Managing Information Technology (IT) investments continues to be a challenge for firms due to the difficulty associated with demonstrating IT contributions to organisational performance. Many IT contributions are not accounted for because... more
The statistical method has been taken to examine the use of Internet services and resources and its impact among faculty members of Physical Education and Sports Science in nine university of Tamilnadu. In this study, 207 questionnaires... more
This study analyses the challenges for the commercialization of university research for agricultural based invention. It aims at promoting the commercialization of agricultural based research to compete with the existing inventions. From... more
The specification of a policy is performed in a policy language, usually following a textual representation. However, humans process images faster than text and they are prepared to process information presented in two or more dimensions:... more
Penglibatan dan pilihan dalam keusahawanan oleh ahli akademik amat jarang dilihat dari perspektif ahli akademik ataupun keupayaan individu akademik itu sendiri. Malah, pihak universiti amat kekurangan budaya pengkomersialan yang efektif.... more
1. Introduction The banking sector in Serbia faces unprecedented challenges imposed by the fourth industrial revolution, strong competition, frequent structural, regulatory and technological developments, economic crisis and iterative... more
The prevalence of cloud computing and contents delivery networking has led to demand for OpenFlowbased centrally-managed networks with dynamic and flexible traffic engineering. Maintaining a high level of network service quality requires... more
Software Defined Networking (SDN) has attracted tremendous interest in the telecommunication industry due to its ability to abstract, manage and dynamically re-configure endto-end networks from a centralized controller. Though SDN is... more
IPv6 adoption continues to grow, making up more than 40% of client traffic to Google globally. While the ubiquity of the IPv4 address space makes it comparably easier to understand, the vast and less studied IPv6 address space motivates a... more
La recalibración de la teoría arquitectónica de los años 80 dio lugar a una posición inferior para el discurso del diseño arquitectónico. Desde entonces, la legitimidad de decisiones en el diseño han sido sagazmente sorteadas por un marco... more
In line with accepted decision making theory, individuals engage in rational decision making. Decisions made under conditions of bounded rationality may have serious adverse consequences. Employees making decisions on behalf of their... more
Standardized tools for valuation of agricultural technologies developed in National Agricultural Research System of India are featured in this study with a generalised framework. A valuation pyramid with several levels of qualitative and... more
O artigo estuda a Região do Triângulo da Pesquisa (RTR), uma área de desenvolvimento econômico no estado da Carolina do Norte, EUA. O RTR compreende dois parques tecnológicos principais: o Research Triangle Park e o Centennial Campus da... more
Smart State is a Queensland Government initiative that recognises the central role of knowledge-based economic growth. In this context, the management of intellectual property (IP) within Queensland and Australian government research and... more
In this paper we present a policy-based architecture for aggregating (grooming) IP/MPLS flows (packet-based LSPs) within lightpaths taking into account the possibility of having to cope with further transport faults. The defined policies... more
The study presents the findings on the Influence of entrepreneurial education on adult learners’ motives for creativity and intention in Tanzania. Using a case study research design of the Institute of Adult Education (IAE), the study... more
MP-TCP (MultiPath-Transmission Control Protocol) is a network protocol that uses subflows for allowing the existence of disjoint paths and increases the overall throughput with respect to employing a common TCP connection. The idea of... more
Smart State is a Queensland Government initiative that recognises the central role of knowledge-based economic growth. In this context, the management of intellectual property (IP) within Queensland and Australian government research and... more
iv List of tables x List of figures xi List of acronyms and abbreviations xii CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 1 1.
The objective of this paper is to assess the level of efficiency of local government in Malaysia. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA), the research provides evidence on the efficiency of Malaysian local governments in terms of technical... more
Evolution is the essence of impact left behind by every being, every technology. We have well seen the advancements in the field of Computer Network i.e. from a simple Telegraph invented in 18th Century to 5G Communication on the verge of... more
There is currently no standard or requiremen t guiding the approaches taken by the European Union (EU) Public Sector internal audit. Therefore, the approaches taken by each country, although having some similarities are different. The aim... more
3D printing (3DP) has high transformative potential as it is not only distinctive from other existing manufacturing techniques but also presents several previously unimaginable advantages. Its digital nature coupled with the availability... more
NBTI (Negative Bias Temperature Instability) has emerged as the dominant PMOS device failure mechanism for sub-100nm VLSI designs. There is little research to quantify its impact on skew of clock trees. This paper demonstrates a... more
The eHealth technology will change the way the health system is handled, mainly in developing countries, such as Brazil, where there is a huge shortage of healthcare professionals to assist the patients, especially for those living in... more
Instead of performing traditional roles and responsibilities, academicians are encouraged to be involved in commercialisation activities. The commercialisation of university research findings contribute to income generation and introduce... more
The development of smartphones and mobile internet technologies has promoted the development of mobile payments worldwide. The core purpose of this study is to ascertain what the main factors are which affect Dutch customers’ adoption and... more
The prevalence of cloud computing and contents delivery networking has led to demand for OpenFlowbased centrally-managed networks with dynamic and flexible traffic engineering. Maintaining a high level of network service quality requires... more
This paper reports an investigation of governance issues in Italian academic spin-offs that arise from the need to balance the powers of two categories of partner: academic inventors and external investors (such as established companies... more
Risk allocation (RA) in PFI infrastructures resides in a complex milieu. Tackling this issue from both theoretical and practical perspectives is important in order to understand its complexities. It is claimed that PFI deals can result in... more
SystemC is a discrete event simulator that enables the programmer to model complex designs with varying levels of abstraction. In order to improve precision, it can be coupled to more specialized simulators. This article introduces the... more
NBTI (Negative Bias Temperature Instability) has emerged as the dominant PMOS device failure mechanism for sub-100nm VLSI designs. There is little research to quantify its impact on skew of clock trees. This paper demonstrates a... more
The experience economy has taken popular culture and has injected it into every aspect of our lives. We translate movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of entertainment into our daily activities in the form of fan fiction,... more
Resources, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Canada. Our journals have been used to support the Academically Qualified (AQ) faculty classification by all recognized business school accrediting bodies.
The main purpose of this final degree project was to continue, improve, expand and finish the development of a Software Defined Networking (SDN) based Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) solution demo under the Connectivity management... more
The significance of university research had been obtaining a new concentration during the past few decades particularly, regarding their capacity to generate innovation and start-up companies. Universities are not only responsible for... more
$EVWUDFW The loss of an employee-voluntarily or involuntarily-represents a great risk of losing information and know how as well as breaks the natural knowledge flow. We developed the Knowledge Transfer Meeting Methodology in order to... more
This paper aims to explore to what extent university’s role in providing supportive infrastructure contributes to venture creation. Specifically, best practices in stimulating technology-based start-ups have not been widely discussed in... more
SystemC is a discrete event simulator that enables the programmer to model complex designs with varying levels of abstraction. In order to improve precision, it can be coupled to more specialized simulators. This article introduces the... more
The perspective of this paper is that variation in commercially successful radical product/process innovations among science-based industrial sectors can be explored by focusing on idea innovation networks. Idea innovation networks have... more
Technological factor is mainly underestimated in the literature on institutions and organizations. Although organizational studies and information technology are disciplines dedicated respectively to studying socio-political and technical... more
The aim of this study was to improve the commercialization level in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). For achieving this goal various factors and issues were examined to identify how they affect the procedure of university... more
Clock gating has emerged as an effective low power technique these days. Various researches are being made in the optimization of this technique. While clock gating finds its applications in the clock tree synthesis, it's crucial that... more