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In March 2019, we published an analysis entitled Hypersonic Missiles – a Political Multipurpose Weapon. It was aimed at evaluating political and strategic dimensions of the development of hypersonic weapons against the... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityRocket and Missile TechnologiesHypersonics
1.1 Hypersonic missiles are a new type of missile which possesses speed and manoeuvring capabilities that make them a game-changer in nuclear (and conventional) interstate competition1. They are much faster than existing cruise missiles... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational SecurityMissile defence
Hypersonic weapons have in recent years attracted attention from militaries, governments and, increasingly, multilateral institutions following reports of successful prototype testing. In 2018, the UN Secretary-General highlighted... more
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      HypersonicsWeaponsArms Control and Disarmament
This note presents the results of a shock tunnel study in which skin friction, heat transfer rates and static pressure are measured in hypervelocity turbulent boundary layers. The experiments are conducted at Mach numbers ranging from 4.2... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringHeat TransferAerospace
The HyShot 2 flight in 2002 pioneered a low cost method of hypersonic testing using sounding rockets. In a further development of this technology, Flight 7 of the HIFiRE Program will deploy a free-flying scramjet powered payload that is... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesAeronautical EngineeringAerodynamics
Hypersonic technology is expected to revolutionise the way countries throughout the world can counter ballistic and nuclear attacks. With these technologies arises a new kind of arms race, putting today's global balance of power at... more
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      War StudiesEuropean Security and Defence PolicyRocket and Missile TechnologiesHypersonics
The object of this study is to canvas the literature for the purpose of identifying and compiling a list of Gaps, Obstacles, and Technological Challenges in Hypersonic Applications (GOTCHA). The significance of GOTCHA related deficiencies... more
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      HypersonicsHypersonic Flow AnalysisHypersonic AerothermodynamicsHypersonic Air-breathing Propulsion
In this thesis, an extensive study and analyze is performed to understand turbine based combined cycle engines as a propulsion system for hypersonic aircrafts. Thermal cycle was discussed and analyzed to fit the needs of HYCAT-1A a civil... more
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      PropulsionHypersonicsAEROSPACE PROPULSIONHypersonic Air-breathing Propulsion
The object of this study is to canvas the literature for the purpose of identifying and compiling a list of Gaps, Obstacles, and Technological Challenges in Hypersonic Applications (GOTCHA). The significance of GOTCHA related deficiencies... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringHigh Speed AerodynamicsFluid DynamicsHypersonics
After over 50 years of spaceflight, the calculation of the necessary margin on the thermal protection system of an entering spacecraft remains a largely ad-hoc (in a tactical sense) process governed by engineering judgment. Over the past... more
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      Uncertainty QuantificationHypersonicsSpace Mission Analysis & DesignThermal Protection Systems
The nature of conflict has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Conflicts between States have become the exception rather than the rule. On the other hand, we increasingly witness acute crises and hybrid conflict characterized... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInternational RelationsTechnologyPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Aerospace EngineeringHypersonics
A shock tunnel investigation of a scramjet with a rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition (REST) inlet and an elliptical combustor has been conducted at conditions simulating flight at Mach 8.7. The inlet was designed using a... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringAerospaceRocket and Missile Technologies
Hypersonic waverider configurations are promising candidates for future space and defence applications as they meet the stringent demands of aerodynamic efficiency at high Mach numbers. An attempt has been made here to study the high... more
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      HypersonicsCFD Analysis
This is a patent application document for my ground to hypersonic Turbine-Ramjet-Scramjet integrated engine (TRS engine) system. The TRS Engine works by applying variable volume combustion chambers and hydraulic based systems to allow for... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringAeronautical Engineering
The supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine proposed by F.S.Billig in 1964 has been perceived as the most hopeful air breathing propulsion system for the hypersonic flight. The nozzle plays a vital role in accelerating heated air... more
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      HypersonicsArtificial Neural NetworksScramjetsAsymmetric Two Dimensional Nozzle
Waverider is a lifting body tailored to create high lift to drag ratio in high speed flow. Present work includes optimization of power law derived waverider using TLBO for a design altitude of 30km at zero design angle of attack and for a... more
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      HypersonicsTeaching-Learning Based Optimization (TLBO)
Hypersonic weapons and directed-energy weapons systems have been the center of attention for defense analysts for quite some time now, however, since 2020 major powers have made significant progress in developing hypersonic and... more
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It can be argued that at the heart of functional hypersonic vehicle is its engine. Key to a functionally efficient scramjet engine lies in the design of its flow-path. The flow-path is made up of the following sections: (1) the forebody... more
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      HypersonicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationScramjetsHypersonic Air-breathing Propulsion
A = decomposing rate coefficient, 1∕s B 0 = normalized ablation rate, _ m c ∕ρ e U e C H C p = specific heat, J∕kg ⋅ K E = activation energy, J∕mol h = enthalpy, J∕kg h = mass weighted averages of the material enthalpy, J∕kg _ m g =... more
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      Thermal EngineeringAerodynamicsPyrolysisHypersonics
Sparta is a three-dimensional finite volume compressible Java based flow solver on multiple block structured grids. The flow solver is graphical user interface driven and platform independent as well. Finite-rate reaction kinetics,... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsComputational Fluid MechanicsFluid DynamicsDatabases
Hypersonic weapons are becoming a reality with the deployment of Avangard glide vehicle by Russia and the successful testing of such weapons by China and the US. Built to overcome ballistic missile defenses, these weapons are often touted... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Strategic StudiesMilitary and PoliticsHypersonics
Radio blackout is commonly associated with interference from plasma created around high-speed aerospace and re-entry vehicles. Alternative communication means, including lasers at optical frequencies, has emerged as promising counter to... more
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      Optical EngineeringCommunicationLaserHigh Speed Aerodynamics
UNSW Canberra has been running experiments to measure the aerodynamics coefficients and the external flow fields on free-flight models of high speed aerial vehicles in ground-based test facilities. It is found that the dynamic behaviour... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringWind tunnel testingHypersonics
Optimizing the propulsion system for a hypersonic aircraft is examined. A combined cycle engine is selected; where the thrust is to be delivered by a turbine based combined cycle engine (TBCC).The engine cycle is analyzed and optimized to... more
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      HypersonicsHypersonic Air-breathing PropulsionHypersonic Flight
A report of the M12REST scramjet ground test program at ‘on - design’ test conditions, conducted from January 1 st to June 24 th , 2009 in the T4 Shock Tunnel Facility at the Centre for Hypersonics, The University of Queensland,... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringHigh Speed AerodynamicsRocket Propulsion
A shock tunnel investigation of a scramjet with a rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition (REST) inlet and an elliptical combustor has been conducted at conditions simulating flight at Mach 8.7. The inlet was designed using a... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesAeronautical EngineeringAerodynamics
his dissertation examines the e↵ects of density gradients on turbulent boundary layer statistics and structure using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Two distinct cases were examined: the thermally stable atmospheric surface layer... more
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      TurbulenceHypersonicsAtmospheric Turbulence
This paper describes the most advanced results obtained in the context of fluid dynamic simulations of high–enthalpy flows using detailed state-to-state air kinetics. Thermochemical non-equilibrium, typical of supersonic and hypersonic... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringParallel ComputingGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingHypersonics
Military emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs) have a rapid and major effect on technologies that already exist and disrupt or overturn traditional practices and may revolutionize governmental structures, economies and international... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTechnologyMachine LearningHuman Rights Law
As weapons are getting more sophisticated, researchers are trying to build defense weapon systems that can keep pace with the continuously evolving technology. Just as stealth is changing the nature of warfare today, speed is being seen... more
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      HypersonicsHypersonic Air-breathing Propulsion
Nomenclature m non-dimensional mass injection rate qT, cold total cold-wall heating rate, including both convection and radiation, W/m 2 U∞ free stream velocity, m/s ρ∞ free stream density, kg/m 3 R ratio of radiative heating rate... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpacecraft EngineeringHypersonicsHypersonic Aerothermodynamics
Results from an experimental and numerical study of skin friction levels obtained when hydrogen is injected into turbulent boundary layers are presented. Measurements are reported from experiments in the T4 free-piston reflected shock... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringHeat TransferAerodynamics
Results from an experimental and numerical study of skin friction levels obtained when hydrogen is injected into turbulent boundary layers are presented. Measurements are reported from experiments in the T4 free-piston reflected shock... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamicsHigh Speed AerodynamicsFriction Models
Die Corona Chronik arbeitet das Verhältnis von Corona Lockdowns, Social Media, Klimawandel, Internetsucht, Künstliche Intelligenz, Digitalisierung und Bewegungsmangel auf. Dr. Pawlik folgt in seiner Analyse McLuhan, Heinz von Foerster... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsDigital Media & LearningSocial MediaPublic Health
The effect of varying three-dimensional, cylindrical post-type trip size on the mean and turbulent velocity profiles of a Mach 7.6 turbulent boundary layer is examined using particle image velocimetry. It is shown that the effect of... more
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The mechanism of Tunguska blast is determined as quick destruction of four main fragments of the comet in dense atmosphere. The structure of comet is determined, its substance and final size of each fragment. Detailed explanation of... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringCometsMathematical ModellingHeat and Mass Transfer
The development of high speed aircraft technology requires continuous improvement of the research processes of heat exchange on the surface of the aircraft. In this paper present the methods for calculating the heat transfer coefficients... more
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      HypersonicsTurbulent boundary layer
Heat flux and pressure were measured on the internal walls of a scramjet engine at a hypersonic Mach number of 8 in a shock tunnel. Temperature-time history was recorded on model walls using fast-response thermocouples and the wall heat... more
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    • Hypersonics
Low enthalpy turbulent flows pertaining to 2D scramjet inlets are characterized by strong entropy gradients in the flow field, massive viscous dissipation, complicated shock-shock interactions and shock-wave boundary layer interactions.... more
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      HypersonicsCFD AnalysisScramjets
HIFiRE 7 Flight Test Update 29 April, 2015. Recently, the HIFiRE 7 flight was launched from the western coast of Norway. The HIFiRE 7 payload consisted of two back-to-back three-dimensional scramjet engines set within a trailing... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesAeronautical EngineeringAeronautics and Aerospace Operations
Russia's testing of an SSC-X-9 Skyfall hypersonic weapon has rekindled interest in a largely forgotten Cold War technology: nuclear-powered air power. In this article, Peter Layton looks at the history of US development of nuclear-powered... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringStrategic StudiesManagement of InnovationAeronautics and Aerospace Operations
High-fidelity hypersonic computations have become practical in recent years. Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and high order shock-capturing schemes, such as ENO and WENO, are able to compute high-speed, three-dimensional flow. However,... more
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      HypersonicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
Flight pressure and heat flux data have been compared to angle-of-attack-and yaw-dependent computational-fluid-dynamics results for pressure distribution as well as laminar and turbulent heat-transfer results at three time points in the... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsComputational ModelingFlight Mechanics
A novel method to delay transition in hypervelocity flows in air over slender bodies by injecting CO 2 into the boundary layer is presented. The dominant transition mechanism in hypersonic flow is the inviscid second (Mack) mode, which is... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringTurbulenceAeronautical EngineeringBoundary Layers
The results of a seminal experimental study of the effects of bluntness and swallowing length on transition on an 8-degree cone at zero angle of attack in Mach 6 high Reynolds number flow are analyzed with the STABL computational fluid... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsHypersonics
A high-fidelity simulation of the massively separated shock/transitional boundary layer interaction caused by a 15-degrees axisymmetrical compression ramp is performed at a free stream Mach number of 6 and a transitional Reynolds number.... more
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      HypersonicsShockBoundary Layer
A series of slender-body hypervelocity boundary-layer instability and transition experiments were performed in the Caltech T5 Reflected Shock Tunnel. During this campaign, it became clear that the condition of the T5 shock tube would... more
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      HypersonicsLaminar to Turbulence TransitionsShock Tubes
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringBoundary LayersAerodynamics
SUMMARY Turbulence modeling for high-speed compressible flows is described and discussed. Starting with the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, methods of statistical averaging are described by means of which the Reynolds-averaged... more
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