Performance of likelihood ratio (LR) methods for evidence evaluation has been represented in the past using e.g. Tippett plots. We propose Empirical Cross-Entropy (ECE) Plots as a metric of accuracy based on the statistical theory of... more
que des subventions et mandats obtenus par ses équipes de recherche. CIRANO is a private non-profit organization incorporated under the Québec Companies Act. Its infrastructure and research activities are funded through fees paid by... more
The author proposes some simple diagnostics for the assessment of the necessity of selected model terms in smoothing spline ANOVA models; the elimination of practically insignificant terms generally enhances the interpretability of the... more
We consider the process dY t = u t dt + dW t , where u is a process not necessarily adapted to F Y (the filtration generated by the process Y ) and W is a Brownian motion. We obtain a general representation for the likelihood ratio of the... more
Forensic DNA analysis has made major advancements in the 40 years since Alec Jeffreys' work on DNA fingerprinting was published. As the widely regarded gold standard for evidence in forensic casework, forensic DNA analysis has positively... more
Forensic DNA analysis has made major advancements in the 40 years since Alec Jeffreys' work on DNA fingerprinting was published. As the widely regarded gold standard for evidence in forensic casework, forensic DNA analysis has positively... more
In this thesis, we present two different approaches for the stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rate model with jump and analyze the performance of four alternative models. In the first approach, suggested by Scott, the closed... more
This paper deals with the Elliptical Wishart and Inverse Elliptical Wishart distributions, which play a major role when handling covariance matrices. Similarly to multivariate elliptical distributions, these form a large family of... more
The main purpose of the study is to determine resistance pattern of bacterial isolates to selected antibiotics among 88 dyspeptic patients in Iran. Frequency of infection among these patients have been evaluated among dyspeptic patients... more
Landslide is one of the most influential natural disasters that cause losses of life and property on a large scale. To identify the landslide susceptible areas, the layers of data showing different characteristics of the earth must be... more
HERE -Generalized exponential, geometric extreme exponential and Weibull distributions are three nonnegative skewed distributions that are suitable for analyzing lifetime data. We present diagnostic tools based on the likelihood ratio... more
The phenomena of failure is attached with a system or component from its production and as true as its birth. In complex systems, common cause failure is the phenomena of failure due to poor design of the component. Survival signature is... more
Background We evaluated procalcitonin (PCT) assay in the emergency diagnosis of neonatal bacterial infection, especially in preterm infants, relative to C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen. Methods One hundred and twenty neonates (32... more
Mutation models are important in many areas of genetics including forensics. This letter criticizes the model of the paper 'DNA identification by pedigree likelihood ratio accommodating population substructure and mutations' by .... more
This paper considers a panel data regression model with heteroskedastic as well as serially correlated disturbances, and derives a joint LM test for homoskedasticity and no first order serial correlation. The restricted model is the... more
Objective: Rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) depends on microscopic examination of sputum smear for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). The direct microscopy examination lacks sensitivity. It needs at least 10,000 AFB/ml of sputum to... more
The Hooke and Jeeves algorithm (HJ) is a pattern search procedure widely used to optimize non-linear functions that are not necessarily continuous or differentiable. The algorithm performs repeatedly two types of search routines; an... more
It has come to our attention that an error was made in one calculation in respect of the above paper. As a result the likelihood ratio published is incorrect. The correct likelihood ratios for admissions involving venlafaxine shown in... more
Given a spatial data set placed on an n × n grid, our goal is to find the rectangular regions within which subsets of the data set exhibit anomalous behavior. We develop algorithms that, given any usersupplied arbitrary likelihood... more
Given a spatial dataset placed on an n × n grid, our goal is to find the rectangular regions within which subsets of the dataset exhibit anomalous behavior. We develop algorithms that, given any user-supplied arbitrary likelihood... more
This study investigates the relationship between dirty surplus items on the balance sheet and the cost of debt for Japanese firms. We focus on three dirty surplus items-unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities (SEC),... more
IVIE working papers offer in advance the results of economic research under way in order to encourage a discussion process before sending them to scientific journals for their final publication. * Financial support from projects... more
Simultaneous latent fingerprints are clusters of friction ridge impressions deposited concurrently in a crime scene. The analysis of these impressions is a complex task to infer individualization, exclusion or categorize as inconclusive.... more
Background and methods: To determine the diagnostic values of laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia, the authors conducted a systematic over. view of the relevant literature. Computerized searches of the MEDLINE... more
The operational capacity of a duplex RT-PCR method for simultaneous detection of Prune dwarf virus (PDV) and Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) has been established by nine European laboratories. A total of 576 samples from Prunus... more
The current paper deals with the relation between language resources and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems: language resources are essential in the development of CALL applications, during the development of the system... more
Current screening instruments for eating disorders are cumbersome to administer and have not been validated in primary care populations. We compared the performance characteristics of 2 screening tools, the SCOFF clinical prediction... more
A search for new supernova remnants (SNRs) has been conducted using TeV γ-ray data from the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey. As an identification criterion, shell morphologies that are characteristic for known resolved TeV SNRs have been... more
The routine technique for detecting antibodies specific to infectious bursal disease virus is a serological evaluation by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with preparations of whole virions as antigens. To avoid the use of... more
Large speech corpora (LSC) constitute an indispensable resource for conducting research in speech processing and for developing real-life speech applications. In 2004 the Spoken Dutch Corpus (CGN) became available, a corpus of standard... more
View of the Cassegrain focus of VISTA housing the VIRCAM camera. VIRCAM consists of 16 2048 square Raytheon VIRGO HgCdTe 0.84-2.5 μm detectors covering a field of 45 × 45 arcminutes (with inter-detector gaps). This image shows Paranal... more
We present preliminary source counts at 6.7 and 15 mm from the preliminary analysis of the European Large Area ISO Survey, with limiting flux densities of ,2 mJy at 15 mm and ,1 mJy at 6.7 mm. We separate the stellar contribution from the... more
Background We aimed to compare the clinical judgments of a reference panel of emergency medicine academic physicians against evidence-based likelihood ratios (LRs) regarding the diagnostic value of selected clinical and paraclinical... more
According to current guidelines all patients with diabetes mellitus should undergo a complete examination of the foot at least once a year [1,2]. For patients older than 50 years, screening for peripheral arterial disease should be... more
To assess the performance of vital status determination by record linkage between a hospital database and the French national mortality database with anonymised data in order to adhere to French legislation. Hospital database of the... more
The aims of this study were to determine the diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility of the laser fluorescence device (LF), and the relationship between laser fluorescence readings taken at the entrance of the fissure, ICDAS visual... more
The genetic relatedness between pairs of trees was analyzed in an adult stand of maritime pine with abundant advanced natural regeneration using three highly polymorphic microsatellites (EP > 90%). Only five possible self-pollinated... more
The genetic relatedness between pairs of trees was analyzed in an adult stand of maritime pine with abundant advanced natural regeneration using three highly polymorphic microsatellites (EP > 90%). Only five possible self-pollinated... more
Background: Fitness traits include measures of reproductive efficiency of sheep. The improvement in reproductive efficiency has significant impact on overall economy of sheep. Methods: Data spanning over 21 years (1997-2017) were... more
Background: Physical activity may be an effective way of preventing or attenuating menopause-related symptoms, and it has been shown to improve quality of life in menopausal women. However, there have been some inconsistencies regarding... more
We aimed to investigate the role of hypoxia-ischemia in the pathophysiology of early NEC/NEC like disease (ENEC) and classic NEC/NEC like disease (CNEC) in preterm infants. In this pilot study, preterm infants who developed the clinical... more
To determine the ranges of pre-test probability (PTP) of coronary artery disease (CAD) in which stress electrocardiogram (ECG), stress echocardiography, coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), single-photon emission computed... more
This study aimed to analyze the impact of the amount of data on the discriminatory performance of acoustic-phonetic parameters, some of which are frequently assessed in forensic speaker comparisons. Parameters from three distinct phonetic... more
This pilot study set out to assess the speaker discriminatory power asymmetry regarding parameters from different phonetic dimensions in spontaneous speech, i.e., spectral, melodic, and temporal. The speech material consisted of... more
This study aimed to assess what we refer to as the speaker discriminatory power asymmetry and its forensic implications in comparisons performed in different speaking styles: spontaneous dialogues vs. interviews. We also addressed the... more
The purpose of this study was to explore the speaker-discriminatory potential of vowel formant mean frequencies in comparisons of identical twin pairs and non-genetically related speakers. The influences of lexical stress and the vowels'... more