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This chapter reports on an ethnographic case study of how a group of elementary school teachers designed technology enhanced learning with mobile technology (e.g., notebooks, tablet computers and mobile phones) to facilitate students’... more
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      Design thinkingICT integrationConversational Framework
This short Country Report, a result of a larger infoDev-supported Survey of ICT in Education in Africa, provides a general overview of current activities and issues related to ICT use in education in the country. The data presented here... more
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      ICTTeacher DevelopmentSchoolsICT integration
Global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools have been initiated by many governments. Despite all these investments on ICT infrastructure, equipments and professional development to improve education in many... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyInformation and Communication TechnologiesICT adoption
This paper is part of research on ICT integration and its contribution to the teaching of English in Kisumu County Kenya. ICT integration just like other innovations goes through stages as it develops to efficacy. ICT integration program... more
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      ICT integrationICT in teaching and learning English language
In this paper, the author explains how activity theory is used as a framework to study the information and communication technologies (ICT) integration processes in Singapore schools, both from the sociocultural and pedagogical... more
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      Activity TheoryICT in education, assessment, 21st century skills, pedagogy and innovationICT integrationSingapore Schools
ICT in Thai education as a facilitator is well documented. However, the incorporation of the developing ICT trends for advancement in the basic education establishment in Thailand has been slow. The objective of this study is to present a... more
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      ThailandICTICT integration
This study determined resiliency in the new normal of the teachers in the senior years, for S.Y 2020-2021. The participants of the study were 10 senior citizen teachers of Matnog, Sorsogon. Descriptive qualitative method was utilized as... more
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      PhilippinesThoughtful integration of ICTs in teachingICT integration in teaching and learingBarriers for Ict Integration
This quantitative study examines the training of student teachers for ICT-based teaching in two teacher education institution, in Israel and Finland. The data was collected in 2015-2017 using a questionnaire administered to 41 Finnish and... more
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      Teacher EducationSecond Language Teacher EducationMotivation Of Student TeachersSpecial Education Teacher Education
Global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools have been initiated by many governments. Despite all these investments on ICT infrastructure, equipments and professional development to improve education in many... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyEducational TechnologyInformation and Communication Technologies
This study reviewed qualitative studies that focused on strategies to prepare pre-service teachers to integrate technology into their lessons. A meta-ethnography approach was utilized to locate, critically appraise, and synthesize the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTechnologyNew Media
This paper discusses the findings of two case studies (two primary schools in Singapore), which are part of a larger research study, that aims to examine and analyze where and how information and communication technologies (ICT) are... more
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      Learner AutonomyCultural Historical Activity TheoryICT integrationSingapore Schools
Technology leadership is a fairly new concept in school leadership focus. It has become a concern for study in recent times, in tandem with the pedagogical change of integrating ICT in teaching and learning especially in the developed... more
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      Capacity BuildingThoughtful integration of ICTs in teachingICT integration in teaching and learingICT integration in education
This study presents a framework showing how to design an implementation process to provide an effective ICT integration in learning and teaching. The framework consists of seven components which include “description of the current... more
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      DesignTeacherICT integration
It is asserted that providing teachers with environments where they can use ICT for educational purposes is an important step for the integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments (Gill and Dalgarno, 2008; Dawson, Forster, and... more
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      ElggNetworked LearningICT integrationSocial Network Applications
This study reviewed qualitative studies that focused on strategies to prepare pre-service teachers to integrate technology into their lessons. A meta-ethnography approach was utilized to locate, critically appraise, and synthesize the... more
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      Teacher EducationICT integration
This paper is based on a study carried out in selected secondary schools in Kenya. The research examines teachers’ professional development needs in Kenya with a specific focus on the teachers’ needs towards professional development in... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationDidactics
Los bajos resultados de los estudiantes de educación básica en Lenguaje en las pruebas nacionales e internacionales, sus consecuencias negativas en la movilidad y permanencia en la educación superior y en el desarrollo socioeconómico... more
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      ICTReading ComprehensionLearning environmentsTIC
Over the last two decades, the rapid growth of ICT has become one of the most important topics discussed by the scholars in education. This is due to the capability of ICT in providing a dynamic and proactive teaching and learning... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationICT integrationTeaching and Learning Process
The purpose of this study is to determine the educational needs of the faculty members of the School for the Handicapped (SfH)- the only school in Turkey pursuing vocational higher education to the hearing-impaired students- regarding the... more
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      Professional DevelopmentICT integrationFaculty MemberICT Integration
The importance of ICTs has become the undisputed in the present century. Studies have been conducted to investigate the use of ICTs with the goal of increase in quality of teacher education for a long time. This study is a... more
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      Teacher EducationICT UsagePre-service teachersICT integration
The purpose of this study is to determine the educational needs of the faculty members of the School for the Handicapped (SfH)- the only school in Turkey pursuing vocational higher education to the hearing-impaired students- regarding the... more
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      Professional DevelopmentICT integrationFaculty MemberICT Integration
In this dissertation I take a look behind the scenes of the eLearning Programme and eLearning actions under other European programmes by developing a more in-depth understanding of their national agents, the academics at universities in... more
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      European UnionICT integrationEuropean Union Higher Education
Integrating ICT in the teaching of English as a foreign language is nothing new. ICT integration through Web 2.0, particularly the application of YouTube, is beneficial to ease the implementation process through an E-learning platform.... more
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      YoutubeICT integrationICT in teaching and learning English languageOnline English Learning
Literacy is the ability to read and write. It is an integral part of the curriculum linked to the extent to which learners can carry out the literacy acts of reading and writing. The key to literacy is reading development. Thus, teaching... more
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      LiteracyIntellectual DisabilityAdaptive behaviorICT integration
The work presented here focuses on the general theme of teacher training dedicated to ICT integration. We consider like Ruthven (2008) that questioning ICT integration requires to take into account more general resources sets, with a... more
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      Communities of practiceProfessional DevelopmentICT integrationSecondary School Teachers
The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of school management teams (principals and departmental heads) on information and communication technology (ICT) integration in the township and rural secondary schools. The... more
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      Teaching and LearningICT integrationPrincipalICT Integration
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      Capacity BuildingThoughtful integration of ICTs in teachingICT integration in teaching and learingICT integration in education
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      Capacity BuildingThoughtful integration of ICTs in teachingICT integration in teaching and learingICT integration in education
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      AgeICT integration in teaching and learingICT integrationICT Integration
The objective of this study is to find out teachers’ views on the integration of ICT into their courses and on the perceived obstacles to this integration. A questionnaire was administered to 575 teachers working in primary schools in... more
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      ICT integration in teaching and learingICT integration