectographyRaffaello
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      PortraitureItalian Renaissance ArtPrints and DrawingsDisegno
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      CaravaggioTechnical Art HistoryPinacoteca di BreraIR reflectography
Tecnica e stile nel Polittico della Misericordia di Piero della Francesca, ricostruzione del suo metodo di pianificazione dell'immagine attraverso la lettura dell'underdrawing e delle incisioni.
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      Renaissance StudiesPiero della FrancescaPittura RinascimentoMaterials and Techniques of Artists
The fist-hand results on Leonardo's technique coming from the analyses carried out on the Adoration of the Magi, currently under treatment at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence. A scientific systematization and some art-history... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtLeonardo da VinciLeonardo
This paper deals with the ongoing research on the underdrawing in Caravaggio's paintings. A brief examination of the sources, treatises and the previous bibliography on the subject has led us to reconsider the possibility that there have... more
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      Art TheoryItalian Baroque artTechnical Art History, ConservationCaravaggio
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      DrawingStudio Arts, Art History, Drawing and PaintingIR reflectographyRaffaello
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      PaintingTitianPainting techniquesIR reflectography
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      Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritagePainting techniquesCarpaccioIR reflectography
Resumen: El presente artículo versa sobre el uso de la fotografía infrarroja transmitida (IRT), una técnica todavía muy desconocida, pese a que paradójicamente aporta una información fundamental en el estudio y documentación de las... more
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      PaintingNear InfraredPainting ConservationConservation of Easel Paintings
Le opere di de Chirico conservate nella Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano, in specie Peruginesca, La scuola dei gladiatori, Facitori di trofei e Nudo, costituiscono un interessante spunto di riflessione su alcuni aspetti si-gnificativi della... more
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      Archaeometry20th century Avant-GardePainting techniquesGiorgio de Chirico
mente alta ed esatta della sua pennellata, al dominio pieno dei suoi ricercati mezzi espressivi, messi a punto in gran parte negli anni della formazione e affinati nell'esperienza, nella consuetudine decennale dell'adesione meticolosa ai... more
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      DrawingPainting techniquesIR reflectographyNon invasive analyses
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryGombrichTechnical Art History, Conservation
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      X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritagePainting techniquesReflectance Spectroscopy
The project for the scientific analysis of Kaitag textiles – the results of which are reported here with special focus on the identification of the dyes – was promoted by the MATAM association (Museum of Ancient Textile Art Milan) and... more
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      Ancient TextilesHPLCAncient Dyes Analysis and Textiles ConservationReflectance Spectroscopy
Abstract This paper reports on the pre- and post- conservation diagnostics of a 14th century icon, the Virgin with the Child and a Saint, by an unknown author, belonging to the Library of Taormina, Sicily. A set of non-­invasive imaging... more
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      Multispectral ImagingImagingTerahertz WavesTerahertz time-domain spectroscopy
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      FuturismDrawing20th century Italian artScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The LANIAC (Laboratorio di analisi non invasive su opere d’arte antica, moderna e contemporanea) of the University of Verona (Italy) and the CAEM (Centre d’Art d’Època Moderna) of the University of Lleida (Spain), two university twin... more
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      Renaissance ArtCultural Heritage ConservationForgeries, fakesCopies, Replicas, Reproductions
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFra AngelicoIR reflectographyNon invasive analyses
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtPiero della FrancescaPainting techniques
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      Art HistoryThermographyConservation ScienceTibetan Art
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      Art HistoryThermographyConservation ScienceTibetan Art
The paper discusses the use of infrared (IRR) scanning reflectography to assist in confirming or refuting the commonly-held believe that Perugino consistently used the same repetitive cartoons in his workshop activity.
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      Renaissance StudiesPainting techniquesCartoonIR reflectography
Paper resulting from an interview conducted by Chris Staalman and Benjamin Vis with Ron Spronk about his approach and the scientific advances in analysing paintings using newly emerging technologies and the state of progress of... more
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      Art HistoryMultispectral ImagingInterdisciplinarityMicroscopy
Disegni ‘pittoreschi’, incisi e di macchia: osservazioni sull’underdrawing di Andrea Schiavone, in Andrea Schiavone. Ventuno dipinti in infrarosso, a cura di Paola Artoni ed Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo (ZeL, Treviso, 2016), quarto numero... more
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      IR reflectographyAndrea SchiavoneUnderdrawing
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      Piero della FrancescaIR reflectographyNon invasive analysesUnderdrawing
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      Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageIR reflectographyAnalysis of Pigments on Ancient ArtifactsPainted Wooden Ceilings