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The Sinclair ZX Spectrum was one of the most popular home computers in British history, selling over five million units in its 1980s heyday. Amongst the thousands of games released for the Spectrum during its lifetime, the text adventure... more
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      Digital HumanitiesVirtual WorldsHypertext FictionHistory of Computer Software
Historically-Fictional Novel related to one's new interpretation of an ancient scroll  & palimpsest - pseudo-document and it's hyperreal effects, hypertext.
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      Comparative ReligionGerman RomanticismRoland BarthesHypertext theory
The similarities between Noah's ark and the saving boat in Mesopotamian flood accounts are widely known. Likewise known are the links between Noah's ark and the chest of Moses (Exod 2:3). However, the connections between the "chest" of... more
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      Book of GenesisPentateuchal TheoryDeuteronomyTorah/Pentateuch
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityRereading and IntertextualityHypertext theory
The development of the use of computers and software in art from the Fifties to the present is explained. As general aspects of the history of computer art an interface model and three dominant modes to use computational processes... more
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      Visual MusicNew Media ArtsComputer AnimationComputer Arts
Update: Puede consultar la tesis completa a través de mi perfil. "La literatura digital es un fenómeno literario reciente cuyo desarrollo se relaciona estrechamente con la evolución de los computadores personales iniciada en 1970. Se... more
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      ColombiaDigital LiteratureElectronic LiteratureDigital Poetics
"Hypertext, considered the third dimension of language (M. Bernard) uses as the fundamental concept the hyperlink (link), which is its engine. Without hyperlinks in the text area of Internet the users of electronic texts would be as if... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyDigital HumanitiesInternet Studies
Gli ipermedia sono sistemi complessi di testi interrelati, che offrono a chi li naviga la possibilità di procedere autonomamente nella fruizione delle informazioni, di integrare i dati testuali con numerosi altri media, e di interagire... more
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      Hypertext theoryHypertext FictionHypertext Literature
Adjunto el primer capítulo de mi libro Érase unas veces: filiaciones narrativas en el arte digital (UOC Press, 2015). “Érase una vez” ha sido la fórmula tradicional para contar una historia desde el principio de los tiempos. Pero, ¿qué... more
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      Human Computer InteractionCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Advantages of hypertext (i.e. online communication) are the following: significant increase of information size, growth of public informing level, interrelating data (by means of links), free access to various information sources , any... more
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      Hypertext theoryText - Context - HypertextHypertext LiteratureDigital literacy, Hypertext reading, Online Learning
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      SemioticsHypertext FictionHypertext Literature
A kísérleti irodalom bemutatása: megzabolázott irodalom (constrained writing), nem-lineáris irodalom, hypertext
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      Hypertext LiteratureIrodalomtudományIrodalomelméletMagyar nyelv és irodalom
This monograph demonstrates that the book of Genesis is a result of highly creative, hypertextual reworking of the book of Deuteronomy. This detailed reworking consists of around 1,000 strictly sequentially organized conceptual, and at... more
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      Biblical StudiesHypertext theoryBook of GenesisPentateuchal Theory
BRIEF of my book: < Moira's Controversy - Winged Goddess in the time before Creation > ; author: Katarina Ristich Aglaja (Katarina Ristić Aglaja)
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      Comparative ReligionQuantum PhysicsComparative LiteratureGerman Romanticism
Electronic literature as a literary genre in the digital medium employs elements of interactivity to involve the reader in the narrative. In this way, electronic narratives exhibit an explicit correspondence to reader response theory with... more
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      English LiteratureReception TheoryLiterary CriticismElectronic Literature
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie stanu badań nad literaturą elektroniczną w Polsce. Wprowadzeniem do rozważań jest przedstawienie różnych zjawisk w literaturze na początku XXI wieku, które były efektem splotu literatury i nowych... more
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      New MediaResearch MethodologyElectronic LiteratureDigital Media And New Literacies
Drawing upon the critical views of hypertext theory, this paper seeks to investigate the genre of hypertext fiction, analyzing some of its aspects, especially the domination of narrative nonlinearity and the birth of the wreader. The... more
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      Digital LiteratureLiterary TheoryScience FictionContemporary Fiction
Drawing upon the critical views of hypertext theory, this paper seeks to investigate the genre of hypertext fiction, analyzing some of its aspects, especially the domination of narrative nonlinearity and the birth of the wreader. The... more
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      Digital LiteratureLiterary TheoryScience FictionContemporary Fiction
The allusion to Aristophanes' Birds plays an important role in the intertextual-illustrative rhetoric of the Lucan parable of the unjust steward (Lk 16:1-8). People generally assume that good legal systems promote moral honesty and legal... more
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      Jewish LawAristophanesIntertextualityRereading and Intertextuality
This monograph demonstrates that the books of Exodus–Numbers, taken together, are the result of one, highly creative, hypertextual reworking of the book of Deuteronomy. This detailed reworking consists of around 1,200 strictly... more
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      Biblical StudiesHypertext theoryPentateuchal TheoryDeuteronomy
Le Wikitractatus est un traité philosophico-poétique dont vous êtes le héros. Une mise en abyme de la connaissance-réseau. Un livre-processus. Il se construit par le parcours du lecteur. Ce dernier chemine au gré des envies et des... more
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      PhilosophyDigital HumanitiesDigital LiteratureElectronic Literature
Chacun sait qu’en termes d’hypertextualité, les textes seconds augmentent, et modifient notre réception de l’hypotexte. Les mentions, reprises, citations de ses livres les plus connus (Locus Solus ou Impressions d’Afrique), les allusions... more
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      Contemporary ArtOulipoContemporary French LiteratureGeorges Perec
Rapida esplorazione delle Lezioni Americane di Italo Calvino (1995) alla ricerca di spunti su possibili metamorfosi della scrittura e della letteratura nell'orizzonte newmediale.
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      New MediaDigital MediaLiterary TheoryItalo Calvino
This paper summarizes the novel literary concepts that has risen with technology and outlines the basic principles that construct the core of interactive narratives, cybertexts and hypertexts. It is aimed to determine the factors that... more
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      Interactive NarrativeHypertext theoryCybertextualityHypertext Literature
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      Second Language AcquisitionHypertext theoryHypertext Literature
With regard to (digital) hypertext as a medially determined literary 'genre', or 'hypertext proper', which forms the focus of this study, let us continue with an investigation of the actual technological concept of hypertext, which, after... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMultimediaDigital LiteratureDigital Culture
This was supposed to be an open issue. However, as the essays poured in and the responses to the important work done in 8.1 grew, the issue galvanized around a few, key, central ideas. Graham and Joe write presciently, on the eve of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesMusic
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      Electronic LiteratureHypertext theoryHypertext FictionCybertextuality
The book demonstrates that the books of Samuel–Kings, taken together, are a result of one, highly creative, hypertextual reworking of the book of Deuteronomy. This detailed reworking consists of almost 2000 strictly sequentially... more
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      Biblical StudiesDeuteronomistic HistoryBooks of SamuelDeuteronomy
This paper scrutinizes how Roland Barthes' notion of Text can be reinterpreted in the Internet era. Barthes' " From Work to Text " is the main theoretical piece on which the article's theoretical framework is grounded. Geoff Ryman's 253:... more
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      New MediaRoland BarthesIntertextualityNew Media Art & Emerging Practices
Milorad Pavic’s Dictionary of the Khazars is heavily saturated by the concept of dreams, thematically, stylistically, ontologically and structurally alike. The novel is allegedly based upon a series of fictional writings that deal with... more
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      PostmodernismExperimental LiteratureDreamsHypertext Fiction
This article considers arguments on the book as a structuring paradigm for thought and how the rise of digital technologies shift the structure of thought away from that of the print codex. Rather than making evaluative judgments on this... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookDigital LiteratureElectronic Literature
Beat Signer is Professor of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and co-director of the Web & Information Systems Engineering (WISE) research lab. He received a PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich where he has also... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformatics
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      Electronic LiteratureHypertext theoryHypertext FictionHypertext Literature
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      Digital MediaDigital LiteratureElectronic LiteratureHypertext theory
Novel about Ancient Scroll - Hypertext - Historical Fiction - Sense of Pseudo-Text or Palimpsest .
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      Ancient myth and religionPlato and PlatonismPalimpsestsHypertext Fiction
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      Languages and LinguisticsStylisticsHypertext theoryHypertext Literature
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      LiteracyChildren's Literature & CultureReading ComprehensionHypertext Literature
Poète, philosophe, philologue, Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) est l’un des plus grands auteurs de la littérature italienne. Si l’on devait lui attribuer un seul emblème, la lune ferait certainement l’unanimité, tant sa poétique est... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian LiteratureIntertextuality
... Perhaps more than that the Vyasas are the memes who have kept the epics pan Indian (sub ... writing this series of poems, I have been concerned as much with researching lesbian culture, finding the ... lesbians of loose women of... more
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      Contemporary PoetryHypertext LiteratureDigital PoetryLesbian Culture
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      EkphrasisHypertext LiteratureJean LorrainEdward Burne-Jones
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      Digital HumanitiesMachine LearningDigital MediaDigital Literature
This innovative monograph focuses on a contemporary form of computer-based literature called 'literary hypertext', a digital, interactive, communicative form of new media writing. "Canonizing Hypertext" combines theoretical and... more
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      MultimediaLiterary CanonElectronic LiteratureHypertext theory
Mortara: a proposal for a new literary sub-genre base on hypertext and electronic literature. By Juan Pablo Plata. Text which summarizes an investigation on hypertext literature, genres and some works of Enrique Vila-Matas . The text... more
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      LiteratureElectronic LiteratureHypertext theoryHypertext Fiction
This is a second poetry collection of Prof. Dr. Paul Ade Silva, who currently teaches English New Media at Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey. Amongst Paul's contemporaries with whom he has performed or read his poems or interviewed... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostmodernismHypertext LiteratureDigital Poetry
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      Comparative LiteratureAdaptationElectronic LiteratureAdaptation (Literature)
Mixed genre : Essay or Fictional Prose of New Symbolism. Main Topic: Reforms of the Heaven by Aphrodite Urania. The text tells about the conflict between ancient mythic throne and crowd. The Boat-of-Idea of Equality has to pass through... more
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      Alternative EducationHypertext theoryAfterlife studiesVirtual Worlds
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      Hypertext LiteratureHypertextuality